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Turbolift memories - by Emily
By Emily
April 2002
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I’m so sick of writing these but here it is…Paramount!
Authors Note: Authors Note: This story is entered in AstroGirls Turbolift Contest .

Summary: Kathryn and Chakotay reminisce on their favourite turbolift moment.

“This is our turbolift.” Kathryn said as she and Chakotay took their last walk through the corridors of Voyager after their return to Earth.

“Our turbolift?”

“Yupp. This is where it all happened.”

“Kathryn…it’s a turbolift. Most of the action has been on the bridge. Except for maybe the bedroom.” Chakotay flashed his dimples as he spoke.

He was teasing her and she knew it, problem is, he was right. There had been a lot of action in the bedroom lately.

She gave him a look that told him to shut up and stepped into the lift that was waiting for them. As he gave the turbolift their instructions she turned around and brought her hand up to softly caress the wall.

He looked at her with an amused look on his face, wondering if she’d slowly lost her mind without him noticing.

She didn’t seem to be paying much attention to him. Her mind wandering off to the past.

He sighed. “Computer halt turbolift. Kathryn what are you doing?” He asked a little exasperated.

“I’m remembering.” She said pointedly. I've been doing with every important room on the ship. This turbolift is important so I’m remembering here as well. And frankly I think it’s a little odd that you aren’t doing it too.”

He looked at her closely for a minute, trying to decide if she was kidding around. Her hands were on her hips and she had that look in her eyes. No, he thought, she wasn’t kidding around.

“I’m sorry Kathryn.” He said taking a step toward her and took her hand in his. “Will you tell me what you’re remembering?”

She nodded, releasing his hand she sat down on the floor and gestured for him to join her. He did.

Taking his hand again she started talking.

“You know there were so many times when I was riding this turbolift with you and was almost overpowered by the will to push you against the wall and kiss you senseless.”

That wasn’t what he had expected to hear and his eyebrows shot up.

“We’ve had a lot of moments in this turbolift when you think about it.” She continued. “One last peaceful moment before going out onto the bridge or the blissfulness of entering it together after being on the bridge.”

“And our first kiss.” He said softly putting his hand on her chin, guiding her eyes to meet his.

She smiled. “Oh yeah, that too.”

He smiled at her. Putting his arm around her he continued remembering.

“Four weeks ago, in this turbolift. We were heading down to sickbay to check on B´Elanna and the baby.”

“You followed me into the lift and told the computer to halt the lift almost as soon as I had called out our destination.”

“I didn’t want to loose my nerve.”

“I was just about to ask you what you were doing when I saw that look in your eyes.”

“What look?” He asked.

“Oh that look of utter determination. Like nothing will stop you from your agenda. When you know what you want and you go after it.”

“Oh. Anyway at that moment I wanted you. I had wanted to kiss you for so damm long. Now that we were in the Alpha Quadrant I was going to do it or be damned.”

“Like I said; utter determination.”

“I saw your eyes widened when I closed in on you.”

“I could see your intent in your eyes. I´d dreamt about it but I didn’t think I´d actually see it for real.”

“I whispered an apology in your ear just in case.”

“It wasn’t necessary. The minute you kissed me everything else was forgotten.”

“All my plans were forgotten when you started to kiss me back. I hadn’t thought you would.”

They were both silent, reliving the memories of that first kiss.

She laughed a little and said; “We probably would have done something highly inappropriate if Tuvok hadn’t contacted us and asked if we need assistance.”

“Hmm, as I recall your hands were inside my uniform.”

“And you were pressing me against the wall, one hand on my breasts the other in my hair.”

He laughed; “We probably looked a little ruffled when we finally go to sickbay.”

She smiled. “Yeah, good thing Tom and B´Elanna, and the Doctor, were all too busy beaming with pride to notice.”

The lapsed into silence once again. Both of them seemed to have forgotten where they were, and that they had been on their way somewhere.

“That’s definitely my favourite turbolift memory.” Kathryn said looking up at him.

“Hmm. Mine is this one.” Chakotay replied.

Kathryn smiled widely sitting up. Cupping his cheeks with her hands she kissed him passionately, lovingly.

“I love you Chakotay.”

“I love you too Kathryn.”

Kathryn got up. Reaching out her hand for him to take she said;

“Wanna go someplace else and create more memories?”

He got up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

“Just name the place Kathryn and I´ll follow.”

Grinning Kathryn instructed the turbolift to resume it’s journey leaving Chakotay in the dark as to exactly where she planned to take them next.


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