"Chakotay here." He responded.

"Captain Janeway is awake and asking to speak with you, Commander."

Chakotay took a moment to look at Captain Singh. "Would you excuse me, Captain?"

"Of course. Give Kathryn my regards." He called after Chakotay.

Chakotay stopped for a moment and looked at Singh. A question on face and in his eyes.

<"We were classmates and friends at the Academy." Singh quickly explained.

Chakotay nodded and hurried out the door,

Her eyes were closed, and she still looked very pale, although not as pale as she had been on the Bridge.

Quietly Chakotay asked the Doctor; "How is she doing?"

"She's still very weak. She did suffer a significant blood loss, and I had difficulty controlling the bleeding."

"You said that she was awake and asking for me?"

"Yes. Please keep it brief, Commander. She needs to get as much rest as she can."

"Of course, Doctor." Chakotay said.

The Doctor moved away and Chakotay stepped closer to the bed. It was then that he noticed the tube running into Janeway's right arm. She was being transfused. He took her left hand in his, and her eyes began to flutter open.

When she recognized him, she gave him a wan smile.

"How are you doing?" He asked her softly.

She swallowed, and tried to speak. Her voice was weak and cracked. "I've been better."

"The Doc said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes." She said, trying to nod her head.

Chakotay didn't say anything, he allowed her to take her time to form the words.

"I gather we escaped the Jem'Hadar?"

Chakotay smiled. "Yes, with the help of some Klingon and Romulan ships. There were two Federation ships also. They're escorting us back to Federation space."

Janeway looked up at him questioningly. "I'll explain it all to you when you're feeling better. Oh by the way, a classmate of yours asked me to give his regards. Captain Singh of the FDR."

Janeway nodded, and closed her eyes. Chakotay was unsure if she heard what he'd just told her.

The Doctor returned at that moment. "I'm sorry, Commander. It will be several days before she's really up to speaking with anyone. She's still very seriously ill."

"Of course. Thank you, Doctor. Keep me posted when she's improved."

"I will, Commander." The Doctor told him. Chakotay then left Sickbay and returned to the Bridge.

Within three days, Voyager's crew found themselves in the midst of the largest fleet of Starfleet and allied ships anyone had ever seen. It was larger than the fleet that fought at Wolf 359.

Their escorts, save Captain Singh of the FDR resumed their previous positions before their rescue of Voyager.

By this time, Janeway was feeling better, although she was still too ill to leave Sickbay, let alone her bed.

Chakotay was left to speak with Admiral Nechayev in Janeway's absence.

"I'm sure Captain Singh explained that you and you're Maquis crew have all been given pardons by the Federation." She told him.

"Yes. I was also told that Starfleet may want to keep my people on as members of Starfleet?"

"Yes, that's right. We need all the trained personnel we can get right now, Commander, and since your people have been serving aboard a Starfleet vessel, under a Starfleet Captain for more than four years now, I'd say that any training and experience they have far outweighs what they could have learned at the Academy. I've gone over the crew reports Captain Janeway filed, and I must say that I'm very impressed with how your two crews managed to merge so smoothly together. It's a credit to both you and Captain Janeway."

"Thank you, Admiral. Although, I'm sure even Captain Janeway will admit, we did have a few rough times in the beginning."

"I'm sure you did. Once you've been debriefed by Starfleet headquarters, and Voyager has been repaired, and retrofitted, and Captain Janeway is back on her feet, you will most likely be sent to join the fleet."

"I see. Then Voyager will also be fighting the Cardassians and Jem'Hadar?"

"I'm afraid so, Commander Chakotay. Now, I would like to see and speak with Captain Janeway. Has your Doctor authorized her having visitors yet?"

"Yes, he has. Although I do believe the visits are still limited."

"Fine. I look forward to meeting Captain Janeway." She told Chakotay as they left the FDR's conference room and headed toward the Transporter room.

Janeway was sitting up in bed, going over a report that Tuvok had brought her. It was a report on the repairs that had been made to the damaged sections of the ship.

Kathryn was having some difficulty holding the Padd up, since she was only able to use her right hand, her left arm being in a sling. The Doctor had insisted that her left arm needed to be restricted from movement because of the proximity of her chest wound.

"Captain, it's time for your lunch." Kes said bringing a tray to Janeway, and relieving her of the Padd.

Janeway gave her a half smile. "Thank you, Kes. But I haven't finished that report yet." She said, trying to reach for it with her right hand.

