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By Emily September 2002
Rating: Very NC17

Summary: Kathryn and Chakotay have both dreamed of touching each other’s bodies but they never thought it would be like this!

Authors note: Okay this is not your regular smut tale. If you don't like reading about...different situations (sorry I can’t be more specific or I’ll ruin the story) don't read it.
This story contains descriptions of adult situations between to consenting adults but with a twist.

+ + + + + + + + + + +

The minute Commander Chakotay materialized on the transporter padd on the starship Voyager he knew something was wrong.

*My body feels weird* was his first thought. But he figured it was just the after effects of being transported.

It wasn’t until he saw the shocked face of the transporter chief that he wondered if there maybe was something else wrong.

He lifted his leg while turning to make a curious look at Kathryn and what he saw made his lifted leg totally it’s destination and he landed flat on his behind. Still looking with a dumb founded look at Kathryn.

+ + + +

Kathryn felt different. She couldn’t put her finger on it but something *I guess I’m more tired than I thought* she thought. She looked up the crewmen at the transporter console and did a double take. The face on lieutenant Yme was one of pure shock. What the hell has happened? She wondered and turned around to give a pointed look at Chakotay. What she saw made her cry out, and then everything went black.

+ + + +

When Chakotay woke up in sickbay he had a headache to rival with Kathryn’s worst. He squinted with his eyes and looked around. He couldn’t see anything.

For some reason there was a privacy curtain set up around his entire bed. He tried to sit up but couldn’t. He was covered with a restraining field from the neck and down.

"What the hell is going on?” He said out loud.

"Ah I see you’re up." The voice of the Doctor was heard before his holographic face was actually seen. The privacy screen was lifted momentarily and the EMH stepped in.

"Doctor what the hell is going on?"

"I heard you the first time Commander and I am attempting to decide just that. How do you feel?"

"I feel very strange." Chakotay admitted.


"Where is the Captain, is she alright?"

The Captain has not yet woken after fainting.


This made the Doctor look up from his pad and consider the man on the bio bed carefully.

"What do you remember?"

"The Captain and I were transporting back from the planet. I remember feeling...odd when I materialized. There seemed to be something wrong with lieutenant Yme, she was staring at us as if she was in shock. I turned towards Kathryn and. And then...I don’t remember what happened after that. The next thing I know I’m waking up her and there’s this force field around my lower body."

The Doctor simply nodded. I’m quite sure I know why you blacked out Commander."

The Doctor didn’t say anything else. Instead he parted the curtain so that Kathryn was in plain view for Chakotay to see.

If he hadn’t been lying down he would certainly have fallen. Instead he merely gasped as his eyes focused on Kathryn. The only thing about her that he recognized was her face. Her body *oh her body!* he thought, her body was the form of one he also recognized, but he usually saw it only when looking at himself in the mirror.


"Well the what is quite obvious Commander. The how however is much more uncertain. So far we have only been able to conclude that there was some sort of surge right when you and the Captain were in the transporter buffers."

"If...if my body is...on her. Where...where is her body?"

The Doctor sighed. He had known that question would come, yet he had hoped not have to answer it. *How can I tell him? * He wondered to himself. *This is NOT in my programming. *

So instead of speaking he slowly drew back the blanket that lay over the Commanders body. Inch by agonizing inch Chakotay was faced with the body of the woman he loved. But now, it was his body.

+ + + + + + + + +

After a very long day the Doctor collapsed into his chair. He normally didn’t collapse onto anything but this day called for it.

He had thought telling the Commander would be bad. That had been nothing compared to telling the Captain! How exactly do you tell your superior officers their bodies have been exchanged? He would never be able to get it right.

And that was nothing to the actual mystery involving HOW it had happened. Everyone even remotely involved in transporters and engineering was looking through the sensor data with several fine toothcombs to come up with what had gone wrong. They did not know, however, exactly what had happened. The Captain had given strict orders that nobody be told about it and poor lieutenant Yme didn’t even WANT to tell anyone for fear she would be thought of as strange.

The Doctor pinched the tip of his nose, a habit he unwillingly had taken from the Captain. And, shaking the fog off his mind, set to work.

