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Course: Oblivion with a Twist - by Emily DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns them, I´m just playing around, not making ANY money!

Course: Oblivion with a Twist
By Emily

Ensign Harry Kim sat in the captain´s chair in the middle of an empty bridge on the starship Voyager. But it wasn´t the starship Voyager, it was a replica, and so was he. The real Harry Kim was somewhere out there among the distant stars. Harry shook himself out of his reverie, there was no time for sitting around. He wondered how Seven was doing down in engineering. They were fullfilling the captains last wish, they were sending their entire database, personal logs, everything in a beacon so that they wouldn´t be forgotten. It was too late for them but hopefully someone would find the beacon and remember. He was so tired, it would be so nice to close his eyes for just alittle while, but he didn´t want to risk never waking up. But it wasn´t only his body that was tired, his soul hurt, replicas or not the crew of the Voyager had been his friends and he had seen them all die, there were only a handfull of them left and they all knew that their time as well, was running out.
”Engineering to bridge” Seven´s voice came over the comsystem.
”Go ahead Seven” Harry replied, glad to hear her voice, an assurance that he wasn´t alone on the ship.
” We´re ready to launch the beacon”.
”Good work Seven, do it”, Harry said with the biggest smile he could manage. He saw the beacon, a testiment to all their accomplishments, being shot out into space. Now it was done, maybe now he could rest, after all, all they could do now, was wait, he hoped that they wouldn´t have to wait long.


”By the way, you owe me replicator rations”.
”I do not”
” Yes you do”
” What for?”
Chakotay smiled remembering the game of velocity he and the captain had played two days before.
She had suggested they make the game alittle more interesting and so they played for replicator rations, not many but that wasn´t really the point.
He turned and looked at the captain.
”Don´t pretend you don´t remember Kathryn”, he said, ”it was your idea we play for replicator rations, you said you needed them for more coffee.”
” I wasn´t serious” she said, alittle lamely even in her ears.
”It´s not my fault you drink to much coffee” Chakotay said smiling even wider as they entered the turbolift.
”I´ll have you know that if I drank any less you wouldn´t be standing here now”
”Is that so, so where would I be?”
”Floating in space!”
”Really, well maybe coffee isn´t so bad after all.....” he leaned closer to whisper in her ear ”I still want your replicator rations”.
She didn´t have time to answer before the turbolift doors opened and they stepped out onto the bridge.

Chakotay was already sitting when Kathryn got to her chair. She sat down and whispered to him:
” How about a rematch?”
” As tempting as that is I think I´ll settle for the rations”
”Your evil... can´t you take pitty on a poor captain”
Chakotay looked at her seriously and said
” Well...I suppose I could...but this is much more fun”
”Fine” Kathryn said indignantly, ”but don´t blame me when your floating out the airlock”.
”I´ll try not to” Chakotay said, quite pleased with himself.

”Captain I´m picking up an object straight ahead”. The voice came from Harry Kim at his station.
”Can you identify it”
”It´s a beacon, and´s a beacon from our ship, it´s ours!”.
”What!” Chakotay stood up suddenly, ”check to see if all our beacons are in place”.
”Curios”, Tuvok said, ”sensors show that no beacons are missing”.
”Curios indeed”, Kathryn remarked and walked towards the view screen, as if trying to get the answer from staring into space.
”Whatever it is we won´t get answers from here, Paris set an intercept course”.
”Aye Captain”


”Captain, we´re closing in on the beacon”.
”On screen”
”Are there any other ships nearby”, Chakotay asked
”None, we´re alone”.
Kathryn took a step towards the viewscreen. Chakotay followed .
”What do you think”, Kathryn asked him
”Frankly I don´t know what to think, but we do need some answers as to where it came from, and how.
”Agreed, beam the beacon into one of our shuttlebays and start downloading whatever´s on it. Let´s get some answers”.


