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My favorite Kathryn quotes

* ”With all due respect Mr Tuvok, lighten up ” ( Worst Case Scenario)

* ” A few years ago I didn´t even know your name, now I can´t imagine a day without you” (Scorpion part I)

* ” I have faith in each and every one of you” (Scorpion part I)

* I´ve got an Ocampan who wants to be something more and a Borg who wants to be something less” (The Gift)

* ” Here´s to Vulcan stability” (The Gift)

* ” We seem to have a knack for provoking strangers these days” (Waking Moments)

* Tuvok- ” Good morning Captain”
Kathryn - ” That´s a matter of opinion, what is it” ( Scientific Method)

* ” I don´t care if you can make it sing and dance we´re getting rid of it” (The Omega Directive)

* ” Assemble the troops” (The Omega Directive)

* ” Here´s to Borg ingenuity” (The Omega Directive)

* ” Coffee, the finest organic suspention ever divised” (Hunters)

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