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This story has entered the Voyager Central J/C fanfiction contest


This is my response to Voyager Centrals R-less story contest.

By Emily

“Do you know what Naomi saw?”

That sentence was passed to individual to individual on the lost ship. It had all begun on day when Naomi was walking along the ship. Passing the place the captain called home voices caught the childs attention.
“Goodbye Chuckles”, the captain said
“Goodbye Kathy”, Chakotay.
Then Naomi saw something astonishing, the two of them kissed!
It´s a good thing Naomi was so quick thinking and walked by so they didn´t see.

Naomi went home with mouth and eyes wide open in astonishment. The childs mommy asked what was on Naomis mind so she told Samantha what she had seen.
Samantha decided to tell people the news and went to the holodeck and met lots of people to tell.

When Alpha shift began the hole ship was buzzing with the news of what Naomi had seen. The messhall was full of people wanting to know all the details and Naomi was mighty good at telling them it all.

It didn´t take long until Janeway and Chakotay noticed something odd was going on and exactly what it was. As soon as one of them walked into a new location all eyes in the place focused on them and people gave them knowing smiles.

The two of them had been somewhat taken aback by it all, they had not planned on making it public so soon.


The next evening Janeway and Chakotay ate a quite meal.
“I can´t believe she knows I called you Chuckles” Janeway said smiling.
“And that I called you Kathy, Chakotay said, and not only Naomi, now the whole ship knows”.
When he said this the laugh intensified.
Soon both of them sat on the couch gasping.
“So what do we do now?” Janeway asked
“About what?”
“About this…situation!”
“Why do we have to do anything, so they found out, its not like they wouldn´t find out eventually.”
“I suppose…”
“You suppose, come on…Kathy” Chakotay said wickedly sliding close to the captain.
She sighed as he began nibbling on Janeways cheek and neck
“I´m not falling Chakotay”
“Oh is that so” Chakotay said as he kissed the sensitive spot on his captains neck.
She couldn´t help it, she moaned.
“Come on Kathy” he said in between kisses and nibbles.
She wasn´t going to concede, she thought, until his hands found the buttons in the blouse she had on and found the soft skin on Janeways belly.
“Oh fine!” she gasped, I give in!”
“What am I Kath?”
“a genius, Janeway moaned and then sat up looked down at him and said “But also a mean old man” she said laughing while walking away.
He lunged at Janeway and almost flung his love onto the bed.
“Old man huh, we´ll she about that”. He said and then did just that.


“Janeway to Naomi Wildman, please come to my office.”
Naomi gulped as she listened to the captains voice on the com channel
“Yes captain” Naomi said hoping the captain wasn´t mad.

“You wanted to see me captain”
Janeway had to hide a smile, the child looked white as a ghost
“She thinks I´m mad” Janeway thought and softened the stance
“Please have seat miss Wildman” she said pointing to the couch.

“So Naomi, what have you been up to lately?”
“Oh captain I´m awfully sad that I told people about seeing you and Chakotay kissing!” Naomi said. “I didn´t mean to cause such talk about it!”
Now Janeway smiled and Naomi gave a small smile back
“I know you didn´t mean it Naomi, and I´m not mad. We just didn´t expect people to find out so soon that´s all. But it´s okay, people would have found out eventually”
at this Janeway smiled as she thought of the talk she had had with Chakotay and the passionate night when he showed that he was indeed not an old man.
“Captain can I ask you something?”
“Yes Naomi”
“How long have you and Chakotay been…well…you know…”
Janeway smiled
“if I tell you will you tell people?”
“No captain”
“Not even Samantha?”
“Not even mommy” Naomi said
Janeway leaned to the child and told the child in a low voice.
Naomi just smiled.


“So how long do you think it been going on?” Tom asked B´Elanna as they sat in the messhall.
The only topic of discussion at the moment was what Naomi had seen. And people discussed it constantly.
“I don´t know, I got to hand it to them they´ve been good at not showing it. It could be since they got the disease on that planet and we got the medication out of the Vidiians, they had to stay alone a long time.”
“It could be, but I thought someone would have noticed, it has been a long time since then and they´ve both had had small flings with a passing alien since then.”
“You have a point.”
At this point Neelix just happened to be walking by and sat down with the two of them,
“I couldn´t help notice the topic of discussion and I was thinking that maybe those flings just meant to keep us thinking they hadn´t gotten involved.”
“A decoy!” B´Elanna said
“It´s possible, Tom said
“I guess we´ll have to keep guessing, it´s not likely they´ll tell us” Neelix said.
Naomi happened to pass by just then and couldn´t help but smile as she caught Neelix´s thoughts, they would be astonished if they found out they she knew, she thought and walked away smiling.


Many decades since that day Naomi Wildman was sitting on the couch in the house she lived in telling little Katie the tale of how she had known ahead of all the people on the ship that Janeway and Chakotay fell in love.
“The Captain told me in confidence exactly how long they had been involved and haven´t told anyone that I knew, until now.
“Do you mean that I´m the only one who knows that you knew”?
“Exactly!” Naomi said.
The little child smiled and in that moment she was the spitting image of Naomi Wildman when she sat with the Captain long ago.


Story Index
Kathryn and Chakotay Universe