"Sorry, Captain, but the Doctor said that you still need a lot of rest. I'm sure Tuvok will be receiving a firm reprimand from the Doctor for bringing you this report."

"What's wrong with my reading a report, Kes? It's not physically strenuous. Besides, I'm getting bored to tears just lying here."

"We must be feeling better." The Doctor said as he exited his office and approached Janeway's bed.

"You could say that." Janeway said.

"I would like you to remember, Captain, that you are not fully recovered from your injury. You still need several days rest. The amount of blood loss you suffered is going to affect you for a few more days yet. Even with the transfusions, you're still much weaker than you think."

Janeway knew the Doctor was right, but she didn't want to admit that to him. She hated having to acquiesce to his expertise, but knew there was no way she could win an argument with a hologram over her health. "All right, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to keep asking when I can get out of here."

"Fine. As often as you like. It doesn't mean that I feel you're ready to be released from Sickbay. And remember, there is still the possibility that you are going to require surgery on your shoulder. It isn't healing properly."

If Janeway hadn't known better, she could have sworn he was miffed with her. Impossible, computer generated holograms did not get miffed. Must be her imagination, she thought. Maybe it was because she felt she'd been cooped up in Sickbay too long.

Just then Chakotay entered with an attractive Starfleet Vice-Admiral in tow. They walked over to Janeway's bed.

"Hello, Captain." Chakotay smiled at her. "Sorry to disturb your lunch."

"Commander?" Janeway said, her eyes questioning the Admiral's presence.

"This is Admiral Nechayev. She needs to speak with you. Do you feel up to it?" He asked.

"I suppose so. I don't know what kind of restrictions the Doctor's going to put on it, but I'll talk to you as long as he permits it, Admiral." Janeway replied, addressing the Admiral instead of Chakotay.

"That's fine, Captain." She said, then turning to Chakotay. "Thank you for your help, Commander."

He knew he was being dismissed. He gave Janeway a half smile and left.

Nechayev took a stool and sat beside Janeway's bed. "I'm sorry to have to meet and speak with you under these circumstances, Captain." She began.

Janeway looked at her. She had no fear of Admirals. She had served under Tom Paris' father, and her own father had been an Admiral. This was not a really uncomfortable situation for Kathryn. Only a bit awkward because she was still lying in a bio-bed in Sickbay. She knew that was what Admiral Nechayev meant.

"That's all right, Admiral. I understand." Janeway assured her.

Nechayev then told Janeway what Chakotay had been told about the Maquis crew being given commissions and retained in Starfleet, if they desired so. She explained that Chakotay would be given back his commission and his proper rank, which was 'Captain'. It was indeterminate yet as to whether he would be given his own ship any time soon, since several were being built, and their completion was still at least a year away. Until that time he would be given the option of commanding Voyager. He didn't yet know this.

"What do you mean, given the option of commanding Voyager? With all due respect, Admiral, she's my ship." Kathryn said, fear entering her heart.

"Not if you're going to be serving at Starfleet headquarters." The Admiral told her.

"Serving at Starfleet headquarters? Why would I serve at Starfleet headquarters? Is it because of my injury?" Now she was truly worried. Would this mean that she was considered medically unfit to command a ship?

Nechayev nodded. "No, your injury has nothing to do with it. Perhaps this is premature, and I shouldn't be telling you this just yet, but I feel you do have a right to know what is going on. I've spoken with the High Command. They've had a chance to go through your logs and reports of your time in the Delta Quadrant. Right now, with the threat of war looming against the Dominion and the Cardassians, a good officer with battle knowledge and experience is needed to guide the fight from behind the lines. Your record indicates you're that officer."

"I see." Janeway said. "I don't really know what I can tell them, or how I can help."

"Don't sell yourself short, Kathryn. You have an exemplary record. Personally I don't know too many Starfleet Captains that could have taken a rebel crew on board and so thoroughly merged them with her own, to where the difference was hardly noticeable. And include natives from an unknown sector of space and blend them in as well."

"So, I'll be given a desk job back on Earth?" Janeway asked, disappointment evident in her voice.

"Not entirely. You'll be given a promotion first. After your medical status has improved."

Janeway was dumbstruck. When she was finally able to find the words, she could hardly find her voice. "Are you telling me, I'm going to be made an Admiral?"

Nechayev smiled. "That's right. You deserve it. Perhaps, if you play your cards right, they'll give you a ship so that you can check things out for yourself."