”Come in”
”Captain”, Chakotay stepped into the ready room, ”you´ll never guess who´s beacon that is”.
”Is that a challenge, I´ll bet you a few replicator rations”, Kathryn said with a smile.
Chakotay laughed and sat down next to her on the sofa, ”As tempting as that offer is I think I´ll spare you this time”.
”So who´s is it”
”It belongs to the U.S.S Voyager....”
”But that´s impossible we´ve checked our storages and all our beacons are accounted for”,
Kathryn exclaimed with a frustrated voice.
”It belongs to another U.S.S Voyager”, Chakotay continued.
”Now you´ve lost me”
”Do you remember one year ago when we were on the Demon planet and the whole crew was copied by bio mimetic beings”.
”´re not saying....are you serious”, Kathryn looked absolutely stunned and if the topic weren´t what it was, Chakotay would have laughed.
”I´m dead serious, the beacon itself is bio mimetic but we were able to download the files before it was destroyed”.
”What kind of files were they”?
”They were logs, all kinds of them, mission logs, personal logs, you name it. If the beacon is any indication than the whole crew and the whole ship itself will have gone back to it´s natural bio mimetic form.”

There was a long silence while they both tried to dijest the information, finally Kathryn spoke,
” But what were they doing here”.
”By the logs we´ve read so far, they appear to have forgotten their true origin, in a sense, they beleived themselves to be the real crew of the U.S.S Voyager, trying to get home...”
”...and when they got this far from the demon planet they started to desolve. You said that some of the logs were personal logs?”
”That´s right”.
” I want them downloaded onto seperate padds and given to the, shall we say counterpart, here on Voyager. Each department head will take care of mission logs and such”.
”I´ll get right on it”.
”I´m sure you can get Neelix to act as mail man, he has experience in that field”, Kathryn said with a faint smile.
Chakotay smiled back and left the ready room.


Captain personal log stardate 52786.3
Neelix has handed out every personal log as well as the mission logs and every department heads logs. I´ve already seen a layout of the other Voyagers enhanced warpdrive and set up a meeting with B´Elanna to hear her opinion on wether it could be installed on our Voyager. I haven´t read my personal logs yet, I don´t suppose I´ll find anything strange. Tom and B´Elanna looked a bit uncomfortable, apparently their ”duplicates” were married, and now the whole ship knows about it and not to mention Ensign Harper having given birth, as far as I know she isn´t even involved with anyone here but I could be wrong.
Chakotay seemed a bit uncomfortable on the bridge earlier today, I wonder if it had to do with the other Chakotay´s personal logs.....


”So Seven, anything interesting in your logs”?, Harry and Seven were sitting in the messhall. ”There was nothing of consequence, and they were not ”my logs”.
”Well they were made by that ships Seven of Nine who carried you memories and your personality”.
”True, but I fail to see the relevance in reading the personal logs of those duplicates”.
”Come on Seven, admit it, it can give you some insigh”......Harry stopped suddenly and smiled broadly, Seven turned around to see what he was looking at, through the door were B´Elanna and Tom.
”Well if it isn´t the happy couple”.
”Oh shut up Starfleet”, B´Elanna said sitting down next to Seven. Tom took the seat next to Harry.
”That´s all we hear around the ship”, Tom said, ”we can barely walk into a room before people start pointing and laughing.”
”Hello all and how are things today”?, Neelix had stepped up and stood standing over them.
”I´m still not talking to you”, B´Elanna said and got up to get a drink
”What´s this about” Tom asked
”I...made a joke about...the situation of the duplicate B´Elanna and....Tom, apparently it wasn´t very funny”.
”What did you do”
”He started singing ”here comes the bride”! That´s what he did. And in front of the entire engineering staff”. B´Elanna said angrily.
” And I thought you didn´t have a sense of humour Neelix”, Harry laughed but stopped short after getting an especially angry look from B´Elanna.
”As much fun this is I have to go, I have a meeting with the captain and commander”, B´Elanna said, not sounding terribly sorry for leaving. She hurried out before anyone said anything.


An hour and a half later B´Elanna and Kathryn exited the breifing room both with smiles on there faces, after analysing and calculating the risks to the enhanced warp drive they had decided to give it a try. Chakotay was keeping a distance behind them, with a neutral look on his face.