+ + + + +

24 hours later the crew was no closer solving the dilemma. Rumours were ripe and the more time passed on the crazier they were getting. The Doctor was slowly loosing his holographic mind having to one; solve the dilemma, two; take care of two very frustrated superior officers, and three; try to keep the rumours down to a minimum.

It was not a good day to be Voyagers holographic doctor.

As for the superior officers in question they were not holding up well. They did two things with their time; either they harassed the Doctor or they lay on their respective bio beds staring up at the ceiling, occasionally blurting out profanities.

So, in order to save his holographic mind, the Doctor relieved his commanding officers to their quarters. He gave them both strict orders not to leave their quarters.

When told these rules both of them snorted thinking they would NEVER go out amongst the crew like this.

So they were beamed to their quarters. And they stayed there, cooped up in their rooms for two days, slowly going insane.

Late one night Chakotay was disturbed from his thoughts by the sound of a transporter. He turned his head lazily and saw the face of Kathryn materialize. He only looked at her face, he tried desperately not to look at the rest of her body, or was it his? He didn’t know anymore, either way he didn’t want to look at it.

“Kathryn. What are you doing here?” He asked and realized that it probably wasn’t the most polite thing to say to your captain but he really wasn’t in the mood to care.

“I came because I’m going crazy and I figured you are too. Can’t we help each other get through this until the doctor and the crew find out how to fix it?”

Chakotay managed a weak smile and nodded.

“Why did you transport here?” He finally asked after a long silence.

Kathryn let out a little laugh and shaking her head spoke. “I didn’t want to risk any of the crew seeing me like this. “

Chakotay nodded knowingly thinking he felt the same way.

“It’s so strange...I mean I know a mans body, I’ve been with a man but...I haven’t even been able to take a shower! I stood there, still dressed mind you, and I just couldn’t do it.”

“I know...I haven’t been able to shower either.”

They looked at each other, their faces miserable. And then burst out laughing.

The laughter bubbled up from the pit of their bellies, making them shake and they slid down onto the floor.

When the laughter subsided they were sitting there, leaning against the couch shaking their heads at the absolute absurdity of the situation.

“What officers we are huh, neither of us have had a shower days.” Chakotay said.

Kathryn shot an amused look at Chakotay and let out a laugh shaking her head.

“As much as I *want* a shower I don’t know if I know...”

“I know.” Chakotay answered, serious again. “I feel exactly the same way.” He stopped speaking; suddenly his mind had come up with the craziest, most outrageous idea. She wanted a shower, he wanted a shower... no! He told himself sternly but couldn’t get the thought out of his mind.

As the silence stretched the idea took root, he couldn’t be rid of it now. Glancing at her he decided to suggest it as a joke and just see what happens he thought to himself.

But she beat him to it.

“Too bad we’re not lovers, we could shower each other.”

Both their heads, which had been lying back against the seat of the couch, snapped up in shock over what she had said.

“Kathryn?!” Chakotay couldn’t believe she had said it, sure he had briefly thought it but that was different. He didn’t stop to contemplate why exactly it was different, it just was.

“I can’t believe I just said that!” Kathryn said with a tint of laughter and incredibility in her voice. She tilted her face to look at him and laughed out right at the look on his face.

“Chakotay you look positively stunned.”

“I...I guess I just didn’t expect to hear that from you.” He said relaxing again. “So does this mean you wish we were lovers?” He asked teasing her.

She didn’t answer.


She turned to him, a crooked smile on her lips. “I’m going to use my prerogative as Captain and not answer that.”

“Lucky for you that you have that possibility.”

“There have to be some perks to be Captain. So do you want to do it?”

Chakotay did a double take. “Uh do what?”

“You have such a dirty mind Chakotay.” Kathryn stood up and held out her hand to him.

“Let’s go have shower.”

“Are you serious?”

“We both need a shower Chakotay, badly, maybe it’ll be easier if we do it together. At least there’ll be a body in there I recognise.”

Shaking his head Chakotay got up and followed her to the bathroom.

+ + + + +

“We’re going to undress here!? In front of each other?”

“Yes Chakotay we are. Now do it, Captains orders.”

Steeling himself Chakotay started taking off his shirt. The unfamiliar breasts were in the way and he sighed here we go again he thought. When he had made previous attempts to get undressed and shower this was as far as he had gotten.

