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Practically Perfect - by Emily
by Emily

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the crew of Voyager and the Star Trek universe. Ill give them back when I’m done!

“This is practically perfect”
Chakotay turned is head to look at his captain, she was lying next to him on her back on the grassy slope looking at the view of the ocean in the distance.
“Don’t you feel it Chakotay, the wind, the sun on your face. It’s exhilarating not being on the ship breathing that air and being in that stale environment.”
“Shore leave does do a world of good, especially if you’re on the ship as much as we are”
They sat there quietly for a while longer enjoying the calmness. In the background they heard some of the crew talking but nobody came to join them and secretly they were both glad. It was nice to just sit there with the other, not having to feel the pressure to make conversation.
“Practically perfect?” Chakotay asked. “Why isn’t it completely perfect?”
“Oh I don’t why I said that exactly, it just felt natural instead of completely perfect”
“Oh….how would things have to be to qualify as being completely perfect?”
She looked at him with a grin and sat up facing him.
“Well… don’t tell anyone okay”
“I promise” he replied seriously
“I´d like to be in a place like this, being able to relax like this and for a day or maybe just for a few hours not be captain.” She nodded towards where the sounds of the crew were coming from and continued
“I´d like to be an ensign or crewman and not have the responsibility to care for 150 people and make sure they survive.”
Chakotay looked at her seriously and nodded his head.
“I understand Kathryn, I know it hasn’t been easy for you. Even I feel the strain sometimes and I’m not captain. Is there something else?”
She was quiet for a few seconds and then shook her head,
“No. That’s it.”
He looked at her,
“Kathryn there is something else. It’s alright if you don’t want to tell me, although I wish you would, maybe I can help. The most important thing is that you admit it to yourself.”
He sat back again stairing into the distance.
“I want to feel whole”. Kathryn’s voice was so low he barely heard her.
“I feel like there is a part of me that never gets out. It was such a long time ago that I laughed, really laughed, or cried or did something silly….or loved.” The last part she said was barely a whisper. She still felt alittle self-conscious discussing this with Chakotay. The cast a quick glance at him but saw nothing but sympathy and worry for a friend.
Chakotay scooted closer to her and took her hand in his,
“Kathryn, I’m sorry you feel that way but I’m glad you trust me enough to have told me that. Would you do something for me?”
“Whenever you feel like it, do one of those things. It doesn’t have to be with me if you don’t feel comfortable with that. Go to the holodeck and watch old comedies, play pranks on crewmembers anonymously anything. I know that as captain you have a hard time doing those things but please try. I’m hear if you need me, as a shoulder to cry on or someone to do silly things with. Will you consider that?”
Kathryn looked at him with a warm look on her face, she smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Yes, Ill think about it….and Chakotay”
“Yes Kathryn”
“Nothing to thank me about Kathryn, I’m just being a friend.”


Later that evening the command team were attending a party together with the rest of the crew in the town they had been staying at. Throughout the crews stay the leaders had gone all the way out to make sure thy enjoyed themselves and the party was no exception.

