Standard Disclaimer: Paramount owns everything Trek. I just play with the characters in my own warped imagination. No copyright infringement is intended.

You may distribute this to friends, but keep my name attached, along with this header.

I must admit that the title came from Rodgers and Hammersteins "The King and I". It was a song entitled "Is A Puzzlement." It just seemed so appropriate to this story.

I would like to thank Maureen, who, had she not written to tell me she liked my fan fic, would never have given me the inspiration to write this story. This is for you, cause you wanted a story with Seven of Nine. Well, Maureen, you got it.

Is A Puzzlement! by Karen Fischer

It was another typical day aboard Voyager. Since having become human, Seven of Nine was finding it awkward to mingle with some of the crew.

Her life as a Borg had been an orderly one. Humans, and some of the other Alpha Quadrant species on board Voyager were proving not to be so...orderly. The only person who Seven found remotely similar was the Vulcan, Lt. Commander Tuvok.

However, there was Captain Janeway. She was the one who had ordered Seven disconnected from the Collective. She had ordered the holographic Doctor to remove the Borg implants, and she was trying to teach Seven to be human once again.

Seven understood that Janeway was attempting to help her. At first she resented having been broken off from the Collective. It had been difficult not hearing the voices. There had always been so many voices, then there was only one, and that was her own. The silence was deafening in the beginning.

Now that several months had passed, Seven found herself becoming accustomed to hearing just her voice inside of her head. But sometimes she was able to hear Tuvok or Janeway, but only remembered snatches of conversation that had occurred with them.

Seven was also finding the actions of others to be intriguing. Especially Ensign Harry Kim. She had been certain that the young Ensign had found her physically attractive. There was no doubt about that, considering his actions towards her. However, she didn't understand his reaction when she pointedly asked him if he wished to copulate with her.

Seven was certain that had been his desire, but he had blushed and told her emphatically that he did not wish to do that with her at all. It was something she didn't understand. And yet she had been so certain that she had read his intentions clearly.

Several weeks had passed since that incident, but she still pondered it. Although Seven continued to work with Harry, his actions were of a more professional type, than they had been when their working relationship had begun.

Knowing that Tuvok would probably not be the best source to answer her questions about the situation, Seven decided that perhaps she should turn to Captain Janeway. After all, it was Janeway who had begun teaching Seven what she would have learned growing up if she had been raised by her human parents, and not the Borg Collective.

Seven was off duty early, and decided that would be a good time to try and talk with Captain Janeway. She knew that the Captain would either be on the Bridge or in her Ready-room.

When she entered the Bridge, Tuvok was at his station, and Chakotay was in charge. That meant that Janeway was most likely in her ready-room.

"Was there something you wanted, Seven?" Tuvok asked her as she exited the turbo-lift.

"I wish to speak with Captain Janeway."

"Did the Captain request to see you?"

"No, she did not. I had hoped that this would be a good time."

"I'm sure the Captain would have no objection to seeing you. You may proceed." Tuvok told her.

Seven walked passed him and faced the doors to Janeway's ready-room. She sounded the chime.

"Come in." came the response.

Seven stepped beyond the doors. There Janeway was sitting at her desk, reading over a Padd. She looked up a moment later.

"Seven, is there something you need?" She asked.

"I was wondering if I might speak with you about something."

Janeway got up from her seat and walked around her desk, coffee cup in hand. When she was standing in front of Seven she asked. "Is this something about work, or is this of a more personal nature?"

"It is of a personal nature, Captain." Seven said, matter- of-factly.

"I see." Janeway said, pointing a hand in the direction of the couch that lined the windows of the ready room.

Seven stepped up, and Janeway followed. Janeway sat on the couch, and motioned to Seven to join her.

"I would prefer to stand." Seven said.

"Would you like something?" Janeway offered.

"No, thank you." Seven replied.

"What is it you wanted to speak to me about?"

"I'm not sure I understand human mating rituals."

Kathryn didn't blink an eye. She looked at Seven for a moment, wondering what exactly the young woman meant. "Mating rituals? What is it you don't understand?" She asked then.

"I'm not certain. Several weeks ago, when Ensign Kim and I began working on the upgrades to the Astrometrix lab, it seemed that he was trying to make romantic advances."

Janeway suppressed the urge to grin. So that's what had happened. Chakotay had been vague when he mentioned that there had been a slight misunderstanding between Seven and Harry.

"You think Ensign Kim was making romantic advances?"


"What exactly did he do to lead you to that conclusion?"

"He told me that he wanted to go over some calculations. It was rather late, and he had asked me to meet him in the Mess hall. When I arrived the lighting was very dim."

Again, Kathryn was finding it harder and harder not to grin, but put on her best Captain's face. "I see. What happened then?" She asked as she sipped her coffee.

"I told him that the lighting was not suitable for a working environment."

Kathryn nodded her head, hoping Seven would continue. The young woman did.

"Then he suggested that the low lighting could be considered romantic, and that it was late to be doing work. It was then that I thought he wanted to copulate with me."

This caught Kathryn off guard. "Is that what he said?" She asked, astonished.

"No. I asked him if that was his desire. I explained that I was familiar with single cell reproduction, although it isn't as efficient as assimilation."

Now Kathryn was sobered. "What was Harry's response to your question?" "His face darkened in color and he insisted that he had no desire to copulate with me. I was certain that those had been his intentions. I do not think I misunderstood."

Kathryn saw then what the problem had been. She'd scared Harry with her directness.

"Seven, you may have been correct in your assumption that Ensign Kim desired you, however, I don't think he would have wanted you to submit to sexual favors with him. At least not yet. I believe that what he was doing was trying to set up a romantic mood."

"Romantic mood?"

"Yes. One where a man and a woman talk and get to know one another. It can involve holding hands or snuggling, or even just talking."

"What is snuggling?" Kathryn was ready to roll her eyes, when an idea struck her. "I tell you what, I have about another hour here, then I should be done. Why don't you meet me on the holodeck. My Da Vinci program, in say, about and hour and 15 minutes. I think with the maestro's help I might be able to explain intimate behavior between two people."

"Understood. I will see you then." Seven said, and rose from her seat. She quickly exited Janeway's ready room.

Kathryn stood there, staring at the doors, and pondering what she had just been told. 'Should she have a chat with Harry? Or would she be better off just handling this on her own?'

With a sigh she got up and returned to her desk for another round with reports.

A half hour after Seven had left, the chime to Kathryn's ready room sounded. Absently she called out; "Come in."

The doors opened and someone stepped in. The person stood silently in front of Kathryn's desk waiting for her to acknowledge their presence. When she did, she was pleasantly surprised to find that his was her First Officer, Chakotay.

"Must be an interesting report." He said, grinning. There was a twinkle in his eye.

Kathryn smiled up at him. "Not really. Just a bit unusual. What can I do for you?" She asked, pouring herself another cup of coffee.

