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A romp on the holodeck - by Emily


by Emily September 2001

Warning: No plot and no character development. Basically just an excuse to get them to do it ;-)

MINORS GO AWAY, I’M NOT KIDDING. Those of you who don’t want to read about our favourite couple making love, leave now! Those of you who do, ENJOY!!

”Oh this is boring!” Kathryn Janeway was thinking as she politely smiled at a poor crewmember who was, luckily, unaware that he was boring his captain to tears. Actually, he wasn’t boring per se, she thought. It was the whole setting. She enjoyed spending time with her crew, really she did, but not like this. Neelix had, once again, stumbled upon a holiday no one had heard of and, being the person he was, he immediately asked permission to throw a party in honour of it. What was she supposed to say, that his parties were always horrible for her. No, she couldn’t say that. So she granted his request and took some comfort in the fact that as her first officer, Chakotay would be there to suffer with her.

The crewmember had finally stopped talking and she excused herself and went to the buffet table to get another drink. As she took the first sip she breifly wondered how many she had had, far too many she thought and let an evil small spread on her face. Oh well no problem it was synthehol...she hoped.

Chakotay was at the other end of the room talking to the Doctor. He forced himself not to grin as he watched Kathryn go for yet another drink. He hoped she knew it wasn’t synthehol. He really should tell her...but of course he couldn’t be so rude to the Doctor as to walk away in the middle of the interesting conversation they were having, or at least that’s the excuse he gave himself.

Kathryn walked around the room, smiling slightly to herself. This really isn’t so bad, she thought. She liked to watch her crew like this, safe, happy and having a good time.

Neelix was in his element, revelling in the fact that his party was a success and being able to make his crewmembers happy. He really is a dear, Kathryn thought. Her gaze wandered to the Doctor, he was talking to Chakotay gesticulating wildly, illustrating...something, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what it was either. Her gaze fell on Chakotay, he was smiling politely, just like she had been doing a minute ago. Her eyes wandered across his face and then down lower. He was wearing that shirt, the one that clung slightly to him, she usually didn’t like clothes like that on men but she loved when he wore that shirt. His hands were holding a glass of wine, his big brown hands grasping it firmly, just as he had done with her hands the night before as he had held them over her head as he pushed into her...Where did that thought come from! You may be off duty but now is NOT the time to have erotic fantasies! she scolded herself.

She drew her eyes away from him to have something else to focus on. Her gaze drifted from one crewmember to another, but she always ended up looking at him. She hoped nobody noticed. She took another sip of her drink. She also hoped he didn’t notice how much she had been drinking, he’d certainly tease her about it later. He was standing alone now, looking around the room as she had been doing. Their eyes caught each other and he smiled that smile. She nearly swooned. She suddenly felt lonely standing by herself and sauntered over to him. What are you doing Kathryn? She screamed her herself in her head you’ve never sauntered in your life! It must be the drink she reasoned.

“Hello Kathryn” He said in a low voice as she stopped walking next to him not looking at him.


“Having a good time?”

“It´s okay”

He smiled at her again

“I noticed you’ve had quite a few of those drinks, you do know it’s not synthehol right”?

Damm! Why didn’t he tell me sooner she thought but out of mouth came, “Of course.”

They were silent for a few minutes, it was getting late and some of the crew who had early shifts had retired for the evening. They were both thinking of getting out of there but neither felt like sleeping.

“Would you like to go for a walk?”

“I´d love to” she said with conviction and took his hand and they headed for the door.

As they walked around aimlessly in the empty corridors Kathryn slipped her arm around Chakotay´s waist and snuggled closer to him. He return her embrace with an arm strapped around her and they kept walking.

Kathryn was trying to keep her mind occupied with safe subjects but her mind wasn’t complying. Her thoughts continually strayed to the amazing sex they had had the previous evening. Ever since they had first become romantically involved several months earlier the sex they had shared had been wonderful but never rough and frantic. She thought it would have been at least frantic after waiting so long. But it wasn’t until the previous evening that they had let all their passion run wild. It had been mind blowing. They hadn’t even made it to the bed, or couch for that matter. He had taken her, right there against the window, only the barest of minimum of clothing was taken off, the rest was left on. He had been on a long shift on the bridge and she had just gotten out of the bath. Each of them had longed to just be together. When he came by her quarters after his shift she was standing with her back against the door, looking out at the stars. He walked up to her, wrapped his arms around her and started kissing her face and neck.