Sitting down in her chair Kathryn noticed this and she also knew that it wasn´t that he wasn´t pleased about the ability to enhance the warpdrive, no, she thought, this was something else, and it all started the day Neelix handed out the personal logs from the duplicate Voyager. It wasn´t as if he didn´t talk to her, he just talked to her only when he had to, and only about things related to the ship or crew. She had been sure he would bring up the fact that she owed him rations, but he hadn´t said a word about it, not that she minded keeping the rations, but his behaviour worried her.

”Commander may I have a word with you” she said abruptly standing, she didn´t wait for his reply, instead started walking towards her ready room.
”Aye captain” Chakotay said putting down the padd he had been reading. He knew what she wanted. He had tried to act as if nothing had changed, but something had changed, maybe not to them personally, but still....
”Alright, spill it, what´s going on?”
”What do you mean?”
”You know what I mean Chakotay, you´ve been acting strangely ever since downloading the personal logs from the duplicate Voyager.”
”I admit I´ve been...preoccupied, but it hasn´t interfered with my work”.
”That´s not the point, Chakotay...I want to help”. Kathryn stood from her chair and rounded the desk show that she was standing next to him leaning on her desk. ”I´m not asking as Captain, but as Kathryn, your friend, I can tell that this, whatever it is, is bothering you, I want to help if I can”.
Chakotay smiled alittle, and touched her arm.
”You didn´t read your personal logs did you?”
”You mean from the duplicate Voyager, no, I never got around to it, why?”
”When I read mine I was...surprised by something”. Chakotay couldn´t look at her, instead he looked down finding the carpet extremely interesting.
”Chakotay...., what was it that surprised you?”
Here it goes Chakotay, it´s now or never, just blurt it out ” We, rather the duplicate Chakotay and Kathryn, were....they were engaged to be married.”

They just stood staring at each other, neither knowing what to say.
Engaged to be married! Kathryn´s mind was whirling, of all the things she thought were troubling Chakotay this hadn´t even crossed her mind! She had taken for granted that the duplicate Kathryn and Chakotay had the same kind of relationship as she and Chakotay did. She suddenly felt nauseous and took a step back from Chakotay and tried to think clearly.
Chakotay felt tired, he had told her, now there wasn´t really anything for him to do. He searched her face for clues as to how she felt about it. It was pretty much what he had expected, she was shocked. Well that´s that he thought.
”If that´ll be all I´d like to get back to the bridge” he said hesitantly
Back to the bridge! As if he could think about anything else but this. The thought almost made him laugh outloud.
Kathryn pulled herself together and moved to her previous position behind her desk, resuming the face of the captain.
”Ofcourse commander, dismissed”.
He hesitated for a split second but then just nodded and left.

When he´d left Kathryn collapsed into her chair and sighed loudly.
”Well Kathryn, you wanted to know”, she told herself and stood up again.
”Computer coffee, black” she said walking to the replicator and grabbed the cup as soon as it materialised.
”So.....what now” she asked herself stop talking to yourself, that´s what, an angry voice in her head said.
She went back to her desk and looked in a pile of padds waiting for her to read them. At the bottom of the pile lay the personal logs that had been downloaded from the beacon. She took a deep breath and started to read.

One hour later she knew everything. The other Kathryn Janeway, not knowing she was a duplicate, had spoken of a sudden knowledge of her love for Chakotay. Apparently it hadn´t been a single incident that led her to this knowledge but a growing feeling. It had started after they had left the Demon planet.
This made Kathryn, the real one, think. The duplicate crew had ”inherited” the originals memories and lives. Could it be that the duplicate got those feeling from me? Kathryn thought. ”But I don´t love Chakotay! I care about him yes, but love...”
The duplicate Kathryn hadn´t mentioned these blooming feelings to ´her´ Chakotay, believing that it was dangerous for a captain to get romantically involved with a subordidant. They had started spending more and more time together of duty. And began to discuss reports or crewmembers late into the nights, excuses to spend time with eachother.
Eventually both of them noticed a difference in the other and they revealed their feelings. That was eight months ago.

The last entry Kathryn read was made with all probability not long ago at all. It was Kathryn Janeway´s last entry. ´Her´ Chakotay had died and the real Kathryn got misty eyed when she heard herself speak of the love, guilt and sorrow she felt.