Kathryn was having similar problems. She had successfully removed her t-shirt, feeling an odd sense of loss at the breasts that weren’t there. So far so good she thought. But she was always able to remove her t-shirt. It was the pants that were the problem.

She sighed, a bit too loudly, Chakotay looked at her and realized that she was having the same problem he was.

Smiling affectionately at her he reached his hands toward her and started unbuttoning the trousers.

Kathryn tensed at first but gradually relaxed, thankful that he was doing this for her.

Chakotay removed the pants with practiced ease, all the while saying to himself that it was perfectly normal, that he was taking his own pants off, nothing more. Just keep telling yourself that he thought to himself.

Kathryn looked intently at Chakotay´s face as he undressed her or is he undressing himself? She wondered.

He was kneeling in front of her, looking up at her face, and slowly pulled the pants down her legs. She lifted her legs automatically and he threw them to the side.

He looked down at the legs, his legs. Her legs now maybe? The skin was darker than her face. He reached out and drew a trail along the scar along the leg. The scar he had gotten after climbing up a cliff as a boy.

Kathryn tensed as he touched the leg; the nerve centres in the leg jumped and sent electric shocks up to her brain. Her hand, which had been resting lazily on the side of her body reached toward his face and, cupping his chin, raised it and looked warmly at him, smiling with love in her eyes that he didn’t miss.

“Stand up Chakotay.”

He did so, silently taking a step back and looked at her. Not her body but her face, her lovely face.

She took a step forward and started, still looking at his face, to unbutton his shirt. She knew these breasts, she had cursed over them and been proud of them and she felt the loss of them deeply. And they were there, on this man, the man she loved.

The paradox couldn’t be greater.

He raised his arms and she pulled the shirt up over his head and threw it over her shoulder.

They were standing close to each other now, looking at each other’s faces.

“So maybe we should shower.” Kathryn said finally, her voice no more than a whisper.

“Yes we should.”

They stepped into the shower, activating the real water and letting it rush down their bodies. Reaching for the bar of soap Kathryn lathered her hands and began stroking Chakotay´s chest and back. Her hands brushed against the breasts, lifting their weight, and massaging them with her soapy hands.

Chakotay´s eyes were closed, the unfamiliar sensation sending waves through his body. Kathryn’s hands on the breasts became braver and she openly caressed the chest, as she would do when caressing herself during those late nights of pent up frustration.

Chakotay opened his eyes and also reached for the soap. Trailing his hands across the arms that were now Kathryn’s he took a step closer to her and, smiling, brushed his lips across hers and then began nuzzling her neck.

Kathryn sighed and rolled her head back to give him better access. She moaned as his tongue flicked out onto the sensitive spot on her neck and began trailing her hands across his body.

Her nails left red marks on his back. Stroking and caressing his neck and down to his buttocks she squeezed them lightly and he in turn pressed his hips against hers.

What he found made him gasp and disengage from her.

Kathryn looked up at him with a dazed look and wondered briefly what had made him draw back. Then she felt it; a warm growth between her legs. She looked down and drew back also.

They looked at each other with shocked faces. Neither of them spoke. Kathryn turned around and turned off the water and quickly exited the shower.

Wrapping a towel around her body she entered the bedroom and sat down on the bed, trying to get a grip.

She had felt the pleasure coursing through her but hadn’t thought much about anything else, especially about how it manifested itself.

She sat there, towel wrapped tightly around her, staring down at the floor when she felt his hand lift her chin up.

They didn’t say anything just, they didn’t have to; their eyes were saying volumes.

“Let’s go to bed.” Kathryn whispered. And Chakotay nodded. Turning he grabbed his boxers and, turning around, put them on as quickly as possible.

Kathryn did the same, feeling the slight bulge as she put them on, shuddering she tried to shake it off.

The two of them silently climbed into the bed and pulled the covers tightly around them. Kathryn snuggled closer to Chakotay and he wrapped his arm around her and held her tightly.

+ + + + + + + + +

Neither of them slept much. They just lay there on the bed, holding each other. It wasn’t until the early hours of the morning that they finally dozed off.