Sucking her throat leaving a little mark. As she started moaning against him his hands travelled up her stomach and reached her breasts. Looking at each others reflections in the window he had ripped her shirt so he could feel her skin. The act in itself sent a wave of desire pouring through her, the fact that he was kissing and stroking her just a little more roughly than he used to only heightened the feeling.

Wanting to feel him under her hands she reached back to feel him but he raised her arms over her head trapping them there with one of his large hands while the other made short work of pulling down his own pants just enough to free his hardening penis. Feeling it insistently nudge her back side Kathryn pushed hard against him and was granted with a large moan from her lover. He let her arms go but she still held them against the window for leverage. One of his hands travelled down to her wet opening. She gasped his name and that was it. Bending her slightly he positioned his penis against her opening and shoved inside her in one long hard stroke. Her breath caught in her throat but he gave her no time to adjust, instead he began pumping into her at a frantic pace and soon they were both moaning and breathing raggedly. With effort she opened her eyes and looked at his reflection in the window. His eyes were closed and she could see his arms wrapped around her waist, his hips the only part of his body that was moving. He had a look of ecstasy on his face. That was as much as she could take, she felt the enormous wave start building from deep within her and as he pushed into her one last time and she came, the last thing she heard was Chakotay´s dark voice roaring into her neck as he spurted into her.

“Hey, where did you go?” Chakotay´s voice brought her back from her thoughts and she looked up at him with a smile.

“Just reminiscing about last night”

“Oh really, I thought you looked a little flushed”

She stopped suddenly and looked at him with a daring smile

“Feeling adventurous Chakotay?”

“Alright” he said hesitantly with a raised eyebrow.

She grabbed his hand again and they headed off again at a quicker pace.

“Where exactly are we going?” he asked

“The holodeck”

“Why the holodeck?”

“Because we’re going to act out one of my fantasies.” Kathryn replied

This set Chakotay´s mind into a spin, what could that fantasy be, he asked himself. Was it a place or a position or…he almost gasped groups, no he would not let his mind go there, not until it was time for him to enact his fantasy anyway.

They arrived at the holodeck and Kathryn told him to close his eyes. She tapped in some commands into the computer and the doors opened. She stood behind him with her hands over his eyes. “Kathryn, where are we?” he asked impatiently She removed her hands and he saw them standing in front of their command chairs on the bridge. He turned around to face her and asked questionably.

“The bridge?”

“The bridge. Now, remove my clothes”. She said

He smiled and did as he was told. Taking his time he slowly unbuttoned her dress, slipping it off inch by inch to reveal her underwear.

Stepping back for an instant to admire her he bent down to remove her high heels but she stopped him.

“Leave them on.”

He looked up at her and smiled and instead ran his hands up her thighs to her lace panties. As he was about to slip them off down her legs she said.

“Rip them off.”

Without hesitating he did just that sending a ripple of desire through both of them. Standing up he did the same with her bra until she was completely naked aside from her shoes. When he was finished he bent his head to kiss her but she moved away. Sitting down in her command chair with one of her legs folded over the other she said smoothly.

“Now, undress.”

He did so, as slowly as he had done with her until he was standing in front of her, gloriously naked, with the beginning of an erection showing.

“Computer increase temperature by ten degrees.” She said and at his questioning look she replied.

“We don’t want to get cold now do we?”

He was about to reply that that wasn’t likely of happening when she stood up slowly and walked over to him. Wrapping her arms around his waist they started to kiss. The kiss was deep and passionate. Soon both of them were moaning into each others mouths and they only broke free when the need for air became immediate.

Smiling at Chakotay Kathryn started trailing small kisses along his shoulders, chest and face while her arms touched him everywhere she could reach. Slipping lower and lower she eventually kneeled down and began scraping her nails along the back of his thighs and his buttocks while kissing his stomach.

“Kathryn…” he whispered.

“Hmm?” Was all she said as she took just the tip of his penis into her mouth. He sighed loudly and instinctively thrust his hips forward, wanting her to take him further into her.

She didn’t. Instead she licked the tip of him idly while stroking his ass and thighs with her hands and nails. He fought to regain some semblance of control, not wanting it to end too soon.

“Kathryn.” He said hoarsely.

“Yes Chakotay.” She said in a low voice looking up at him.

“Get up, I want to have some fun.”

“I thought we were having fun.”

“Do as your told woman.” He said drawing her up by her hands.