"So I won't be serving solely in an administrative capacity?"

"No, not at all. To be honest, I envy you that. I just happen to be good at Administration. You have more talent than I do." Nechayev rose from her seat. "Good luck to you, Kathryn." She said, then walked out of Sickbay.

The Doctor walked out with Kes a moment later. "Captain. I hope the Admiral didn't give you bad news." He said, scanning her with a tricorder.

She stared up at him. "No. Not really. I'm getting a promotion."

"That's wonderful news, Captain." Kes said.

She looked at the Ocampan girl. "I suppose. It sounds more like a mixed blessing."

"I'm sure everything will work out for the best, Captain." The Doctor told her. "For now, you need to get some rest."

Janeway settled down in the bed and within a few minutes was asleep.

Four weeks later, Janeway found herself in a spacious office at Starfleet headquarters in San Francisco, California, Earth. The office was hers. The windows looked out at a view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the grassy areas that dotted the landscape. How ironic that Starfleet would be built on an area that was at one time a military base. It had always been a military base, from almost the founding of San Francisco itself. It was a fortress, built by the Spanish, then maintained by the Mexicans, then rebuilt by the United States government. It had been called The Presido in the 19th and 20th Centuries, until it was closed and put to civilian use. Then when Starfleet was founded, this place was chosen as the home of Starfleet headquarters. There was much history under Janeway's feet.

In her office was a large antique, 20th Century, real mahogany wood desk. It had drawers, so she didn't have to clutter her desk with Padds. She could hide them away if need be.

She needed to add some elements to make the office truly hers. She had already begun. On the desk she had a photo standing. It was of her and Chakotay on a planet in the Delta Quadrant. Chakotay had his arms around Kathryn's waist, and they were both clad in bathing suits. Kes had taken the picture. Everyone had a wonderful time on that planet. It was the first time in months the crew had had any time to relax. They had gathered needed supplies, and Neelix had found eatable vegetation. It was the best shore leave she'd remembered having in a long time. It was also the first time since new Earth that she and Chakotay had let their barriers down for a while. Tom and B'Elanna had encouraged them when they saw what was happening, and she and Chakotay both had been thankful to the couple for their friendship and support.

Now, back home, everything that had happened in the Delta Quadrant felt as if it had either all been a dream, or had happened another lifetime ago, Kathryn couldn't decide which. Maybe both, she thought.

Suddenly, her comm badge chirped.

"Yes." She said.

"Admiral, there's a gentleman here to see you. He has no appointment, but he said you would see him." A woman's voice told her.

"Who is it?" Janeway asked.

"He says his name is Neelix." The woman told her.

Janeway smiled. "Send him in, by all means." She told the voice.

"Yes, Admiral." Came the reply.

Janeway still couldn't get used to her new title. After all, Admiral Janeway had been her father, not her.

Moments later, Neelix, dressed in his usual colorful attire bustled into her office. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a bear hug.

"Captain, uh, Admiral Janeway, it's so good to see you again."

Janeway laughed. "It's good to see you again, too, Neelix. I really missed you. And your coffee." She told him.

Neelix stood back and looked Janeway up and down. "I don't know if I like you in an Admiral's uniform." He told her.

"I don't either." She admitted. "But I guess I'll just have to get used to it."

"How's your shoulder?" He asked, remembering the last time he'd seen her, she had still been in Sickbay aboard Voyager.

"Good as new. I've got an artificial rotator cuff and shoulder blade." She told him, leading him over to a couch at the other end of her office and sitting down. "Have you seen or talked to anyone else from the crew?" She was dying for news since she hadn't heard anything more upon her release from the hospital.

Everything had moved so fast. She was released from the hospital one day and being given a promotion to Admiral the next. Then she was on medical leave for a week and a half after that. She'd had to become reacquainted with her family, and Mark and her dog. After ten minutes she had felt as if she hadn't been separated from her sister, Phoebe, for more than a week. They fell into old patterns so quickly and easily. Phoebe still the frivolous one, Kathryn always the responsible one. It amazed their mother at how the two sisters picked up almost from where they had left off years before.

The situation with Mark was awkward, as she thought it would be. They had both moved on with their lives. He had someone new in his life, and she had Chakotay. Bear still seemed to remember her, even after more than four years, but had grown so attached to Mark, Kathryn couldn't tear the poor animal away from him, so she let him keep her. Not knowing what kind of new responsibilities she'd have, Kathryn didn't want to commit to having an animal to care for just yet.