"I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me this evening."

Now her interest was piqued. "Oh? What's on the menu?"

Again he smiled. The dimples in his cheeks deepening. God how she loved those dimples.

"I thought it would be a surprise."

"A surprise, huh?"


"You're on. What time?"

"How about 1900 hours? Attire is casual. No uniform"

"No uniform, huh? Is it okay if I'm a little late?"

"Why, don't know what to wear for the occasion?"

"No. There's something I need to discuss with Seven."

"Seven, huh? Is there a problem?"

Kathryn gave a sad smile. "No, I don't think so. Not really. I think that she needs to be educated in the area of male/female relationships."

Now Chakotay's mood sobered. "Has someone been coming on to her?"

"No. Well, that's not exactly what she said."

"Can I help in any way?"

Kathryn stepped around from behind her desk and placed a hand on Chakotay's chest. "I don't know. I'll try to explain things to her as best I can. If I have any difficulties I may call on you. As I recall you're an expert in mating rituals." She smiled.

"Okay. But I wish you'd tell me what happened."

"I don't know if I should discuss it with you. Seven came to me in confidence, more or less."

"Like a daughter seeking advice from her mother?" He asked Kathryn now.

Kathryn looked up at him. "I never really thought of it that way, but in this case, maybe so."

Again Chakotay flashed his charming grin. "Okay. See you around 1900 then. My quarters." And he left.

When her shift was finally over, Kathryn checked the chronometer on her computer. She turned it off and left her ready room and headed straight for the turbo-lift.

On the way to holodeck two she kept going over in her head how she was going to try to explain to Seven about human courting behavior. After all, that was what Harry had obviously been trying to do. He had been trying to woo the lovely Ms. Seven. The trick was to try to explain to Seven the rituals associated with what, for lack of a better term, could be called mating behavior.

When she arrived at the holodeck, her program was running. That meant that Seven had already arrived. Kathryn opened the doors and entered the holodeck.

Seven was off in Janeway's work area, studying or admiring, Kathryn wasn't sure which, some art work that was standing on an easel. A painting that Kathryn had been working on.

When Seven heard her, she turned her attention to Kathryn. Janeway, smiled at the young woman. "Alright. Why don't we find a comfortable place to sit?" She said as she pointed to a couple of chairs.

"You said that you would explain to me about "snuggling." Seven began, as they seated themselves in the chairs that were facing.

"Yes. Usually when a man is attracted to a woman, he first tries to talk with her..."

"You mean by making meaningless conversation?"

The girl had a lot to learn Kathryn realized. She nodded, smiling. "Yes. The conversation is generally meaningless, but it's how we humans interact with each other."

"That is very inefficient." Seven said.

"Maybe to the Borg, but not to humans." Kathryn went on. "If the woman is interested in the man, she will engage in this meaningless conversation, to try to determine if he might be a prospect as a mate."

"Would it not be more efficient to announce to a man that is deemed suitable that copulation to produce offspring is desired?"

"No. That isn't how we do things."

"I do not understand why there are so many rituals involved in the process. It is time-consuming and very inefficient."

Kathryn gave a slight smile. "It may seem inefficient, but believe me, it's not."


Kathryn had to try to convince Seven that her directness was not a desired trait, and to try and teach her to curb it. It was going to take time, and patience she realized.

"I'll try. First off, it's just the way things are done in human society. Vulcans have their own mating practices, that are vastly different from Bolian, or Bajoran or Human. There are similarities in other species cultures, but there are also vast differences."

"Then Talaxian mating practices are different from human?"

That question threw Kathryn. "Talaxian? Are you talking about Neelix?"

"Yes. If I understand you correctly, then he too has been attempting to become familiar with me."

The idea was ludicrous, Kathryn knew that. "I think you may have misinterpreted Mr. Neelix's intentions. In your case I believe he was just trying to be helpful and has no designs on you."

Seven's response was to raise an eyebrow, very much the way Tuvok did. The effect wasn't lost on Kathryn, who suspected that Seven might have a crush on the Vulcan.

"Seven, I think you should allow Ensign Kim another chance to try to get to know you. Instead of being so direct, just follow his lead. If he asks you a question about yourself, then tell him about yourself... without all the intricate details." She amended quickly. "Then ask him to tell you about himself. This way it'll give you both a chance to get to know more about each other."

"Then, what you are telling me is that I should make meaningless conversation with Ensign Kim. Is that correct?"

"Well, yes, sort of. It's just a way to try and get to know each other."

"What about romance?"

"Romance is when he invites you to a candlelit dinner in his quarters."

"Intriguing. Dinner with low illumination is considered romantic?"

Janeway smiled. "Yes, it is. When a man brings a woman flowers, that's also considered romantic."


"Yes. Usually, if the woman has specified a favorite variety of flower, the man will give her those. If he doesn't know, sometimes, they go for Roses or Carnations."

"Curious. Dead flowers and dinner in low illumination are considered to be romantic?"

Kathryn wanted to shake her head, but refrained. "It may sound strange, but believe me it's worked for centuries. It must have, or we wouldn't be here." She laughed. Not sure if Seven understood the joke.

"Romance eventually leads to copulation?"

Oh, boy! Kathryn thought. She did understand the joke. "Eventually." She said, carefully.

"And what about 'snuggling'?

"Snuggling is when the couple sit close together. The man usually puts one arm around the woman, and they sit like that and talk."

"That is all?"


"Very well. I will allow Ensign Kim to get to know me." Seven said, and rose from her seat. "Thank you, Captain Janeway." She said and left the holodeck.

Kathryn stared after Seven's retreating figure. Now all she had to do was convince Harry that Seven wouldn't bite. That, however would have to wait, at least until tomorrow. Tonight she had a dinner date with Chakotay, and she needed to get changed before meeting him.

Kathryn went to her quarters and began going through her closet. Civilian clothes Chakotay had said, and casual. She found a dress that was of a light pink color. She changed and checked the time with the computer. When the computer gave her the time she knew she'd just make it on time. She left her quarters and walked the few feet to Chakotay's.

She rang the chime and was greeted a moment later by her First Officer. He was wearing light brown slacks and a loose fitting beige shirt. It had a wide opening which showed a good portion of Chakotay's chest.

Kathryn had difficulty taking her eyes off Chakotay's chest, but forced herself to do so, and looked up into his deep brown eyes.

"You look lovely, Kathryn." He told her.

"You look pretty good yourself, Chakotay." She said, smiling demurely at him.

It was then that she noticed that the lighting was dim. Her conversation with Seven suddenly came flooding back.

"I hope you brought an appetite?" Chakotay was asking her.

She didn't hear what he'd said.

"Kathryn?" He asked.

Her attention returned at the sound of her name. "What?"

"Where were you just now? You seemed light years away."

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about my conversation with Seven, earlier."

Chakotay guided her over to the table and pulled the chair out for her, so she could be seated. She sat and allowed him to help her scoot the chair closer to the table.

