Disclaimer: Paramount owns it all, except the story premise.

I decided that since TPTB won't ever give us details about all the biological changes that are happening to Seven of Nine as she becomes more human, I'd give some to you. The idea here is, what would happen if and when Seven finally becomes a whole woman, and how would she cope? Suffice it to say, this is a Mother/Daughter story featuring Janeway and Seven.

Be warned this is PG-13. If you're under 13 years old DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER than this header.

Puberty, Belated

By Karen Fischer

The day started like any other for Seven of Nine. She had completed a regeneration cycle in her Borg alcove in Cargo Bay 2. It was her quarters, in a manner of speaking. She was human, but not yet completely so. The Borg implants that remained within her forced her to regenerate as she had done when she was completely Borg.

She released from her alcove and stepped down from the platform. She then headed for the turbolift that would take her to the deck where the mess hall and sick bay were.

After her weekly visit with the Doctor she went to the Mess Hall. She hoped that whatever Neelix made this morning was more palatable than some of his concoctions.

Seven took a tray and the offering of the morning. She also took a glass of juice and went to an empty table. It was always possible for her to find an empty table. The crew still found it difficult to accept her.

As she ate, Captain Janeway entered, retrieved a tray and a cup of coffee and went to Tuvok's table. It was a ritual that was practiced most mornings.

"Good morning, Captain." Tuvok greeted her, standing up as she approached.

"Morning, Tuvok." Janeway smiled at him as she set down the tray and mug and then seated herself. As she sat she noticed Seven eating alone.

"Does she always eat alone?" Kathryn asked then sipped her coffee.

"I believe so. I have never seen anyone sit with her in the mornings." Tuvok replied.

"Maybe she needs to be taught how to socialize more." Janeway wasn't really commenting to Tuvok, she was musing outloud.

Tuvok raised an eyebrow as he continued to eat his meal. Then he commented. "I belive the Doctor has been attempting to help her with her social skills. I do not know if he has managed to make much progress, however."

"Oh." Janeway said, absentmindedly and went back to her coffee.

Seven finished and deposited her tray and class for cleaning, then left the mess hall.

After working for about two hours in the Astrometrics lab, she felt the urge to relieve her bladder and went to the facilities located in the next corridor. She'd realized that she'd been having an unfamiliar discomfort in her abdomen, but didn't think it merited comment to the Doctor earlier.

As she rose, after completing her task, it was then that she realized that there was blood.

Samantha Wildman had been working in one of the other labs located on the same deck, and had also found it necessary to use the facilities. She had entered at the same time Seven had. She had finished before Seven and was standing at the sink, washing her hands, when Seven tentatively called to her.

"Ensign Wildman?"

"Yes, Seven, what is it?"

"I am bleeding, but am undamaged."

Sam thought for a moment what Seven might be referring to. "Your bleeding, but not injured? Where are you bleeding from?"

"I am uncertain, but it appears to be coming from between my legs." There was concern in the young woman's voice.

Samantha smiled to herself. "Don't worry it's nothing serious. You've got your period."

There was silence, then, " My period? What is a period?"

"Your menstrual cycle."

"Ah. It is because I have not procreated that I am bleeding. Is that correct?"

Again Samantha couldn't help but smile, grateful that Seven couldn't see it. "Yes, that's right. Do you need some help?"

"I am uncertain...." Came Seven's tentative reply. "I would like to speak with Captain Janeway."

"Are you sure?" Samantha asked.

"Yes. I wish to speak with her." Seven said.

Samantha then proceeded to hail the Captain.

"Janeway here."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Captain, but would it be possible for you to come to deck 7?"

"Is there a problem, Ensign?"

"I'm not really sure, Captain. It does involve Seven."

Samantha heard an audible sigh through her comm badge. "I'm on my way. Where are you?"

Samantha hesitated for a moment. "We're in restroom three on Deck 7." She said, finally.

"Understood." Janeway replied and signed off.

What must the Captain be thinking Samantha thought to herself. "Seven, Captain Janeway is on her way here."