Once she was off medical leave, she was in debriefings for almost three more weeks. Then she was given her office, and now, finally things seemed to be settling into some kind of routine.

During that time, she had managed to see Chakotay on a regular basis. Now that they were no longer in a command situation together, it seemed easier to allow their feelings for one anther to come to the fore.

They had even begun sleeping together. It was something Kathryn hadn't allowed herself when they were together on New Earth, and she almost regretted it, until they were given this second chance.

They both knew that eventually the repairs to Voyager would be completed and Chakotay would be given command of her and ordered to join the fleet in the war with the Dominion and Cardassia.

"Let's see." Neelix said, slowly, "I know that Tuvok went home to Vulcan to see his wife and children. Harry went home to see his parents and I guess to check up on his old girlfriend."

"What about B'Elanna, Tom?" Janeway asked.

"Oh, that's the good part. Tom took B'Elanna with him to introduce her to his father and sisters. They're getting married you know?"

"No. Have they set the date?"

"I'm not sure. But don't worry, I know you'll get an invitation." Neelix became thoughtful for a moment. "Can Admiral's marry people?" He asked.

"You mean perform the marriage ceremony?" She asked. Janeway herself was unsure. "I don't know, Neelix. Why?"

"I know B'Elanna had her heart set on you doing the ceremony. But maybe now you can't."

Janeway smiled. "If it's permissible, I'll do it. If that's what B'Elanna wants."

Neelix smiled. "I know both Tom and B'Elanna will be pleased if you can."

"How do you think Admiral Paris took the news about Tom and B'Elanna?"

"I don't know. But then, B'Elanna was a Maquis. An outlaw. Although they've been exonerated and pardoned, I don't know if Tom's father is very happy about the situation."

"Well, if he's not, tell Tom to have his father talk to me. I'll set him straight."

"I don't doubt that, Captain...uh, Admiral. I just can't get used to calling you, Admiral."

"Don't worry about it, Neelix. At this point, why not just call me Kathryn."

"Are you sure?" Neelix asked.

"You didn't join Starfleet did you?"


"Then, that means your a civilian. Your a friend and under no obligation to use my title. Therefore, Neelix, I insist you call me Kathryn."

Neelix stood. "Then Kathryn it is." He said.

Janeway stood as well. "Have you heard anything about Seven of Nine?"

Neelix shook his head. "No, I haven't. Haven't you or Chakotay?"

"No. I'm just wondering where she was taken and what's been happening to her. I guess I'll have to pull rank to find out."

"You do that."


"Keep in touch, Neelix. I want to know what happens to my people."

"Don't you worry, Kathryn. I will."

Two weeks later Kathryn received a report that the repairs to Voyager were complete. She was also given a preliminary report on the people assigned to man her.

Commanding Officer:

Captain Chakotay

First Officer:

Commander Tuvok

Senior Operations:

Lt. Harry Kim

Senior Pilot:

Lt. Thomas E. Paris

Senior Science Officer:

Lt.(JG) Samantha Wildman

Senior Medical Officer:

Lt. Commander Doctor (EMH)

Chief Engineer:

Lt. Commander B'Elanna Torres-Paris

The Doctor still had no name, Janeway noted. She'd have to remedy that before Voyager went into battle. She just hoped the name she had in mind would be acceptable to the EMH.

She submitted the name, Nightingale, which the Doctor agreed was both appropriate, and that he liked.

"You'll have to come up with your own first name, Doctor Nightingale." Janeway told him.

"I will, Admiral. And Thank you." He told her.

While in the hospital, Janeway had discovered that Kes had passed the medical exam and was now officially a Doctor. The day that Janeway was released, Doctor Kes had come by to see her.

They had hugged one another, then Kes told her that she was being sent to one of the space stations to get additional training in triage.

"How long will you be gone?" Janeway had asked.

"I don't know for sure. It's possible that once I finish my training I'll be sent directly to the front line."

"Be careful Kes. I'd like to see you back alive."

Kes gave Kathryn another hug. "Don't worry. I'll make it back before I'm nine. I promise."

A tear had stung Janeway's eyes, and there was a lump in her throat a she watched her Ocampa friend walk away.

Within another week, she'd been informed that Tom and B'Elanna had set their wedding date. It would be a day before repairs to Voyager would be completed.