"So, do you want to tell me about what is going on with Seven? Or is it a woman's thing?" He was asking her as he got the plates from the replicator.

"She was asking me about relationships and mating practices among humans." She told him.

"Oh?" He said as he walked over to the table with a plate in each hand. He set one down in front of Kathryn and then sat the other one on the opposite side. Where he'd be sitting. There was already a charafe of wine on the table and he began to pour some into the glasses as he spoke. "I suppose it had something to do with Harry Kim?"

Janeway looked at him, amusement in her eyes. "Now how did you guess that, Commander?"

He laughed. "When they were working together, Seven had come to me and in not so many words told me that she thought that there had been a personal misunderstanding between her and Harry."

"In not so many words? I guess she only hinted at what happened?"

"Something like that. Anyway, I got the feeling from Harry, that she was a little to forward and spooked him."

Kathryn laughed. "Oh I see. I guess she scared him off."

"I don't know. But why did she want to talk to you?" Chakotay said, laughter still in his voice as he sat down.

"I guess she'd like to try and pursue a relationship with Harry. The trick is to get Harry to try again. I guess maybe he's a little gun shy right now." Kathryn told Chakotay.

"Did she tell you what happened? I've been dying to know."

"I really shouldn't tell you."

"Why not. If the commanding officers can't help the crew, who can?"

Kathryn smiled. "You've got this all figured out, don't you, Chakotay?"

He smiled back. "Maybe."

Kathryn had picked up a forkful of food and was chewing. As soon as she finished she began telling Chakotay about her conversation with Seven.

"I have to admit, when I walked in here and saw that you had the lights low and candles burning, I almost had to stifle a laugh."


"Because, it was what I had been explaining to Seven about romance."

"So, do you think I did a good job of promoting a romantic mood?" He asked, his demeanor serious.

Kathryn smiled at him. "You did an excellent job. Do you think you could talk Harry into trying again with Seven?" She asked, moving up to him and allowing his strong arms around her.

"I can try. I'll tell him that you had a talk with her, and that she won't come on so strong."

"I think maybe you better explain to him, that she still has a lot to learn about male/female relationships."

"What's it like, trying to teach Seven how to date?"

"I don't know, I never gave it much thought. It's nothing like the talks I had with my mother, when I was going through puberty." she laughed.

"Oh? I guess your mother told you all about the facts of life then?"

"That, plus dating tips. I think by the time my sister Phoebe, was going through that stage, my mother had a good idea of what to say. I was her first try."

"Dating tips, huh? What kind of dating tips?" Chakotay smiled down at Kathryn. "I hope she didn't say you couldn't kiss on the first date?"

Kathryn smiled back up at Chakotay. "No. She just warned me to save myself for the man I loved. Other than that, it was more about being polite and not being too provocative."

"So, did you save yourself for the man you loved?"

Now Kathryn pushed herself away from Chakotay, and turned her back to him.

It was obvious by the change in her demeanor that he had hit a nerve. "I'm sorry, did I ask the wrong question?"

She turned back to him. "No, it's okay. It's just that, I never had the chance to be with Justin before he died, and then there was Mark. We were together before I got this assignment and we got lost out here. He had asked me to consider having a child with him when I returned from this mission..." She broke off.

Chakotay went over to her, and placed his arms around her in a hug. "I'm sorry. I never meant to bring up painful memories."

"It's alright. I'm over him, I'm sure. He must have gone on with his life. After all, they all probably think we're dead."

"You could be right." He said.

They stood that way for several minutes, not saying anything. Kathryn felt warm, safe and comforted in Chakotay's arms, and didn't want the feeling to end.

Then Kathryn gently pulled away from Chakotay's embrace and turned to face him. "I don't know if I'm the right person for Seven to be asking advice from about relationships." She said.

"Why not?"

"I don't seem to be doing such a good job with my own relationships."

Chakotay smiled. "I think you're doing just fine."

"Do you? Or are you just saying that?"

"I wouldn't just say something I didn't believe." He told her.

"Wouldn't you? I haven't exactly been fair to you. I know you'd like us to become closer, but I don't know if it could work, because of the command structure."

"You may be the Captain of Voyager, Kathryn, but you're also a person and a woman. Sometimes I think you forget that." He began to get close to her again. He took her shoulders gently in his hands. "I don't want you to forget that your a woman. I'll gladly remind you anytime you want me to." He said and leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

Her mind told her to pull away, but her heart was the ruling force right now, and so she didn't withdraw. Instead she reciprocated the kiss, almost as passionately.

When they finally parted, it was more to catch their breaths than anything else.

Kathryn held her hands up to Chakotay's chest. It was meant to give them a little distance. "I really should go." She told him.

"Okay. I had a lovely evening." He told her.

She smiled. "So did I. Goodnight." She said and exited his quarters. The memory of his kiss still lingering in her mind and on her lips.

It was the last thing on her mind as she drifted off to sleep that night.

The next day was routine. Kathryn was overwhelmed with reports, and ended up sequestered in her ready room for most of the day.

She was pouring over perhaps the 30th report of the day when her door chime sounded.

"Come!" She said absently, not looking up.

"Don't you think you should take a break?" A familiar voice asked.

It was Chakotay. Kathryn looked up at her First Officer and smiled. "I guess so." She said, and leaned back. That was when the spasm hit her neck.

She placed her hand on her neck and winced in pain.

"You okay?" He asked with concern.

"Just my neck. I didn't realize that I had such a knot..."

She never got to finish her sentence. Chakotay was behind her in a shot, his hands feeling for the knot in her shoulder and neck.

"It doesn't feel like your tense. It feels like you've got a muscle spasm." he told her.

"I guess so. It does hurt like hell."

"You'd better get to Sickbay and let the Doctor give you something, before you can't lift your head."

"Is that an order, Commander?" She asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yes it is, Captain." He said, smiling.

"Aye, aye, Sir." She said as she got out of her chair. "By the way, what did you want to see me about?"

"It's an idea I had about Seven and Harry, but it can wait till you get back from Sickbay."

"Fine. You've got the Bridge, Commander." She called to him as she exited her ready room and headed for the turbo-lift.

As she entered Sickbay, Kathryn was about to call for the EMH to be activated. But he already was. He was treating Harry Kim for some injury.

"I'll be with you in a moment." The Doctor said as he was running some regenerator over Harry's arm. The Doctor then turned to see who had entered Sickbay. "Captain." He amended.

"That's fine, Doctor." She said.

"There you are, Ensign. I would suggest that you be a little more careful in the future."

"Uh, yeah, sure thing Doc. Captain." He acknowledged as he quickly exited Sickbay.

"You wanted something, Captain?" The Doctor asked, as Janeway contemplated Harry's hasty retreat.

"What? Oh, I've got some kind of spasm in my neck." She said, emphasizing it by giving the area a rub with her hand.

