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More Than Just Captain

By Emily
Disclaimer: Paramount owns Janeway and Chakotay and the world of Star Trek, I´m just letting them have alittle fun!

It was a late night in the Delta Quadrant and the U.S.S Voyager sailed silently through space. The only thing that could be heard on the ship was the silent humming of the ships engines. Other than that, it was dead quite.
”I just realised something”.
A woman’s voice pierced through the quite quarters where a man and a woman were sitting at a table, remnants of a dinner long since finished spread around them.
”I just realised something”, the woman said a little louder.
The mans head, which had been resting on his arm, jerked up.
”Hmmm, what...what did you say Kathryn?”
She smiled slightly at him, his hair was ruffled and he looked very relaxed, so relaxed he almost had fallen asleep in his captains quarters, she thought as her smile widened.
”I just realised that Tuvok has been plotting against us all along”.
”Against who?”
”What would Tuvok be plotting...what are you talking about”.
The woman stood up and started walking in the quarters,
” It just occurred to me that every time something has been about to happen between us we’ve been interrupted by Tuvok!”
The man still sitting down still looked confused.
Looking down at him she laughed and pulled a chair to sit next to him.
”Do you remember when we entered Borg space the first time all those years ago and were preparing for battle?”.
”Tuvok interrupted us calling us both to the bridge”.
”Yes”, he said again.
”Don’t you see, it’s a pattern. I could name a dozen times like that one when we have gotten closer and I’ve begun to think that maybe it wouldn’t matter being involved with someone on the ship when he interrupts us and reminds me who I am.” She was on a roll and stood up and began pacing waving her hands around.
”Kathryn”, he said standing up placing his hands on her shoulders to keep her in place, “it’s true that you are captain of this ship, but you must not think that that’s just who you are, because I know you are much more, YOU know that you are more.”
”That’s sweet of you to say Chakotay but the truth is that I’m Captain first and woman second. It wasn’t meant to happen but lets face it hear in the Delta Quadrant that’s how it is.”
They stood there looking at each other for a long time, neither of them knowing what to say. Finally Chakotay took a step back and began putting the dishes and leftovers in the recycler. Kathryn just stood there, she really felt lost, this wasn’t at all what she had wanted for the evening.
”I´ll see you in the morning Captain”, Chakotay brought her back with a snap, CAPTAIN...why was he calling her Captain??! She looked at the table where they had been sitting, he had cleared everything away and was now walking towards the door. She took a few steps forward until she was standing at the side of her door.
”Yes, goodnight...commander”. She forced the word from her mouth, if this was the way he wanted to end the evening then fine! Chakotay stepped out into the corridor and left her looking after him.


After a restless night the two commanding officers went on with their duties. After the morning briefing, in which Chakotay didn’t say more than absolutely necessary and their eyes never met, they went their respective ways, Chakotay to the bridge and the captain, luckily she thought, went down to engineering to help B´Elanna conduct an experiment.
They managed to be able to keep this up for two days, on the third, on her way to the messhall for a strengthening cup of coffee she ran into him in the turbolift.
”Great”, she thought, outloud she said ”Commander” and nodded.
After staring into the wall for what seemed like an eternity they both sighed a silent sigh of relief when the turbolift doors opened and they both started off for the messhall.
”What’s he doing following me!”, she thought
”Can’t she just leave me alone, I can’t take this” he thought. He realised that she must be heading for the messhall too and turned the corner to swing round, suddenly he didn’t feel like a break in the messhall.