Kathryn found out that Admiral's did indeed perform marriage ceremonies, and so was delighted to give Paris and Torres the good news. She shook her head at the thought. I'm going to have to start thinking of them as Tom and B'Elanna, or the Paris'.

Five weeks later, when Kathryn beamed aboard Voyager, there was a fresh face that greeted her in the transporter room. A young Ensign, probably just out of the Academy. The young woman stood so stiffly at attention, Janeway had a sudden memory of Harry Kim being so young and enthusiastic.

"Welcome aboard Voyager Admiral Janeway." The Ensign greeted her. Harry had just entered the transporter room to escort his former Captain to the Bridge, and couldn't help smiling when he heard her tell the young Ensign; "At ease, Ensign, before you sprain something."

Janeway saw the smile on Harry's face, and walked over to him. "Here to escort me, Lieutenant?" She asked.

"Yes, Ma'am." He said, still smiling. He knew that Ma'am was still reserved for crunch time, but couldn't help making the joke.

Janeway looked at him. She was grinning.

"I figured it had to be crunch time. Why else would Starfleet send an Admiral to check us out?" Harry replied to her unspoken question.

"You'd better watch yourself, Lieutenant. Your sense of humor just might get you into trouble."

"They warned us at the Academy to be careful of Ferengi, not Rear Admirals." Harry said, laughingly.

Janeway joined in the laughter. "So they did, so they did." She said as they walked to the turbo-lift.

The ship hadn't changed. The colors were the same, only some of the faces were unfamiliar.

"How many in the crew, now Harry?" She asked as they rode up to the Bridge.

"We've been given a full compliment, Admiral. There are presently one hundred and eighty people assigned."

Janeway couldn't help herself, she whistled. "Just think, we managed with only one hundred and forty-eight. And even as few as one hundred, once."

"I know. The ship seems crowded with this many people on board."

Just then the lift arrived at the Bridge and the two people stepped out.

"Attention on Deck, Admiral on the Bridge." Someone called out.

The crew stood to attention, and Janeway looked around. In the middle of the Bridge she found Chakotay and Tuvok, respectively in her and Chakotay's old positions.

"Captain." She acknowledged him, looking around at the Bridge crew once again. "If your crew keeps coming to attention like that, they're going to hurt themselves." She scolded Chakotay, mockingly.

He smiled, his dimples deepening. God, how she had missed those dimples, and that smile of his, while he had been away on a shakedown cruise.

"I'll work on it, Admiral. A lot of them are raw. Straight from the Academy."

"Then you'll have your hands full." She told him.

"Shall we go to my ready-room, Admiral?" He asked her.

Smiling, she said; "I thought you'd never ask."

Tuvok didn't say a word, and Chakotay left him in charge.

Inside the ready-room, he gave her a kiss. A long passionate kiss on the lips.

"I don't know it it's proper protocol for a Captain to kiss an Admiral, but I just had to."

"The hell with protocol. We're not in front of the crew."

"Why are you here?" He asked her, as they sat on the couch.

"I wanted to see my ship one last time before you join the fleet."

"Oh. What have you heard about the war?"

"The Jem'Hadar were unsuccessful in disarming all the mines Sisko set in the wormhole. It was destroyed. No more Jem'Hadar ships can come into the Alpha Quadrant."

"That means that those that are here, can't leave. They're stranded."

Janeway nodded. "It also cuts off their supply of 'White', since the founders can't get through either. It might give us a bargaining tool, since our medical people have managed to manufacture 'White'."

"Is Starfleet going to use it?"

"I don't know. I'm sure the Vorta will do everything in their power to keep the Jem'Hadar under their control, but if the situation becomes too desperate, I'm sure we can convince some Jem'Hadar to defect to our side."

"I suppose I can't discuss this with the crew?"

"Only with Tuvok." Changing her demeanor from command, she said; "Be careful Chakotay. I want you back in one piece."

He leaned over and kissed Kathryn again. "Would you do me a favor when I get back?" He asked.

She looked up into his eyes. "Yes. What is it?"

"Will you marry me, and be my wife, Kathryn Janeway?"

She smiled broadly. "Absolutely. You know, I wondered why you didn't propose when we were still in the Delta Quadrant."

"Because, you were trying to resolve your feelings about being my commanding officer, and becoming my lover."

She smiled at him. "You know me almost as well as Tuvok does. But aren't I still your commanding officer?"