"Please get on the bio-bed." The Doctor said. "What happened to Harry?" She asked, trying to keep things casual.

"The Ensign broke his forearm." The Doctor replied as he ran the diagnostic wand over Janeway's neck and shoulder.

"How did he do that?"

"I believe he was attempting to engage in a Klingon training exercise with Lieutenant Torres, and he lost."

"I see." Janeway said. Wondering if the young Ensign was trying to find other ways to keep his mind off of Seven.

Just then the Doctor administered a hypo-spray to Janeway's neck.

"This should help relieve some of the discomfort. However, Captain, I would highly recommend that you lie down for a couple of hours, and take the strain off of your neck and shoulders."

"Sorry, Doctor, no can do. I've got too much work."

"If you don't, I'll be forced to relieve you of duty." He warned.

Kathryn stopped in mid stride and turned toward the Doctor. She had gotten down from the bio-bed as he was admonishing her. Now she looked him in the eye.

"You couldn't allow me to just finish a few reports that I have left?"

"No, Captain. I really would like you to consider the consequences of your actions concerning your health. If you don't rest now, later will be too late, and the condition will get worse. Then instead of being off duty for a few hours or a day, you could be laid up for several weeks."

"Couldn't you just give me another injection?"

"The injection is only a temporary solution. It won't help you over the long run."

"Fine. I'll go straight to my quarters and lie down for a while."

"I'd prefer if you remained off duty for the rest of the day."

Kathryn sighed. "Be grateful I'm taking a couple of hours. Is there anything else?"

"No. I'll inform the Commander about your medical situation."

Kathryn glared at the Doctor as she left Sickbay. Although she wasn't pleased with the fact that he was making her take a few hours off, she knew he was right about her needing to rest her neck and shoulders. Maybe laying down would help ease the discomfort she was still slightly having.

Kathryn went to her quarters and lay on top of her bed. Within a short while she had fallen asleep. When she woke, it was three hours later. She realized that her neck and shoulders did feel somewhat better than they had before she had fallen asleep. As her mind was focusing on her situation, the chime to her door chirped.

"Yes, who is it?" She called.

"It's Chakotay."

"Come in." she called, smiling to herself.

She had left the lights on at half illumination in the outer room, but her bedroom was dark. She then called for the computer to turn on the lights there as well.

Chakotay took a tentative step towards the doorway of her bedroom. "Kathryn?"

"It's okay, Chakotay, I'm dressed. I fell asleep on the bed, in uniform, if you can believe that." She told him as she began to get up.

"You must have been really tired." He said.

"I don't know. I suspect the Doctor may have slipped me a mild sedative. Was there something you wanted?"

"I thought we might discuss our strategy concerning Harry and Seven."

"Oh. Was that what you had wanted to see me about earlier?"

Now he smiled. "Uh, huh."

"Okay, but do you mind if I get into something a little more comfortable first?"

"No, not at all." He said and went back into the outer room. As he waited he called to her. "How does your neck and shoulder feel?"

"Much better since I took that long nap." She called back.

Within a few minutes she walked out to join him. She was wearing a loose fitting caftan like gown. It was simple, yet looked comfortable.

"Can I get you anything?" She offered.

"I wouldn't mind some tea." He said.

Kathryn walked over to the replicator and ordered Tea for Chakotay and coffee for herself. She took the two steaming mugs and offered one to Chakotay.

He took it, and sat in the chair she waved her at toward. She couldn't speak because she was sipping the coffee. Then she went over to the couch and sat down, opposite Chakotay.

"What did you have in mind concerning Harry and Seven?" She began.

"I've been giving what you said a lot of thought, so I figured it might be a good idea to go to someone who's somewhat of an expert when it comes to wooing the ladies."

"Who might that be?" She asked, already guessing the answer.

"Tom Paris."

"So, what did Tom say?"

"What makes you think I've spoken with him?"

"A little bird told me." She said. She knew Chakotay well enough to know that he wouldn't wait to take action.

Chakotay smiled at her. "Tom told me that he knew Harry had it bad for Seven."


"Yeah. He said that while they were removing a piece of Borg hardware from a section, she cut her hand. Tom had to attend to her wound, since the Doctor wasn't on board, and he said that Harry started telling him that his bedside manner left a lot to be desired."

"I see." Kathryn took another sip of her coffee.

"Of course Harry also confided in Tom about Seven coming on a bit strong, shall we say."

"You mean, asking him point blank if he wanted to have intercourse with her?"

Chakotay only nodded.

"So does Tom think Harry would be willing to give it another try?" Kathryn continued.

"He's not sure how spooked Harry is. But he thinks Harry still has a thing for Seven."

"Perhaps the best thing to do would be for Tom to give Harry the push. It might seem odd for us to become involved." Kathryn suggested.

"Hummm, I suppose your right. But since you're the one having to coax Seven, maybe your involvement wouldn't seem so out of place." Chakotay offered.

"You trying to get me in trouble, Commander?" She asked, smiling.

"Not at all. Maybe you and Tom need to coordinate a strategy."

Kathryn rolled her eyes. "You know, matchmaking was never in the job description for Starfleet Captain. I don't even remember them giving us such a course at Command School."

Chakotay laughed. "I'm sure they didn't. It is, however, your responsibility as Captain to see that the crew has good moral, isn't it?"

"Got me there." She affirmed.

Chakotay rose from his seat. "I'd better get going before the ship falls apart without it's Captain or First Officer."

Kathryn smiled up at him. "I doubt that would happen with Tuvok in charge."

The twinkle in Chakotay's eyes showed the humor he was about to impart. "I didn't leave Tuvok in charge, he went off duty a couple of hours ago."

"Who's in charge then?" She asked.


Kathryn began to chuckle. "You're awful."

"I know. See you later."

Kathryn nodded as Chakotay left. She then rose from her seat and picked up the mugs to place them in the replicator, then hit the recycle button.

The next day, Janeway was again confined to going over a seemingly endless stack of reports in her ready room. She was on what must have been at least her 6th or 7th cup of coffee that morning when her door chime sounded.

"Yes, come in." She said absently. She was leaning back in her chair reading a Padd. It was a position the Doctor had recommended she use to alleviate any more stress to her neck and shoulders.

Chakotay strode up to her desk. "Got a few minutes?" He asked her.

She looked up from the Padd at his smiling face. "I suppose so. For you, Commander." She said with a smile.

Chakotay sat down, and seemed to become quite comfortable. I've been thinking about how I can approach Harry about giving Seven another chance." He began.

"Good. Any ideas?"

"Too many, I think. From what I've gleaned from Paris, I got the impression Seven wasn't really interested."

"I don't know if she is or not. Why?"

"I heard that she had asked Harry if he had wanted to fraternize, while they were working."

"Oh? I think I need to explain further to her about the differences in fraternizing on duty and off."