It was well past the end of her duty shift when Kathryn Janeway stepped out of her readyroom. Chakotay wasn´t on the bridge, but then again she wasn´t surprised. His shift had ended as well and she suspected that he was as preoccupied with this as she was.
How did he feel about this, she wondered while journeying in the turbolift. Once, a long time ago, he had confessed to having feelings for her but she had never known how far they went, and that was a long time ago.
´Maybe I should ask him.´ She thought but dismissed the idea immidiately.
She walked through the silent corridors to her quarters. Walking into the room without turning on the lights she walked into her bedroom taking of her clothes on the way. Putting on her dressinggown she walked back into the main room.
Sitting down with a cup of tea she tried to relax with a good book, but her mind kept wandering. ”Hello Kathryn”
Her head turned round abruptly at the noise
”Chakotay! How..when did long have you been here”
”About half an hour”, he said walking slowly towards her, ”I´ve been waiting for you”. He sat down next to her.
Ofcourse he wants to talk, but now!!
”Chakotay...I understand you want to talk about...things...but can it wait, I´d really just like to relax”.
”Kathryn, I didn´t come here to talk” he said and it was impossible to not notice the way his voice became sultry and his body inched itself closer to hers.
”Uhh... you didn´t..well..what...what did you come for” For some reason she was feeling very warm, she wondered if the environmental systems were malfunctioning.
”I came for you” he said and without further ado he pressed his mouth onto hers.
Kathryns head was reeling, she couldn´t believe he was doing this! But a part of her, a not so small part liked what he was doing. His lips felt soft but firm and his hands were equally glorious as they made their way up her arms, travelling across her face and into her hair.
She groaned softly and thought to hell with it and opened her mouth to his and responded readily to his kiss.
She felt him easing her down onto the couch when
*beep* *beep*
The door chimed and Kathryn bolted up from the sofa, very disconcerted and very much alone. What the hell was that she thought, I´ve never dreamt about Chakotay before...Kathryn her mind said sternly alright, not for a VERY long time.
Remebering that the door had brought her out of her dream she walked towards it, hoping that it wasn´t the man in question.

”B´Elanna!, what can I do for you?”
”Oh nothing really Captain, I was just passing by”.
B´Elanna walked Kathryn and let the door slide shut. Kathryn was curious, B´Elanna had never ´just dropped by´ before. There had to be a reason for her visit.
”Would you like something to drink?” She said walking to the replicator
”Thanks, I´ll just have a glass of water”.

When Kathryn had ordered the drinks she walked to the couch and sat down next to B´Elanna.
”Okay, what´s going on?”
”What do you mean captain?”
”Is there something you want to talk about” Kathryn asked thinking that maybe something had happened between her and Tom.
”Actually I was wondering wether you´ve read the personal log of your duplicate”.
B´Elanna saw Kathryn stiffen and momentarily regretted coming but then immediately chided herself.
Kathryn stood up and walked back to the replicator
”Yes, I have read it”, she tried to say with as little emotion as possible, as if saying what the weather was like. ”Why do you ask?”
”Well... as you´ve probably heard the duplicate me and duplicate Tom were...married.”
B´Elanna looked alittle embarrassed and Kathryn had to smile.
”Yes I heard about that” she said sitting down again.
”Well, that´s not the only thing my duplicate had in her personal log.”
”Oh” Kathryn didn´t know what to say, she had an inkling over where this conversation was going and she didn´t like it.
”No, she also mentioned that you, that is the duplicate you, and the duplicate Chakotay were...involved. She talked about how happy she was for the two of you, I mean the two of them. Oh smooth B´Elanna.
Kathryn was feeling uncomfortable again. She hadn´t sorted out her feelings about that, and her dream just before was still fresh in her mind, and was not the thing she wanted on her mind sitting here with B´Elanna.
B´Elanna was on a roll and didn´t want to stop and think about what she was saying.
” Captain, I know how strange it must be to know about the duplicates different relationships to eachother, believe me I know, all Tom and I hear walking down a corridor is that our duplicates were married.”
B´Elanna stopped and breathed out.
Kathryn was sitting looking at her looking slightly surprised, confused and glad.
”Despite all that , I know that the people from the demon planet were made out of us, with our memories, feelings and thoughts. Some things just went alittle faster for them, like relationships. I´ve known Chakotay a long time and I´d say I know him pretty well, and I´d bet anything on that he has the same feelings for you as the duplicate Chakotay did for his Kathryn, maybe he isn´t aware of it in the same way but somewhere those feelings are there. And I don´t think I´d be terribly out of line if I said that at least some of those feelings are requited.”
Kathryn was stunned, she hadn´t known B´Elanna to be that perceptive. She couldn´t lie to herself and say that what B´Elanna had said was probably true.
”B´Elanna....I uh...I really don´t know what to say”.
”You don´t have to say anything, just think about it. There isn´t anyone on this ship who doesn´t want you to be happy, the same goes for Chakotay. And if I learned anything from those logs, it was that you and Chakotay were very happy.”.