Kathryn sat at a lonely table in the messhall, there weren’t very many people there and she felt thoroughly alone. What’s wrong with me, she thought even though she very well knew the answer. Chakotay. Before her thoughts could get any further she heard a small cough behind her. She turned around and saw Neelix standing there.
”I’m sorry to disturb you captain, but from the looks of it you could use some company”, Neelix said taking the seat opposite her.
She smiled weakly at him, ”That’s alright Neelix, I’m fine.”
”Now captain, you can’t fool me, I could spot your cloud of misery from the other side of the room”.
”Is it really that clear”.
” morale officer I have a trained eye, now as morale officer it’s my duty to do anything I can to help”.
”It’s nice of you to want to help Neelix but I´d really not talk about it” the captain said and got up to leave.
”It’s about the commander isn’t it”.
”What did you say”, she turned around quickly at his words, ”what makes you think that” she said trying to sound light about it, and failing.
”Well, it’s clear that there is something wrong and that it involves the commander” Neelix said almost apologetically.
” I had no idea it was so clear, do you think the crew has noticed?”
”Maybe not all of them but a lot of them have, they’re concerned captain, they are used to the two of you being friendly with each other, or atleast speaking. They want both of you to be happy and it’s clear that you’re not.”
”Thank you Neelix”, the captain turned and slowly walked towards the door. ”IS there anything I can do Captain?” Neelix asked as she reached the door she smiled at him, ”No you’ve already helped Neelix, now I have to do the rest”.


Damm him! Kathryn thought as she paced her quarters. He can be so frustrating! .
But I miss him, she added sadly. She missed his friendship, aside from Tuvok he was her closest friend, and her friendship with Tuvok was very different, she could never laugh and just be silly with him. She needed Chakotay for that. She missed him, it was horrible the way things were between them. I have to go see him.