"You don't think she really understands the subtle differences?"

"Yes, that's probably most of the problem. I know that sometimes its nice to discuss things that have nothing to do with the task. It relieves the monotony, but I don't think Seven understands that. It wasn't programmed into the Borg."

Chakotay smiled. "You could be right. By the way, how many cups of coffee have you had already today?"


"You seem a little more on edge than usual."

"It's just these unending reports. I guess I'm starting to get frazzled."

"Maybe you should take a little time on the holodeck for yourself."

"Did you have something in mind, Commander?" She asked, smiling.

"No, nothing in particular. But a relaxing swim in a warm pool sounds inviting, doesn't it?"

"Yes. But I hate to swim alone. I don't suppose you could join me?"

Chakotay laughed. "Someone has to man the Bridge."

Kathryn got out of her seat, after laying the Padd down on the desk. She came around her desk and up to Chakotay's chair. "I'm sure Tuvok wouldn't mind watching things for a couple of hours." She said, suggestively.

Chakotay stood and bent down to give his Captain a kiss. "I'll see you in 15 minutes on Holodeck 3." He told her.

"Fifteen minutes." She repeated. Then the doors opened and Chakotay walked out of the ready room. Kathryn smiled to herself. This was going to be fun. Maybe playing a little hooky wasn't so bad after all.

That evening Janeway invited Seven to join her for dinner in the mess hall. Chakotay was forced to finish out his watch since they had taken some time on the holodeck, and so she was forced to eat in the mess hall, alone.

The young woman got her tray from Neelix and went over to where Janeway was sitting. "You asked to see me, Captain?" she asked.

"Yes. Please sit down." Janeway waved a hand to the seat opposite her.

Seven sat down after placing her tray on the table. She looked unsure. It was something that Seven never seemed to be, unsure. She always exuded confidence in herself and her abilities. Now she didn't seem so confident.

"I was wondering if you had given any thought to what we discussed the other night." Janeway said.

"About mating rituals among humans? Yes I have thought about them, although I must admit to still being....confused."

Janeway smiled. "That's normal, Seven. I don't think any of us understands about relationships."

"Then it is normal to doubt ones actions?"

"Yes. Have you decided whether or not you want to pursue a relationship with Harry Kim?"

"I don't know. He tends to like to engage in fraternizing conversation while we are working."

Again Janeway smiled. "There's nothing wrong with friendly conversation while working, as long as it doesn't interfere with the task that is being done."

"I see."

"Also, it isn't good to be so forthright in your comments on someone's intentions."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"It's sort of an unwritten rule, that although a woman may clearly read what a man wants, it's something that isn't spoken."

"Do you mean, it is best to allow suggestive behavior without commenting on it?"

"Yes. Relationships are formed when people become friends. I've noticed that you and Tuvok seem to have formed a friendship. Tuvok and I are also close friends."

"Yes, the Commander and I have found mutual interests."

Now Janeway leaned forward on her elbows. "Just remember, that your friendship with Tuvok can never go any further. He has a mate, and Vulcan's bond for life." She could see in the young Borg's eyes that Seven was hoping for more than just friendship from Tuvok. The girls first crush. It was best to address the situation now, and avoid problems in the future.

"I see. You think I should try to become friends with Ensign Kim?"

"That's entirely up to you. If Harry wishes to befriend you, you owe it to yourself to try and reciprocate."

"Then I need not become romantically involved with him?"

"No, not unless you desire it."

"I will think about what you have said, Captain." Seven hadn't eaten very much, but got up and left.

Janeway watched as she emptied the remaining contents of her tray, then left the mess hall.

Chakotay wasn't sure when would be a good time to talk to Harry Kim, and since he was stuck on the Bridge late into the evening, he decided that he might try to approach the Ensign during lunch the next day.

Chakotay had decided to leave for lunch a little early. He checked with Kathryn and she gave him the okay.

When Harry entered, he waved the young man over.

"Was there something you wanted, Commander?" He asked.

"Have a seat, Harry."

Harry stood, a bit unsure, than put his tray down and sat in the chair opposite Chakotay.

It was obvious that Harry was nervous. "Don't worry, Harry, nothings wrong. I just wanted to have a chat with you."

"A chat, Sir?"

"Yes. About Seven."

"Did she say something?"

"No." Chakotay was quick to deny. "It's just that, Seven approached the Captain a few days ago and began asking about relationships."

Now Harry seemed somewhat relieved. "Seven was asking the Captain about relationships? What kind of relationships?"

"Those between a man and a women." Chakotay said.

He could see Harry begin to blush.

"The Captain asked me to approach you about giving Seven another chance."

Harry was blushing now. "What did she tell the Captain?"

"Suffice it to say, she told the Captain that she thought that the two of you had, had a misunderstanding about your intentions."

"Oh great. Now the Captain knows I tried to put the moves on Seven."

"Don't worry. The Captain knows you weren't out of line. Seven misunderstood, and was pretty blunt in accessing your intentions."

"Yeah, but my intentions weren't what she thought they were."

"We know that. Look, the Captain thinks that maybe you should give Seven another chance. She's gonna work with her and see if she can't tone her down a little. Teach her the subtleties, instead of just being so forthright. I know the Captain will handle this as discreetly as possible. Don't worry."

Harry had been trying to stare a hole into his tray and the table below it. Now he raised his head to look Chakotay in the eyes.

"Do you think Seven has changed her mind about me?" Harry asked.

"I think she's curious about how humans interact with one another, and how men and women behave with each other."

"She hasn't seem interested when I've tried talking to her. She thought I was trying to fraternize with her when we were working on trying to extend the sensors range, that time the Captain was on that planet with the hologram." Harry said.

"The Captain has been trying to explain to her about the different ways people fraternize...." Chakotay began. "She does tend to be blunt."

"I don't think Seven really understands. I think she just needs some time. Besides I did tell her that she shouldn't be so blunt in the way she addresses people, that they might get the wrong idea."

" Good start. Do you think she understood.

"I don't know."

Two days later a situation occurred that forced Harry to work again with Seven. As Harry approached the section of the Jefferies Tube where the work had to be done, he went with an air of dread. How was Seven going to be with him today? Was she going to push him away like she did the other time, or would she allow him to actually do some of the work.

When he arrived at the junction where the work was to be done, Seven had not yet arrived, to Harry's relief. He removed the panel and opened his tricorder to find the section that he needed to work on.

As he was looking at the tricorder readings he heard someone approach from the direction he had just come from. It was Seven crawling along the Jefferies Tube.

When she reached Harry, she sat down. "Have you located the power coupling that needs work?" She asked him, getting straight down to business.

"Just found it." Harry said. He wasn't going to make the mistake of making small talk, since she had already told him she thought it was 'irrelevant'. "The tricorder doesn't seem to be able to determine what the problem is. I guess we'll just have to pull it out and look it over."

"May I see the tricorder?" Seven asked him.