When she was standing he took a step backward to admire her. She let him, admiring him in turn. He was beautiful, not just his body but him. She never got tired of looking at his face. And as they stood there in the middle of the bridge she felt like she could start crying, she loved him so, and she revelled in the knowledge that he was looking back at her with the same emotions on his face.

The moment passed and he got an evil look on his face, the look made her feel both like she wanted to run and stay to find out what he had planned.

He took her by the shoulders and turned her around, backing her into the helm console. Lifting her up so she was sitting on it he positioned himself in between her legs. They stayed like that for a while, kissing languidly, caressing each other where they could. He could feel the wetness from her and his own straining cock, just barely nudging her. He back away slightly then, gripping her hips he rammed his cock right into her forcefully. He knew she liked it that way and he wasn’t disappointed when he received an astounded cry of passion from her. He could tell she hadn’t expected him to enter her so quickly and he liked the feeling of being able to surprise her and give her pleasure. Once he was buried inside her he didn’t move. She moaned into his mouth, trying to move to ease the tension but he kept a hard grip on her and wouldn’t let her go anywhere.

“Chakotay…I thought you said we were going to have fun.” She said

“We are having fun.” He said with a smile

“Really, could have fooled me.” “Chakotay I really need to…I can’t hold on much longer.”

“Then let it go love.” He whispered in her ear and then pulled back completely out of her.

After that the game was finished. He shoved himself back into her almost immediately and then set a fast pace. Kathryn clung on to his shoulders for dear life, sinking her teeth into his shoulder, although he didn’t seem to mind, in fact she was unsure whether he noticed at all. She didn’t have a lot of mobility, sitting on the console but she did what she could to meet his thrusts.

In the middle of it the thought occurred to her that Tom Paris would faint if he saw what they were doing on his console, holographic or not. But any thought of Tom Paris went out the window when Chakotay bent slightly into her and buried his face in the crook of her neck, nuzzling and biting her tender spot there. That did it for Kathryn, letting out a loud scream she came and would have fallen off the console had not Chakotay held her up.

He didn’t give her much time to rest however. Still imbedded deep within her, his cock pulsing he lifted her up. With her legs wrapped around his waist he walked to her command chair and sat down. Careful not to disengage from her.

“Ride me Kathryn.” he whispered.

She didn’t need more encouragement. Taking full control she pushed him back against the chair and, gripping the top of the chair, started moving up and down his shaft. She tried to set a slow pace, but realised that he was too far gone to last long either way. So she settled for fast and furious. Passionate cries and groans were coming from him and they spurred her on even more.

“Oh Kathryn!!…”

“Let it go Chakotay, stop fighting it.”

Chakotay couldn’t stop the guttural cry that slipped from his throat as he spurted deep within her and he lifted his hips up from the chair in one last attempt to come as deep inside Kathryn as he could. His unexpected thrust sent Kathryn over the edge as well as she gasped and choked his name.

The couple sat there for an indeterminable amount of time, gasping for breath revelling in the closeness. Finally, Kathryn raised her head from his chest and looked at him lovingly.

“Well that was fun after all.”

“You see! I knew you’d like it.”

She gave him a mock glare and gave him a quick kiss.

“We’d better get out of here before someone comes and realises what we’ve done.”

“Too late!”

The voice startled them and they looked up in horror to see Tom Paris grinning from ear to ear. Standing beside him, also grinning, as was B´Elanna. The Doctor was looking slightly horrified as was Harry and Neelix.

“Uh Oh.” Chakotay and Kathryn said simultaneously.

Suddenly Kathryn realised that they were still sitting in the command chair, butt naked, with Chakotay´s flaccid penis still imbedded inside her, although she certainly hoped their audience didn’t see that much.

“Umm, would you all be so kind as to leave. NOW.” she said.

“Umm captain, we’ve reserved the holodeck…” the Doctor said. He took a step backwards as Kathryn glared at him.

“We realised that Doctor but we would like to get dressed in private”.

The audience let out simultaneous sounds of understanding and they hurriedly stepped out into the corridor.

Kathryn and Chakotay got dressed quickly and quietly and as they stepped out of the holodeck the others, who had been standing just outside, peered nervously inside before venturing inside.

As the command team walked slowly away they heard Tom Paris’s voice say;

“At least they did it in the command chair and not on my helm console!” Hearing that Kathryn and Chakotay looked at each other and then burst out laughing.


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