With that B´Elanna got up and left.


”So how did it go?” Tom, Harry and Neelix and the Doctor were sitting at a table in the messhall when B´Elanna walked in. ”Okay I think, she defenitely started thinking about what I said, wether she´ll act on it I have no idea. How did it go with Chakotay?” ”About the same”, Harry said. ” He´s still unsure what to do about her though, ultimately she has to act a certain way, or say something before he does.” ”Well, we´ve done what we can, now we just have to wait and see” the Doctor said.


In the middle of the night Chakotay´s chime rang. Not that he was sleeping, he had tried and failed but there was just too much on his mind.
He opened the door and saw his commanding officer standing in her nightgown and robe. ”I´m sorry to bother you so late Chakotay but I thought we should talk. Did I wake you?”
”Not at all Kathryn, please, come in.” He motioned for her to step into his dark quarters.
”Computer lights fifty percent, as a matter of fact I haven´t been able to sleep at all”.
” Join the club”, she said sitting down on his couch and tucking her feat under her.
He stood for a while still alittle surprised by her attitude, clothing and general feel of comfort. ”So”, he said sitting down on the couch facing her, ” what did you want to talk about.”
”I had a rather interesting conversation with B´Elanna earlier, apparently she knew about our..duplicates...relationship.....
Chakotay was grinning
”What´s so funny?”
”I also had a visitor earlier, from Harry. He wanted to convey the crews thoughts about our duplicates relationship.”
”I can´t beleive them, they are ganging up on us! I bet others are involved in this too and they were just chosen to approach us. Strange though, I would have thought B´Elanna would go to you and Harry to me.”
”Maybe they wanted a man to man, woman to woman feel to it”.
Kathryn smiled at this ”maybe. I gues we can assume they said pretty much the same thing although varied.”
They sat looking at eachother for a long time, not really knowing what to say.”
Kathryn laughed ”this is ridiculous we have to be able to talk about it, I mean, it´s not like it´s a big issue or something worth being uncomfortable about...right?”
”Okay” said Kathryn and got up and headed for the door. ”I guess I´ll see you tomorrow then.... as usuall.”
She stopped right before the door slid open and turned around. He walked up to her and they stood closely, almost touching, and looked eachother in the eyes. Her hand went up to touch his arm, as it had so many times without thinking of it, unlike those instances she couldn´t seem to take it away.
”..yes Chakotay...”
”I have something to confess”
Kathryn held her breath for a minute and breathed out the word ”oh”.
”This is a big issue to me, the knowledge that our duplicates were involved got me thinking, they made it work, and since they are us, we can too.”
She was quite, she had stopped breathing long ago. And the lack of oxegyn made her breath out sharply and out of her came a soft sigh.
But still she was quite.
What did this mean, what was he proposing, that they get involved? Did he really want that? what if it didn´t work? All these thoughts and then some were racing through her mind as she continued to look at him.
When she didn´t say anything he carefully cupped her cheek and said” Kathryn, are you still with me?”
The feel of his hand on her cheek filled her with the urge to turn her head and kiss his palm.
”Alright what Kathryn?”
”We have to be perfectly clear where private and proffessionalism starts and ends. We can´t let our personal lives interfere with command decisions.
He looked at her seriously and said” Kathryn, are you sure, as much as I want this I want you to be ready aswell.”
She smiled a brilliant smile and hugged him feircely before letting go she kissed him lightly on the cheek.
”Oh Chakotay, I do want this, I want you”
”Kathryn, my sweet” he said and lowered his lips to hers.
Their first kiss was soft and sweet.
With the passion they had both held back bursting to the surface the kiss soon became intense and demanding. They clung to eachother while their tounges explored the others mouth. Kathryn found herself pushed toward the wall of his quarters with Chakotays body pushing against hers and she revelled in the feel of his body and desperately wanted to feel his skin on hers. She removed her arms which had somehow rapped themselves around him and moved to hastily remove his clothing getting more and more frantic by each passing second.