"Sure." Harry said, handing the device to her.

Seven punched a couple of buttons, and got some beeps, she held the instrument up to the area they were scanning. "You are correct. The tricorder seems unable to determine the problem."

"I just said that." Harry said. "What's the matter, you don't believe me?"

Seven looked up at him, her eyebrow raising. (the one without the Borg prosthetic.) Thinking about what Janeway had been telling her, she thought about what she needed to do, then did so. "I apologize. I did not mean to make you feel that your skills were inferior to mine. I know that not to be the case."

Harry gave her smile. "That's okay. I guess you're just used to being a perfectionist."


"Yeah, somebody who thinks that nobody can do anything better than they can, so they always want to be the one to do it, or get to it before anybody else."

Seven thought about what Harry was saying, then responded; "Yes, I guess I am a perfectionist. In the collective when a task was assigned there was never any need for it to be done a second time. There was no making mistakes."

"See, that's where humans are different. People do make mistakes. You just have to make sure that they aren't big ones, especially when peoples lives are at stake."

"That sounds logical. Shall we proceed with the repairs?"

"Sure." Harry said. This time, things seemed to being going pretty well with Seven. Maybe what the Captain was telling her was beginning to sink in.

Just as Harry and Seven were finishing their work, Harry thought he'd try something.

"Look, I know that you don't think we should fraternize while we're working, but we've just completed work on this, and I was thinking..."

Seven looked at him. "Yes?" She asked. She was remembering what Captain Janeway had told her about being less forward in her manner.

"I thought maybe, if you weren't doing anything else later, when you get off duty, that is..." Harry was stumbling. He just hoped she didn't take what he wanted to ask the wrong way. In the past it had always seemed to go that way.

"You wish to ask something of me?"

"Yeah. I wondered if you'd like to have dinner with me, in the mess hall?"

"In the mess hall? At what time?"

"I thought maybe around 1800 hours."

For a moment she forgot what Janeway had been trying to teach her. "There will be many people present then..." Then remembered, and stopped in mid sentence.

Harry smiled. "Yeah, well, I thought maybe we'd just try to get to know each other first, if that's okay?"

"Yes, that will be satisfactory. Thank you. I will meet you in the mess hall at 1800 hours."

"Great!" Harry said. "See you later."

As they exited the Jefferies Tube they each went their separate ways.

When Seven's duty shift ended, she still had about two hours before she was to meet with Harry. Not knowing exactly what to do, she decided she better ask Janeway.

Seven strode onto the Bridge and headed straight to the door of Janeway's ready room. She was about to enter when Tuvok's voice caught her attention.

"Seven." He said, tersely.

She stopped and looked up at him. "Yes?"

"Did you wish to speak with the Captain?"

"Yes, I do." She replied.

"I'm afraid that the Captain is already engaged with someone. You will have to wait until that person exits her ready room."

"Oh. I did not think. I am sorry. I shall wait." She told Tuvok. She then stepped up to stand beside his station.

In Janeway's ready room, she was talking with Tom Paris. "So how did your conversation with Harry go?"

"He wasn't too happy when I had to tell him that you knew about the misunderstanding between him and Seven."

"I can understand his embarrassment. It's not exactly something you want your most senior officer to know about."

Tom was smiling. "I reassured him that you'd be discreet about the matter."

"And did he seem reassured?"

Tom gave a laugh. "Would you, if it was me telling you?"

Janeway smiled at her pilot. "Probably not. But I'm sure Harry knows by now that I would never do anything that would impact on a crewmembers personal life."

"Yeah, I know he does. It's just, well, Harry's still a kid, and I guess maybe just a little shy."

"Didn't he have a girl back home?"


"Did he ever tell you about her?"

Tom shook his head. "No, not really. I guess it wasn't true love or anything. She was just his girlfriend. I don't suppose it was anything real serious."

"As I recall, he did seem to miss her quite a bit when we were first stranded out here." Janeway said.

"I think that was more homesickness than anything, on Harry's part. He'd never been away from home for more that a couple of months before. It was kinda hard on him."

"I know, Tom. It was hard on all of us."

"Not me."

"Okay, then some of us. What is your take on his feelings for Seven?"

"I think he's just interested. It doesn't hurt that she's not hard to look at, but I think what's attracting him to her is the fact that they can talk Engineering all night and never get bored."

Again Janeway smiled. "I see. Didn't he used to do that with B'Elanna?"

Now it was Tom's turn to smile. "Yeah. But those two were never more than just friends. B'Elanna told me that she sort of regards Harry like the kid brother she never had."

"I see. I guess that was good for you?"

Now Tom was blushing. "Yeah, I guess so, Captain. I'd better get going. I have to meet B'Elanna for dinner, and she's gets really upset when I'm late."

"Her Klingon temper keeping you in line?"

"Something like that."

Janeway smiled and rose from her seat on the couch. "Okay. Give her my best, and keep me posted on Harry and Seven."

"Will do, Captain." Tom said, and left.

As he walked out the door and toward the Turbo lift he saw Seven standing by Tuvok's station. He tried to look a little more serious, so it would seem like he and the Captain had been discussing ship's business and not her and Harry.

Tuvok nodded his head in Seven's direction. Seven then stepped out after Tom passed and rang the chime to Janeway's door.

"Come in." Janeway said.

She was already seated back behind her desk, and had just begun to look over a Padd that Tuvok had brought her earlier.

Seven stepped in, and walked up to Janeway's desk, "Captain I need to speak with you."

Kathryn looked up. "Yes, Seven, what is it?"

The girl looked almost terrified. Like a deer caught in the headlamps of an oncoming vehicle.

"What's wrong." Kathryn asked, ready to stand up and go around to Seven.

"I believe I have a date." She said finally.

Janeway motioned to her to sit down. This time Seven accepted the offer, and sat.

"Okay. Start at the beginning. Tell me what happened."

Seven began to explain what had taken place while she and Harry were in the Jefferies Tube. "When we had completed the work, and were preparing to close up the area, Ensign Kim asked me to have dinner with him in the mess hall."

"I gather you accepted?"

"Yes. He told me to meet him there at 1800 hours. I realize that is a very busy time, and that there are many people in the mess hall at that hour."

"Your wondering why he choose that time and place?"

"Yes. I thought that romance meant that the room should be semi-dark and that the couple ate alone?"

Kathryn smiled. "Seven, he's trying to make you feel more comfortable. Before having a romantic meal together, he wants to make you feel more at ease around him. The best way to do that is in a well lit and common area."

"He did say that he thought it might be a better way for us to get to know each other."

"That's exactly why he choose the mess hall at 1800 hours. He's not going to try to proposition you in a crowded room full of people."

"I guess, I still have much to learn about human mating behavior."

Again Kathryn smiled. "Yes you do. But I'm glad you came to me. Do you feel a little more comfortable about the situation now?"