"Not entirely. I think I can handle being married to an Admiral. Especially since I'm not directly under her command."

Janeway gave him a gentle punch to the shoulder. "Who shall we have perform the ceremony?"

"Whoever you want. Do you want me in Dress uniform or a suit?"

"Dress uniform. After all, I will be wearing a wedding gown, if my mother has anything to say about it."

Chakotay laughed. "She still has that much influence over you, at your age?"

With mock seriousness Janeway answered. "You'd better believe it. She might even hint at grandchildren. Just ignore her. At my age, children are probably out of the question."

"You never know." Chakotay said, pulling Kathryn to his chest and encircling her with his arms.

"I promise I'll come back in one piece, although I can't guarantee what kind of shape Voyager will be in."

"Just so the crew is safe and the ship can be repaired. If not, just make it back alive, please." She implored him.

"I will. I promise, Kathryn. B'Elanna will make sure I keep that promise."

"I know she will. I have to go. I need to get back to headquarters."

"Okay. Do you want Harry to escort you back to the transporter room?"

Kathryn nodded her head. "No, I think I know my way around." She kissed him once more and left.

Within three months Chakotay returned with Voyager intact, but damaged. Because of Voyager's size, both she and the Defiant were sent to gather information. Voyager acting as a decoy while Defiant cloaked and infiltrated enemy territory. The Klingon in command of Defiant did his job well. Chakotay almost wished that Commander Worf was serving with him. He still had his share of problems with Tuvok. He knew if Kathryn were still in command, things wouldn't be as tense between the two, but there was nothing that could be done about the situation.

He also still had some trouble adapting to the new holographic communications, but was beginning to gradually get used to it.

During Voyager's absence, Kathryn divided her time in helping map out strategies for attacks against the Jem'Hadar, and Cardassians. The other half of her time was in the search for Seven of Nine.

After a two month search, she found where the young woman had been taken.

Janeway found herself standing outside a very old building in what used to be downtown Manhattan, New York City. In the building was housed a sanitarium of sorts.

When she entered the building, she was greeted by a young man. "Can I help you?" He asked politely.

"Yes. I'm Admiral Kathryn Janeway. I have an appointment to see Doctor Landt."

"Just a moment, Admiral." The young man said, and contacted someone with his desktop PC. When he finished he told her; "The Doctor will be out shortly, Admiral. Please have a seat." He said, pointing to some comfortable looking chairs behind her.

She sat down, and waited. Within minutes, the Doctor came out, hand extended.

"Admiral Janeway. This is an honor. Please, come with me to my office."

Inside his office, Kathryn got right to the point. "I was told that you have a young woman in your care, that had been a member of my crew."

"You're talking about the Borg?"

"Yes. But she's human, not Borg."

"Of course, please excuse me. It's just that..., well you see, she insists on being called Borg."

"She doesn't know what she is. I disconnected her from the collective. Maybe I shouldn't have. All I know is that she was assimilated when she was still a child."

"Yes. I've been working with her. We've discovered who she is."

"You have? She only knew herself as Seven of Nine. She had no memory of any name."

"She has no living relatives. Her name is Mariah Kohl. We were able to bring her back enough to get human fingerprints on her, and they matched the profile of a young girl who was thought killed."

"I see. Would it be possible for me to see Mariah?" Janeway asked.

"When was the last time you saw her, Admiral?"

Janeway thought. So much had happened over the last several months it was hard to put things into a time frame. "I think it's been about six or seven months, Doctor. I was severely injured and was hospitalized for about three weeks after my ship was returned to Earth. After that, a lot of things have happened."

"Of course, I understand, Admiral. I'm sure she still remembers you. But I can't tell you what her reaction to you will be. Please be careful. Mariah still tends to become violent at times, especially when she's upset by something."

"Thank you for the warning, Doctor."

What Janeway saw, surprised her. Sitting on a chair in a private room, was the young woman whom she had known as Seven of Nine. She almost didn't recognize her. Most of the Borg devices were gone, and Mariah looked more human than Janeway remembered her.

"Hello." She said, quietly, not wanting to upset the girl.

The young woman looked up at Janeway, and recognition registered in her eyes. She got up from the chair and slowly walked over to where Janeway was standing. She then put her hand to Janeway's face.

"It's really you, Captain?"

"Yes, Seven of Nine. It's really me. I'm not a Captain anymore. I was promoted to Admiral."