The festivities last until the early hours of the morning, as he was leaving Chakotay felt a hand on his arm “Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all Captain” he said
“Kathryn, Chakotay, we’re not on duty”
He smiled
“Alright Kathryn”
She smiled back at him and they headed out into the night.
The walk to the hotel where the entire crew was staying was about ten minutes and Kathryn and Chakotay took their time, walking in a slow leisurely pace through a park.
When they arrived at the hotel they continued to walk towards their rooms, neither of them had said a word since leaving the party.
“Come in for a night cap?”
“Sure, but I think it’s more like morning cap” Chakotay said as they stepped into the captains room.
They sat down on the couch both with a cup of tea in their hands.
“Chakotay, about what you said earlier I was wondering something?” “What’s that?”
“You said that you would help me if I wanted you to, to help me be silly and play pranks and relax more.”
“That’s right”
“When you said you’d be there for me, did you mean just those things or the loving part aswell?”
Chakotay´s mind was spinning and try as he might he couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say. Kathryn smiled
. “I was just wondering because, well I don’t really know why but I feel like if you want to try it out, I´d very much like to”.
“Try what out?”
“A relationship” Kathryn said in a low voice not looking at him, suddenly the tea she had been drinking looked extremely interesting.
“Kathryn…why are you asking?”
“What do you mean, I’m asking because I might like to try it” she said getting alittle frustrated.
“What I mean is that I don’t want you to ask that just because I happen to be around so to speak. I want you to want this not because you’re lonely and need company but because you have actual feelings for me and want to explore those feelings. Can you be sure that’s why you’re asking?”
She was quiet for a while pondering over what to say and how to say it, meanwhile he sat back in the couch and looked at her.
“Chakotay I honestly don’t know what will happen when this shore leave is over and we get back to Voyager, it may be very difficult for us to have a relationship beyond the one we’ve had, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try to make it work. It’s probably true that part of the reason I’m asking is because I’m lonely but if it were just that I´d settle for going to the holodeck, I want more, I want you. Is that enough for you?”
“It is for now Kathryn, I promise you that if we start this I won’t let you walk away if it gets rough on Voyager, you mean too much to me. Okay.”
They smiled at each other
Chakotay got up and headed for the door
“I´d better go then” he said as he walked to the door
He smiled
“Kathryn it’s late and frankly I’m alittle tired, we’ll talk more tomorrow.”
“I didn’t mean I wanted you to talk” she said moving closer to him
“Stay with me Chakotay, please.”
“Are you sure?”
“What happens tomorrow?”
“Well, tomorrow we sleep late, maybe make love again before eating breakfast and then take a tour of the city.”
“Again, that’s implying we make love this evening first”, Chakotay said with a smile.
“So it does”
“Well if you insist”
He brought his mouth to hers in a long, lingering kiss. Kathryn groaned with arousal at the warmth of his mouth, the sucking of his lips and the gentle tugging of his teeth. She trailed her hands under his shirt, her touch feeling like fire on his skin. He lifted his arms above his head so she could remove his shirt. As soon as she could see the lines of his chest, she traced them with a fingernail before swooping down to take his nipple into her mouth. As Chakotay moaned with pleasure, she turned her attention to his right nipple. After what seemed like an eternity, Kathryn pulled him to her and kissed him fiercely.

She slid her bra straps off her shoulders. His eyes followed the movement. coming to rest on the creamy white of her breasts. He reached out, cupping them, grasping a nipple between thumb and fore finger, she moaned as he took one breast in his right hand, cupping it fully, then squeezing the already erect nipple between his thumb and index finger. Simultaneously he took the other nipple into his mouth, rubbing the hard nub with his tongue, nipping it lightly with his teeth.

Chakotay's control was quickly slipping, but hers was gone. She unfastened his pants and they fell to the floor, where he kicked them off. His boxers followed and they were completely naked in front of each other. Kathryn was breathing quickly and audibly, but managed to voice her request
“Please, Chakotay. I need you so much. Please, take me...hard!”

Without any further persuasion he lifted her off the floor, onto his hips and thrust into her willing body. She moaned through clenched teeth from the intense contact, and his lips connected with the skin on her neck as her arms went around him to grasp his shoulders.

He plunged into her to the hilt and they shared a groan of pleasure. He began to stroke in and out of her, slowly at first, trying to hold back. She wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him to penetrate her even more deeply. Her legs tightening around his back, her nails scratching his back as she screamed in ecstasy.

While she caught her breath Chakotay carried her to the bed without separating their bodies. He lay down on his back, making Kathryn straddle his body. She bent over and kissed him, really tasting him this time. She let her lips and tongue trace his tattoo, then his jawbone, before she reached his right nibble. His fingers twisted in her hair and she began to moved on top of him. She sat up and watched the pleasure cross his features. This time, she decided, would be for him. She clenched and unclenched her muscles, squeezing his sensitive member. He groaned with abandon, and reached for the head of the bed to hold on to something. Kathryn were bracing her hands on his sweaty chest, moving with increasing speed. Chakotay looked up at her, her eyes closed in pleasure and concentration.

Kathryn lost her concentration and moaned, close to the edge again. Chakotay then took control, and in one fluid motion flipped them over.
Drawing out of her completely he grabbed her hips and plunged into her with one hard thrust. It was wild. He pounded into her, solidly. She met him thrust for thrust, throwing her hips at him. She raked her nails across his back and shoulders leaving deep scratches. He yelled and reared up, then bit her, hard, on the neck. She grabbed at his ass cheeks so firmly he could feel the bruises
“Cha-ko-tayyy!!” she screamed as electricity discharged throughout her body. Chakotay couldn't contain his almost animal sounds of pleasure.. The spasms sent him plunging deeper into her with several rough thrusts until he came.


“What are you thinking?”
They were lying in her bed slowly waking up from their first night together. After making love they had quickly fallen asleep in each others arms.
“I was thinking about how perfect this is” she said
He moved alittle and looked at her suspiciously
“practically or completely perfect?”
She burst out laughing
“completely!” she said and kissed him.


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