"Yes, I do. Thank you." Seven said as she stood. Before leaving she turned back to Janeway. "There is one other thing?"

"Yes, what is that?"

"Do I need to change my attire?"

Kathryn gave a slight grin. "No. Since it's an informal dinner, what you have on will be just fine."

"Thank you." Seven said and strode out the door.

Kathryn sat back in her chair, shaking her head and smiling to herself.

As curious as she was about how Seven and Harry's date was going to go, Janeway decided that she would have something to eat in her ready room, then go to her quarters. Before she was able to get to the replicator, however, the chime to her door sounded. Sighing she bade the person to enter.

Carrying a covered tray was Chakotay. "Your dinner, Captain." He said as he carried it over to her coffee table and sat it down.

"I was just about to get something from the replicator." She told him.

"Why waste rations when you can enjoy something chez Neelix?" He asked with a big grin.

"You are incorrigible." She told him as she approached her couch and sat down in front of the food tray. "Have you already eaten?" She asked him.

"Yes, I have. I don't forget to eat like a certain Starship Captain I happen to know." He said, grinning at her.

She gave him a mock glare. He had uncovered the tray, unwrapped the eating utensils from the napkin that held them, and was unfolding the napkin. He then placed it on her lap, with a grand gesture.

"To what do I owe this special treatment, Commander?" She asked him.

He sat down beside her. "I was surprised you didn't come to the mess hall this evening." He said.

"Why, did something special happen?" She asked, a knowing gleam in her eye.

"You knew all about it, didn't you?" He asked her.

With a mock serious look on her face she said; "Knew about what?"

"About Harry and Seven's date."

Kathryn couldn't help but smile. "I suppose I did."

"So why didn't you come to the mess hall?"

"Because I didn't want to be obvious. I figured someone would give me the details. I just never imagined it would be you. I thought maybe Tom or B'Elanna...."

"Oh, I see. So how did you find out?" Chakotay asked her.

She had taken a bite of the food. She took a moment to chew, the said. "Seven told me." And resumed eating.

"Seven told you? When?"

"After she got off duty. She came here to see me, to ask me how she should behave with Harry."

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" He chided her.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."

"You told me matchmaking wasn't in a Starfleet Captain's training, but that doesn't mean it wasn't in the Janeway women's handbook. Am I right?"

Kathryn couldn't help herself, she started laughing. "No, not at all. Like I told you before, Seven approached me for help and advice. I'm not attempting to do any matchmaking. I've always been a firm believer in nature taking it's own course, where affairs of the hear are concerned."

"I see. So your only helping Seven because she asked you?"

"Don't you believe me?"

Chakotay cocked his head. "I'm not sure. You still manage to surprise me, Kathryn Janeway."

"Do I? Hummmm, I wonder if that's a good thing? Heaven knows I don't think there's anything I can put over on Tuvok after all these years."

Chakotay sat for a moment and watched Kathryn finishing her dinner. She had gone to the replicator and gotten a fresh pot of coffee. She was finishing a cup, that helped wash down the last of her food. "So, if I want to know something about you, I just have to ask Tuvok? Is that what you're saying?"

Now she looked at him, mild shock on her face. "What are you talking about?"

"I thought we were talking about you?" He said.

She had finished her meal and had placed the napkin on the table. Chakotay took one of her hands. "You seem to be doing a good job, teaching Seven how to interact on a social level. What about you?"

"What about me?" She asked him. She stared into his deep brown eyes. There was something warm, comforting and hypnotic about those eyes. Tuvok had brown eyes, but they didn't reveal his soul the way Chakotay's did. Kathryn knew that she could loose herself in Chakotay's eyes.

She came back to the moment, and looked at his face. "So, are you going to tell me how Seven and Harry's 'date' went?" She asked him, trying to get back to the original subject.

"Actually it went very well. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. I even saw Seven smile a couple of times."

"Really. I wonder what he said to her to make that happen? She's always so serious. Even when the Doctor makes an amusing remark, she never laughs or smiles."

"I have to admit, her smile didn't seem at all contrived, so I suspect she truly found what Harry said, amusing."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that things went well between them. There's hope yet."

"I suppose. Now why don't we get back to the subject." He told her.

"What subject?"

"Kathryn Janeway, and how I can get to know her almost as well as Tuvok." He replied.

"I tell you what, why don't we start sharing information? I tell you something about me, and you tell me something about you. Does that sound fair?"

"Yes it does."

"Okay, you go first." She told him.

"Oh no you don't. You're not going to get out of it like that."

"What do you mean?" She asked, feigning innocence.

"How about we meet in my quarters in about half an hour?" He asked her.

"Ummm, your quarters, Commander?"

"Yes." He said smiling. "I have to take this tray back to the mess hall. Then we can start getting to know each other."

"Alright. Your quarters in half an hour." She told him.

They left her ready room together. Tuvok was in charge on the Bridge and gave them a quizzical look as they exited and went to the turbo lift.

"Have a nice evening, Tuvok." Chakotay called to the Vulcan. He had one arm placed around Kathryn's waist, while he held the now empty tray in the other.

"You and the Captain as well." Tuvok replied.

Janeway merely waved to Tuvok as she stepped into the turbo lift just ahead of Chakotay. The Vulcan's eyebrow went up at his Captain's gesture.

When Harry got to the mess hall, he expected to see Seven waiting for him. She wasn't. He'd gotten there early, because he knew how she was about punctuality. It was something programmed into her when she was a Borg.

Just as he walked up to the counter to see what Neelix was serving, Seven entered the mess hall. She looked around for a moment, then spotted Harry. She walked directly over to him.

"I am here at the agreed hour." She stated.

"Yes you are." Harry said a bit awkwardly. Then he turned to Neelix. "So, Neelix, what would you recommend this evening?" He asked the beaming Talaxian.

"I've made some Feragoit goulash this evening. It's been quite popular."

"That sounds great. How about you Seven. What would you like?"

"I will have the goulash." She answered.

"Great. Two trays of Feragoit goulash."

"Coming right up." Neelix plopped the mixture first onto one tray, then another. "Anything else?"

Harry looked at Seven. "Do you want desert with that?"

"I will wait. I am not certain yet as to how much 'food' I must intake to keep myself at optimal efficiency."

"Right. Okay. Let's find a table." Harry suggested.

Seven followed Harry to an empty table and placed her tray on it. Harry had placed his down and went around to the chair. He pulled it out.

Seven stood by it. "Go ahead and sit." Harry prompted.

"I am capable of pulling out my own chair." Seven told him.

"I know, but a gentlemen always pulls the chair out for a lady."

Seven raised her eyebrow. "Is this a special custom?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that."

"Very well." Seven said, and sat.

Harry gave the chair a little nudge and Seven helped to bring the chair closer to the table. He then moved around and sat down on the opposite side.

