Sick and Twisted Tour-KoRn, Staind, and Mindless Self Indulgence

March 10, 2000
Fargodome, Fargo, ND

We got there really early and got really good spots on the floor. and then finally a band came out. it was Mindless Self Indulgence, and most people were jammin at first but then after awhile people started bitchin that they sucked and crap, but we didnt think they were that bad. i felt kinda sorry for them, people were throwing change at them and stuff. I thought that the singer was insane and kicked ass! and then they showed some of those cartoon things, which i couldnt even see anyways, i had to look like straight up to be able to see them at all. and then finally staind came out and everyone got really into them, they put on a really good show. and mike(our friend) got some good pix of them and korn. then they showed some more cartoon things and then KoRn came out and everyone was screaming and jumping. they played about nine songs(which were very very good) and then they took a break. and it was a really long break, after awhile everyone was like what the hell is going on. then finally they came out and David told us all that he couldnt play anymore cuz he hurt his wrist, and that they would come back another time. and everyone was just like uhh.... ok and were like booing and shit. and then David was like hey at least we came and told you and then everyone started clapping. some people were saying that they planned it and KoRn sux and a bunch of other bull shit. but those people are dumb asses.