Stopping his assualt on her thoat he followed her lead and started removing her robe and nightgown.
Since both were dressed lightly for sleep it wasn´t long before they were both naked and rapped in eachother once again. He stroked her face, pulled his fingers through her hair and pressed his pelvis against her stomach so she could feel how hard he was. He bent his head and took one of ther breasts into his mouth and sucked gently tracing his tough all around the aerolas he repeated the same treatment to her other breast before continuing his wet trail down to her stomach. By this time Kathryn was moaning loudly. ”Chakotay” she said and pulled his face up. She bent her head and gave him a searing kiss before dropping to her knees. She carressed his stomach, thighs and buttocks. Her fingers lightly touched him and she felt him gasp and his already large erection jumped at her touch. She smiled up at him before opening her mouth to taste him.
”Kath...ohhhh..” he groaned and reached for her finding her head and held on to it so as not to fall.
She continued her assault, her hands went round to cup his buttocks while her tough licked and sucked him. He couldn´t help but thrust against her as she worked to encompass him. All coherent thought was gone, he had wanted to stop her, knowing he would be a lost cause but he couldn´t move. Right when he thought he would die she stopped. Removing her mouth from him she heard him groan in disapointment. She pulled him down to the floor with her. Coming back to reality abit Chakotay lay down on her and kissed her feeling his own taste on her lips. Wrapping her legs around him she whispered huskily
”fuck me Chakotay, I need you”.
”yesssss” Chakotay hissed and withought further ado he raised to sit on his knees pulling her legs to each side of him and gently nudged at her opening.
”Ohhh Chakotay, don´t tease” she groaned.
He grinned wickedly and moved into her with one fast hard thrust. When he was burried to the hilt in her he stayed there, they both groaned at the feeling. He gently lay back down onto her without seperating himself from her and they kissed tenderly. Soon, Chakotay felt her inner muscles flex around him and her hips thrust up against him. He raised himself from her and started thrusting into her and out of her. They quickly established a fast rythm together, she bucked beneath him sighing his name with each breath clawing his back. They came together soon, his thrusts gained and gained in rythm before stopping completely and he roared a gultural wordless sound and spasmed deep within her. Feeling him come deep inside her set her off and her own juices flowed out of her as she screamed with him.


”Have you seem them today?” B´Elanna asked Harry
”No not yet, why?”
”Something defenitely happened last night, and it was after that you and I had talked to them.”
”Are you sure?”
”They´re on their way here now, you´ll see when they get here”.
With that B´Elanna moved to the engineering consol on the bridge. She didn´t really have to be there but she wouldn´t be able to concentrate in engineering not knowing what the mood was like on the bridge.
Then the turbolift doors swished open and several heads turned in unison to watch the command team walk to their respective seats saying their goodmornings on their way there. Activating the consol situated between their chairs Chakotay whispered to her
”They´re watching us”
”I know” she smiled.
”How do you feel about feeding the wolves?”
She smiled wickedly and stood up.
”Tuvok you have the bridge, the commander and I have to attend to”. With that she turned to Chakotay reached her hand out to him and said ”Commander”.
Chakotay smiled, stood up and took her hand. Together they walked to the turbolift and entered. With all of the eyes on the bridge following them Kathryn brought Chakotays mouth down to hers for a searing kiss just before the doors slid shut. The last thing they heard was B´Elannas triumphant remark
”I knew it!”

The End

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