Harry began to unwrap his eating utensils from the napkin, so Seven did the same. She watched what he did, and tried to imitate him. She still was unsure how to hold the eating utensils in her hand, and had continued to grip it the way a child would. Now she saw that Harry was holding it between his fingers, and so she attempted to hold her fork that way as well.

Harry was watching her, fascinated, by her attempts to imitate his movements. "Would you like me to show you how to hold it more comfortably?" He asked her.

She looked at him, somewhat at a loss. "Yes. I have noticed that the other people on board hold their eating utensils the way you do."

Harry got up from his seat and came around behind Seven. He leaned over and took the fork in one of his hands. With the other he took Seven's hand and placed her fingers around the fork with the thumb and first two fingers. "Okay, now don't grip it too tight. Just enough so you don't drop it."

"Yes, I see how that is more comfortable and efficient." She told him.

Harry smiled. "Okay. Give it a try." He told her.

Seven did has Harry suggested, and found it to be much easier.

Once Harry was sure Seven was mastering the new technique, he returned to his seat.

"How's your goulash?" He asked, trying to make light conversation.

"It is pleasing to the palate." She told him.

"Seven, do you want to learn how to talk like the rest of us, or do you prefer to talk like a Borg drone?"

She looked up at him, and cocked her head to one side. "You think I talk like a Borg drone?"

"Yeah, you do. I mean there's nothing wrong with it or anything, it's just that, when you say something, you're always so literal."

"That is how I was taught to think. So that is how I speak."

"Right, I understand that, but, I don't know, it doesn't sound...human. You talk more like the ship's computer."

"I sound like a computer?"

"Yeah, sort of."

Seven sat for a moment. "Can you give me an example?" She asked Harry.

Harry sat for a moment, trying to think how the computer sounded. "Okay. A normal person when asked something like Where is so and so would say, 'so and so's on the holodeck'. Now if you ask the computer where is so and so, the computer says 'so and so is located on holodeck 2', or something like that."

"The computer's answer is more precise."

"Yeah, I know, but it's only a computer. Don't you get it?"

Seven thought about the way Harry had demonstrated the differences. "Yes, I think I see what you are saying. I should try to make my speech less static and more smooth."

"Right. Use contractions."


"Uh, huh. Instead of asking, where is? say Where's?"

Seven found the difference in sounds odd, and felt something she wasn't sure she had ever experienced before. It was humor. Genuine humor. She smiled at Harry's comparison.

"You find that amusing? That's good." He told her.

"I'm..." she began hesitantly, "finding this conversation amusing, yes."

Harry knew the evening was going to go well from there.

Kathryn got off the turbo lift ahead of Chakotay, and headed straight for her quarters. She decided that it would probably be more comfortable in something other than her uniform, and so began looking through what she had in her closet.

By the time she had decided on something, she only had a short time in which to change. When she was done, she checked herself in the mirror. She ran a quick comb through her hair and headed to Chakotay's quarters, next door.

Kathryn rang the chime, and a moment later, Chakotay answered. He was still in uniform, but had his jacket off.

"I hope you don't mind that I changed?" She asked him. "I just thought it would be a little more comfortable than being in uniform."

Chakotay gave her an appreciative look. "No, I don't mind at all. I wish I'd had time to change."

"Go ahead if you like. I don't mind waiting." She told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"Okay, help yourself if you want anything."

"I need to save my rations. I've been going a bit overboard on the coffee lately." She called to him in his bedroom.

Except for the decor, his quarters were almost a mirror of hers. His Medicine Wheel was placed in a corner of the room. There was what looked like a hand woven indian blanket draped across his couch, and a chair with a Native American design. His quarters always made her feel comfortable, although she wasn't really sure why.

Chakotay came back to the living room while Kathryn was still caught up in her reverie. She was sitting in the chair with the Native American design on it. Her knees pulled up to her chin.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked her.

His voice shocked her out of her musings. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"You were light years away. I said, a Penny for your thoughts."

"Oh." She said and smiled. "I was just thinking how comfortable this room seems."

"You like it, huh?"

"You could say that. You said something about getting to know each other?"

"Yes, I did. I've told you some of the stories of my people. I would think that, that would have given you some clue to me." He told her.

"Yes, but some of those stories you've made up, too." She said.

He smiled. "You mean like my 'Angry Warrior' story?"

"Something like that. But believe it or not, that story told me a lot."

"Did it?"

"Uh huh! I suppose you could say I have somewhat of an unfair advantage over you."

"You do? What, because you have access to my file?"

"No. Remember when I was injured on that moon, and nearly died?"


"Although there was an alien invading my cerebral cortex, some of what I saw was real."

"What did he allow you to see that was real? And how do you know it was real?"

"From things that Tuvok and the Doctor told me. I know that you kept calling to me to breath and not die on you."

"You do?"

She nodded. "I know you cried, holding me, before the Doctor and Tuvok arrived."

"Okay, so you caught me out. I was damned scared that we had lost you."

"Scared for who? For the crew, or yourself?"

"What do you think?"

She held out her hand to him, and he allowed her to take his. "Chakotay, I don't know if I'm ready for anything like this just yet."

"Kathryn it's been over three years since we've been stranded out here. Don't you think that everyone back home has probably gone on with their lives. Starfleet probably declared us all dead a long time ago."

"I know. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm over Mark. I realized that when it occurred to me that I hadn't given him a thought for a very long time. Even with his picture sitting in my ready room. I rarely look at it, and when I do, I seem to have more fond memories of my dog, than of him."

Chakotay gave a slight laugh. "Sorry, but it seems you hold your dog in higher esteem."

Kathryn laughed as well. "I guess so. That's terrible." Then she sobered. "I have to tell you that you have become a very good and dear friend, and I don't know if I would have gotten the crew this far without you."

"What you're saying is, that you care for me, but you're not in love with me. Is that it?"

Kathryn stood. "I don't know if I am in love with you or not. I know that if anything were to happen to you I would be beside myself with grief."

Chakotay walked over to her, and placed his arms loosely around her neck and shoulders. "That's okay, Kathryn. We have a lot of time to work through this. I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes."

She tilted her head back. "Thank you for being so patient with me."

"You're welcome." He said, smiling down at her.

"I hope that Seven comes to understand more about what it means to be human." She said, rhetorically.

"I'm sure she will, and with any luck, maybe she and Harry will find each other and happiness."

"Yeah. Look at how Tom and B'Elanna started out, and look at them now."

"I know. I wonder how long it'll be before they come to you asking to be married?" Chakotay asked.

"Good question. Let's just hope they decide on a wedding before a baby."

Chakotay laughed. "At least I'm sure Harry will be more sensible in that area."

"You think so? Tom can be a bad influence, and he does tend to drag Harry into things..."

Chakotay leaned down and kissed the top of Kathryn's head. "Enough about the crew. Weren't we about to tell each other about ourselves?"

Kathryn smiled and began, "When I was a little girl......."

The End (Maybe)
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