Seven of Nine smiled. "I knew you hadn't deserted me. They wouldn't let me see you, and then they brought me to this place. I couldn't get them to tell me if you were still alive."

Janeway hugged the young woman. "I'm fine. I was in the hospital for a while. I'd had more surgery to repair my shoulder and arm."

They talked, Seven of Nine (Annika) telling Janeway what she had been doing, and Janeway telling the young woman about Voyager's crew.

"What about the Telaxian, Neelix? I always like him." Mariah said.

Janeway laughed. "Neelix is fine. He's opened a restaurant in San Francisco, not far from Starfleet headquarters. It's called 'Delta Quadrant Delicacies'."

Mariah laughed at that. "You won't be leaving Earth will you?"

"No. Chakotay and I plan to get married when he gets back. Maybe they'll let you out to attend the wedding. I hope so."

"So do I." Mariah said, and hugged Janeway.

Kathryn knew that she was the closest thing to a mother this young woman had or remembered, and was glad she had finally found her again.

Upon Voyager's return to Earth, Kathryn was waiting for him at Starfleet headquarters. She was working, so she was in uniform. When he came walking up the stairs at the entrance, she couldn't contain herself anymore and ran to greet him. He picked her up in his arms and they kissed for a long time. Until they heard someone clear their throat.

"With all due respect, Captain, Admiral. I do believe that public displays of affection are frowned upon while on duty." It was Admiral Paris. Tom's father.

Kathryn and Chakotay turned, both of them blushing.

"But, under the circumstances, and since you are engaged to be married shortly, I'll allow this to pass." Admiral Paris continued. "Just be careful in future. We wouldn't want our senior officers setting a bad example for our junior officers."

The couple walked up the stairs, each with an arm around the other's waist.

"Sorry. I couldn't help myself." Kathryn explained.

Admiral Paris smiled. "How much leave time are you two planning to take?"

"How long can we get?" Chakotay asked.

"You've both got quite a bit accumulated from the years you spent in the Delta Quadrant. But I suppose we could allow you to take two months maybe three."

"Thank you, Sir." Kathryn said.

"I don't suppose we could have a little more. That way we could get started on a family." Chakotay said.

Kathryn punched his arm, at which Chakotay grinned down at her.

Admiral Paris laughed. "I don't know why you still insist on being so formal with me Kathryn. After all, we are almost equals now."

Kathryn smiled, remembering when she was a cadet at the Academy and asked him to be her advisor for her Junior thesis. Everyone had told her she was either brave or stupid, since it was well know what a taskmaster Admiral Paris was. It seemed as if those years had never happened, and that they'd been friends instead of commanding officer and junior science officer all those years ago. Had she really served under him as his science officer? Wasn't he the one who had recommended her for Command School after her and father and Justin's deaths, on her request? Now he was volunteering to perform the marriage ceremony for her and Chakotay, just as she had for his son Tom and B'Elanna only three and a half months earlier.

Tuvok had agreed to give Kathryn away. They were more than just good friends. While in the Delta Quadrant he had allowed her to mind meld with him. A privilege usually reserved for family members among Vulcans, since it was considered a very intimate thing. As such, Kathryn felt that he should be the one to walk her down the aisle and give her to the man she loved.

Because Phoebe was her sister, she had asked her to stand up as Maid of Honor, and Chakotay had asked Neelix of all people. Perhaps because the Telaxian seemed to understand Chakotay almost as well as Janeway did.

The couple left on their honeymoon, going to a secluded Caribbean island off the Bahamas. There they forgot about Starfleet and the chain of command for awhile. They played and reminisced about their time in the Delta Quadrant.

"You know something, Chakotay?" Kathryn asked him one day.

"No, what"

"I'm so glad that the Caretaker took us to the Delta Quadrant. Because if he hadn't, I never would have had the opportunity to meet and get to know you. Then I wouldn't have fallen in love and married you."

Chakotay smiled. "It's too bad we can't thank him." He said. He then rolled on his side and began kissing his wife. They lay together after making passionate love. Kathryn was looking up at the sky.

Chakotay sensed she was lost in thought. "What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I have a wedding present for you."

"What is it?" He asked, smiling

"I'm carrying your child."

He kissed and hugged her more. "Thank you."

"I think we should thank the Caretaker, wherever his soul is. He made this possible."

"I second that." Turning toward the sky he said softly, "Thank you Caretaker, wherever your soul is."

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