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In dreams - by Emily IN DREAMS

By Emily July 2002
Disclaimer: Paraborg has assimilated the world.
Summary: Just an excuse for some nice smut ;-)
Written for the Queens of Smut

The form of the woman lay on the big bed with the stars leaving a faint light in the otherwise dark room. It was not a peaceful sleep. Her body moved around on the bed, the sheets had long since been kicked away and lay on a heap on the floor. Her short silk night-gown lay plastered on her sweaty body and one of the spaghetti straps was out of place.

She was having the dream again.

The dream where he came to her, like he had before, all those months ago. He ran in the corridor to catch up with her as she, the Captain, walked to yet another appointment with a crewmember. Off to make decisions again.

In her dream he grabbed her arm and pulled her with him to his office.

In her dream neither of them spoke. He didn´t give an explanation to what he was doing and she didn´t ask.
They both knew anyway.

The journey to his office was short and when they entered she stopped and turned around to look at him.

He told the computer to lock the door.

Still she didn´t say anything.

Instead she walked towards him.

He held out his hand and touched her cheek. Holding it in his hand he cradled it gently, his thumb on her chin. She tilted her face and closed her eyes, content for the moment to rest her face in his hand.

He took a step forward and, with his free hand, started removing her uniform. Opening her eyes she gazed at him as his eyes followed the trail his hand was taking. Opening her jacket and brushing his hand against her breast as he removed it.

Only now did his right hand leave her check, he wanted to use both his hands to undress her.

Her own hands were twitching with the need to undress him as he was doing her. Several times she raised them to touch him but he smiled at her, shaking his head.

So she stood before, watching his hands touch her. Feeling his lips trail across her body as more and more of her flesh was exposed to him.
She felt giddy.

She knew that she had never felt more beautiful than at that moment. Standing in the darkness of his office, eyes closed and head leaned back to expose her neck, being gently undressed by him.

She would remember this always.

She rather abruptly noticed something was amiss, he wasn’t touching her anymore. Her eyes opened and she looked at him. He had taken a step back and was looking at her. He was smiling softly, his eyes alight with fire she seldom saw. And he was looking at her with those eyes. That thought alone made her wonder whether she should laugh or cry, or both.

Instead she smiled back at him. Completely naked now, she took a step towards him and reached out her hands to touch him. This time he didn’t shake his head or grab hold of her hands, instead he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. He let her undress him as he had done, slowly, and with care. Kissing each new piece of flesh that was exposed.

She did it quicker than he had though, becoming more and more impatient as more of his body was undressed. And finally the last garment was removed. He lifted his feet, one at a time, as she slid his boxers off of him.

She stayed kneeling on the floor and beckoned him to come down to her. Kneeling in front of each other she wrapped her arms around him, revelling in the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest. His arms holding her tightly. And they kissed, passionately, heatedly, all former slowness gone. Now their hands groped and prodded as their tongues duelled in their mouths and on their skin.

His member was making itself more and more known, poking her as they pressed together. And she felt the wetness between her thighs increase more and more, the ache instead her growing.

Sliding her hand downwards she experimentally touched him and was awarded with a loud groan from him. She smiled and bit his shoulder gently.

She grinned again and pushed him down onto the floor. Seeing him lying in front of her, eyes glazed with desire made her groan and attack his mouth again. As they kissed she straddled him and, taking his member in her hands, slowly guided it to her opening. They both moaned as he entered her, slowly, inch by inch, she sank down on him until he was fully encased inside of her.

He brought his hands up, one he put on her hip, and the other on her breast.

Then, gaining speed little by little, they rode upwards. Their bodies glistening and their mouths letting out sighs and moans.

Chakotay´s hand gripped her hip harder, leaving faint white marks on her flushed skin. His other hand was now caressing and kneading her chest and breasts as they moved.

And then, in her sleep, Kathryn let out a deep, throaty, moan. Her back arched from the bed as she called out Chakotay´s name. In her dream they had come, only seconds after each other. They had collapsed next to each other on the floor of his office. Still smiling, still caressing each other, just to make sure they were still there.

Kathryn woke up with a start. Sitting up she looked around her she realised it had been a dream. She brought her hand up to her sweaty forehead and sighed.

Always the same dream." she said to herself.

She always had the same dream of their first time whenever Chakotay was away. "Well he´d better hurry home." She muttered and went back to sleep.


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