“What if the Doctor can’t find a way to fix this? What in the world would we do?!”

Chakotay sighed. “I can’t tell you exactly what we’d do but whatever it would be we’d do it together.” He turned so he could look at her face and cupped her cheek and continued. “But Kathryn, I don't think we need to worry, the Doctor will figure this out. He and the crew he’ll make us better.”

Kathryn managed a weak smile and, putting her arm around his neck stretched her head to kiss him. Chakotay tightened his hold around her and returned the kiss, slowly deepening it.

Kathryn sighed into his mouth and lifted a leg to wrap around him. Running her hand through his hair she felt him press his hips closer to her. Maybe it was their sleepy state or maybe it was something else but they both seemed to have decided that their mixed bodies weren’t enough to keep them away from each other. Through their mutual despair over the loss of their bodies they had found each other.

Kathryn bit her lip and raised her hips so she could remove the boxers she was wearing. Smiling a slightly nervous smile she sat up on her knees and, kissing Chakotay one last time pulled down the boxers he was wearing.

She had never seen herself from this angle. As a teenager she had sat wide legged in front of a mirror exploring her body, learning its contours, but this was totally different. She felt rather than saw Chakotay´s gaze go to her crotch. He was thinking the same thing; they were seeing each other’s bodies from whole different perspectives.

She bent down and kissed him, their hands intertwined, grasping each other, hips rotating in a rhythm of their own. Slowly grinding against each other.

His tongue drove into hers, tasting her. Biting his lip she moved her head to nuzzle his neck biting it lightly, marking him as hers. He groaned out loud as he felt her teeth sink lightly into his skin and unconsciously raised his hips against hers.

Kathryn gasped at the sensation of his hips raise and brush against the throbbing member that was now between her legs. She knew that if she touched him between his legs he would be wet, she knew her body well after all.

She lay down next to him, one leg wrapped around his so they were still touching as much as possible. Grinding herself against him she could feel the breasts that were now his rub against her now flat chest.

Chakotay moaned against her neck and began stroking her back and slowly, inch by inch, neared her ass and hips.

Kathryn’s hand ran through his hair and the other cupped his ass cheeks and, with a teasing touch, drew closer to the warm wetness she longed to feel.

When her finger found the warm spot between his legs they both groaned and Chakotay lay his head back for a minute in pleasure. Kathryn teased the soft flesh, feeling the heat radiate from it and the moisture on her fingers increase.

“Chakotay...” She sighed pushing her hips slightly close to him.

She didn’t have to say anything more. He knew what she wanted and brought his hand down to her hip and first squeezed it not so gently then moved his hand to between her legs.

Neither of them could think after that. They were only aware of the pleasure they were feeling. Knowing the sensations the other was going through and in turn experiencing totally new feelings of pleasures.

Chakotay managed the member with a practiced hand, he knew what it liked, what made it stiffen just a little more, what made Kathryn groan in pleasure.

Kathryn in turn knew that body. She knew that if she rubbed that little spot just like that it would send Chakotay over the edge quickly enough. And she was right.

Soon their hands were going quicker and quicker, their foreheads resting against each other and their mouths open and panting.

Kathryn felt an odd sensation go through her and realized that this was what a male orgasm felt like. It was quite different from a female one, good but different. She felt a rush go through her legs and cried out suddenly and ejaculated for the first time in her life.

Chakotay cry was a long one. Kathryn’s hand was still inside and on him. His legs began to shake and his toes curled.

When they were done their hands left the others body and they lay back staring at the ceiling.

“Well that was different.” Chakotay said with a chuckle.

Kathryn smiled and raised herself on her elbow to look at him lovingly.

“Yes it was different. You know though, and don't get this the wrong way, but I still want my body back.”

Chakotay smiled at her and nodded. “I want my body back too.”

She became serious. “What if the crew can’t find a way to fix us?”

“I thought we had been over this? They will, we have the best crew ever! They’ll find a way.”

“You’re right of course.”

“Of course I’m right.”


“He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

“Let’s try to get some sleep.”

Kathryn just murmured something that Chakotay didn’t catch and soon after they were both sleeping soundly for the first night since returning from the away mission several days earlier.