Damm her! Chakotay thought as he through away a padd. He had been trying to work on a report but his mind had wandered. To her. The captain. Kathryn. He missed her, she made his day feel brighter and he needed her friendship, her company and, well, I need her. He stood up abruptly and headed for the door.
Neither of them came as far as the others quarters. In the middle of the corridor they bumped into each other.
”Kathryn, Chakotay, my name is Kathryn. We are after all of duty”.
He smiled and she smiled back.
”We should talk” she said
”Agreed, my quarters?”
She nodded and head for them, turning around she felt his hand touch her back every so softly.
I’ve missed that too she thought and smiled as they entered his quarters.
”Would you like some tea?” Chakotay asked
”Yes that would be nice”.
What’s that strange feeling in my stomach? Kathryn thought. I hope it isn’t something I ate....Oh my god, now I know what it is, I’m nervous! But I don’t have anything to be nervous about this is Chakotay, nothing’s changed.
”What’s wrong?” Chakotay said as he handed her the drink.
I really can’t hide anything from him! .
”Nothing”. He smiled, knowing full well it was something, but not wanting to push her. Instead he sat down and started sipping his tea.
Alittle surprised, both at her nervousness and his reaction she stood for a while and then cautiously sat down at the other end of the sofa.
”Can I ask you something?” ”Ofcourse”
Chakotay turned so he was sitting facing her.
”Do you really just see yourself as captain, do you really believe that’s all you are?” His voice was serious and she could tell he was concerned. She sighed, ”It’s not really about what I believe, or what I want, it’s a fact”.
”That doesn’t sound like you”.
”What do you mean?”
He took another sip of his tea and looked at her,
”The Kathryn Janeway I know fights for things, not only her crew and ship but for things she believes in. I can’t believe that you’re just going to accept this.”
His voice was getting stronger and it was clear to her that he really meant what he was saying, could it actually be that way?, did he actually see her as something else than just a captain?
She didn’t know what to say, she just sat there and looked at him. He looked back with a concerned face. After a few moments he smiled slightly, ”Can I make a suggestion?”
”Alright” she said hesitantly
”A few days ago you said that a few times you’ve come close to”...he paused, he didn’t want to take anything for granted...”to let your guard down a bit and start to have more of a life” Oh gods I can’t believe I said that, he thought, he had long since lowered his head and was staring at his feet, he dared a glance at her and totally lost his thought. She was smiling at him affectionately.
Noticing that he had completely lost his train of thought she helped him along.
”I said that every time I’ve been about to hug you or kiss you we’ve been interrupted by Tuvok”.
Now he really didn’t know what to say, so he just smiled.
”What was your suggestion?” she asked
”Suggestion...oh yes my suggestion”, he looked embarrassed, ”I thought that next time you have should act on them, even if we’re interrupted by Tuvok, or anyone else for that matter”.
”That’s not bad advice commander, I might just take it”.
He smiled a radiant smile at her and she answered it. When she did he carefully put a hand on her back on pulled her closer to him. Next thing he knew her arms were rapped securely round him and she was nuzzling his neck. He started stroking his hands along her back while she molded herself to him.
”I’m almost expecting one of our communicators to chirp” he chuckled. ”Well we can’t have that” she said, ”computer relay all calls for commander Chakotay and Captain Janeway to...lieutenant commander Tuvok”.
He laughed at her words, ”you’re a real devil”.
”Mmmm, you don’t know half of it commander” she said as she pressed herself to him. Any comment he might have made was swallowed by her mouth pressed hard against his.
He moaned at the feel of her and his hand found its way up to her face where he tangled his hands into her hair and stroked her chin and neck. Releasing his mouth she began slowing trailing small kisses all around his face, paying extra attention to his tattoo, and then continuing down his neck. She felt his pulse beat and his hands stroke every part of her he could reach.
She began taking his uniform of, never taking her mouth off of him until it was necessary.
She felt him ease her clothes of her and soon they were both naked pinned to each other sharing a long hard kiss. She could feel his erection and her own dampness. Turning around she pulled his arms around her and they started walking towards his bed. When they got there she pushed him down and moved to sit astride him and bent down to kiss him passionately then she slid down his body to take his growing erection in her mouth.
He groaned loudly as he felt her mouth envelope him and she felt his hands stroke her hair. She could hear his breath quickening as she suckled him, stroking and caressing his member with her tongue and hands.
”Kathryn!” he groaned, she looked up and smiled than slowly slid up his body and kissed him, letting him taste himself on her lips. Moving quickly he flipped her onto her back and his mouth started a trail of fire down her body. She moaned as his tongue flicked at her breast and then taking as much as he could of it into his mouth. Moving on his hands stayed at her breasts stroking them as he licked and kissed her stomach, arms and neck. ”Chakotay...enough...I need you inside”
She barely got the words out but it was all he needed to hear. With a groan he slowly slid his cock across her entrance and then he was in her, sliding forward, spreading her and she arched her back, scraping his back with her nails.
”Oh gods Kathryn..” he groaned as he buried himself fully in her.
She couldn’t speak. She tightened her vaginal muscles around him and was rewarded by a gasp of pleasure. Then he began pumping into her, faster and faster, into her and out. Trying to surge even further into her she wrapped her legs and arms around him as he quickened the pace, feeling him getting harder and thicker, their breaths ragged.
"Fuck me Chakotay...yessss...harder...god...yessss...ohh." She dug her nails into him, pressing her heals into his ass, screaming his name as her body spasmed and her inner muscles gripped him as she came.
He grabbed her hips, slammed into her with several short thrusts. Her name became a deep guttural cry as he joined her spasming deep within her and collapsing on her.


”Good morning”
”Mmm very good morning”, she said and put a hand on his cheek.
He kissed the inside of her hand and smiled lovingly.
”You know I forgot to tell you something”.
”What’s that”, she asked smiling.
”I love you”.
”Oh Chakotay! She kissed him passionately, ” I love you too”.
He pulled her toward him and returned the kiss. Soon they were both moaning into each others mouths.
*the time is 07.00...the time is 07.00...the time is 07.00*
”Computer...reset alarm for 24 hours.” Chakotay groaned, ”Well I guess we should get up.”
”I guess your right”.
”How about dinner in my quarters?”
”I´d say you have a date”.
”Wonderful” She said and kissed him again before they both got up and prepared for the day both enjoying the little things that come with beginning the day with the one you love, and both knowing that that morning was the first of many many more.


To The Kathryn and Chakotay Index
To the Voyager Universe