+ + + + + + + +

Kathryn woke up to the noise of someone clearing his throat. She nudged at Chakotay so that he would be quite.

It didn’t work; in fact next time the cough was louder and seemed to carry with it a distinct smugness.

Kathryn opened one eye, opening both of them would have been much too tiresome, and saw the Doctor standing at the foot of the bed.

Now she was wide-awake.

“Well Captain glad to see you’re finally awake I was beginning to think I’d have to be more forceful in my tactics. Now if you’ll just wake up sleeping beauty here we can get on with our business.”

Kathryn scowled at the Doctor and shook Chakotay by the shoulder.

“Chakotay. Chakotay wake up!”

“Hmm what?”

“The Doctor is here.”

“Mmm...What...who?” Chakotay replied in his sleep-dazed state, looking at Kathryn with half closed eyes.

“Your chief medical officer!” The Doctor nearly shouted.

Chakotay sat up and rubbed his eyes.

“Good morning Doctor. What do you want?”

“I came to tell you that the crew and I are quite sure we’ve found a solution to your situation.”

“Really! Doctor that is wonderful news. How did you do it? When can we get going?” The Captain exclaimed with a thrilled voice.

“Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Kim are making the final adjustments to the transporter as we speak so if you two will put on some clothes we’ll leave immediately.”

Kathryn and Chakotay looked at each other with hesitant expressions.

“You don't want to stay like this do you!” The Doctor asked, catching the look that passed between them.

“Oh of course not!”

“Heavens no.”

“It’s just...”

“We’d rather not be this. Can’t you clear the transporter room of any other people and beam us there?”

The Doctor shook his head. “That’s not possible.”

Kathryn opened her mouth to say something but the Doctor cut her off.

“First of all, despite my brilliance, I can not possibly manage the transporters in the way that is required. Second of all the transporters have been taken of line so that the adjustment required can be made. In short, get dressed and come with me.”

The command team looked at each other and, sighing, got out of bed and went into the other room to change into the loose clothing they had been wearing the previous days.

A minute or two later they stood by the closed door, steeling themselves before walking out into the bright lights of the corridor...and the looks they no doubt would be given.

Kathryn caressed the back of Chakotay´s hand as they stood side by side and he turned to turned slightly and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. Then they left.

+ + + + + + + +

B´Elanna and Harry looked up when the doors to the transporter room whooshed open.

Then their jaws dropped and their eyebrows rose to heights that would make Tuvok proud.

Standing before them were...well for a moment they weren’t sure who they were seeing.

“Both of you get your eyes back to your work or you’ll be doing time in the brig.” The voice of their Captain reached them and brought them out of their stupor.

“Right. Right away Captain.” B´Elanna managed to choke out and quickly lowered her gaze and tried to focus once again on the work.

After a minute or two of uncomfortable silence the transporter pad was ready and the command team stepped onto it and held their breaths.

This had better work. Kathryn thought.

Please make this work. Chakotay sent a silent message to every god and spirit there was.

They’ll kill us if this doesn’t work. Both B´Elanna and Harry thought.

This will work. The Doctor thought confidently.

+ + + + + + +

Later that evening Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay were having dinner in the Captain quarters.

“Well that was...different.” Chakotay exclaimed during a lull in the conversation.

“That’s putting it mildly.” Kathryn said smiling.

Chakotay handed her the coffee he had replicated.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Did you just want me for my body?”

That stunned Chakotay, for a number of reasons. He never thought she’d be the one to bring it up. And he thought she knew that he wanted her for so many many reasons that were more important that what, or who’s, body she had.

He stood up and walked up to the couch where she was sitting. Cupping her chin in his hand he raised her face so she met his eyes.

“Kathryn, my love, I wanted you because it was you.”

Kathryn’s face lit up and Chakotay could see her features soften with love as she gazed up at him, not able to speak just yet.

Kathryn didn’t say anything; instead, she got up and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, snuggling into his warm solid chest.

Chakotay smiled and kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arms around her he held her close to him.

“I love you Chakotay.” She whispered after a while.

“I love you to Kathryn.” He returned.

Not saying anything else Kathryn disengaged from his embrace and, taking his hand, led him into the bedroom so that they could learn each other’s bodies the real way.


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