"I heard. Thank you."

Not knowing what to do, Samantha decided she should remain until the captain arrived so she could explain the situation.

On the Bridge, Janeway had been sitting idly in her command chair, almost dozing, if the truth be known. She was almost grateful for the distraction when Ensign Wildman hailed her.

The conversation was strange, but whatever the problem was, it seemed Seven was involved.

"What now?" Chakotay asked her.

Kathryn shrugged her shoulders. "I wish I knew. It didn't sound like it was an urgent situation, but with Seven these days, you never know."

Chaktoay couldn't help but grin. "Think Seven might be up to something?"

"There's only one way to find out." Janeway said, rising from her seat. "Though, what I can't figure out, is why Samantha wanted me to meet them in the restroom?"

"Maybe there's a problem with the plumbing."Chakotay joked.

"Bite your tongue, Commander." Janeway quipped as she headed for the turbo lift.

When Janeway did arrive, she walked into the restroom. Samantha Wildman was standing outside one of the stalls and approached Janeway near the entrance.

"Is she in there?" She asked Samantha, tilting her head toward one of the stalls.

"Yes, she is."

"What's the problem?"

"She's having her first menstrual period. I think she's a bit unnerved by it."

This conversation was said sotto voice. Janeway nodded her head and walked over to the door of the cubicle that Seven was in. "Seven, are you alright?"

"I am uncertain." Came the reply.

Janeway threw a frustrated look at Samantha. "Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort at the moment?"

"Yes. I am experiencing abdominal discomfort."


"I am not familiar with that term."

"Does it feel like a tightness from inside?"


"Is the bleeding very heavy?"

"I am uncertain."

Again Kathryn gave Sam a look of frustration. "Seven open the door so that I can help you. What is happening is nothing serious. It's part of being an adult human female. I need to show you how to protect your clothing from the blood."

Samantha gave Janeway a sick grin, and handed her a sanitary napkin that she had gotten from the replicator. It was then that they heard the click of the latch being released on the door to the cubicle Seven inhabited.

"Captain, do you need me for anything else?" Samantha asked, then.

Janeway looked from the obviously stricken Seven to Samantha. "Uh, no, I think I can handle things from here. Thank you Ensign."

Samantha nodded. "You're welcome, Captain. See you later, Seven." She called, then exited the restroom.

Now Kathryn had to concentrate on helping Seven.

Seven's blood flow seemed heavy, judging by the amount of blood that had stained her clothing.

"We'll have to get you a change of clothes. You'll need to place this pad in your panties to absorb the bleeding." She told the young half Borg.

Seven looked up at her. "Captain, I am familiar with this biological function, but as a Borg, I never experienced it. I am....apprehensive."

Seven's expression was one of worry.

"I know, the first time can be a little frightening. Especially when it's as heavy as yours is."

"I understand that I will not suffer from the particular blood loss. However, there is the discomfort in my abdomen."

"The cramping is normal. Sometimes the Uterus cramps when it's shedding. I know some women can have quite severe cramps, and some don't experience any discomfort at all."

"I see."

After showing Seven how to position the sanitary napkin, and helping her to re-dress, they exited the cubicle.

"Come with me to my quarters and we'll replicate you some clean clothes. Then I can explain to you in more detail what is happening to you." Kathryn said.

"Of course, Captain." Seven replied.

When the two women arrived at Kathryn's quarters, Kathryn informed Chakotay that she would be busy for a time and that he had the Bridge until further notice.

"Is there a problem, Captain?"

"It's something personal that needs to be seen to, Commander." She replied.

"Understood, Captain. Chakotay out." And the link went dead.

"Seven, go into my bathroom and clean up. I'll have some clean clothes replicated for you when you come out."

Seven headed for Kathryn's bathroom. "Oh, and Seven, there are some sanitary napkins located below the sink, next to the toilet. If you need a change, get one from there."

"How will I know, if I need to change it?"

"If it's pretty full with blood, I recommend you change it."

"Understood." And Seven continued her path to the bathroom.

While Seven was cleaning up, Kathryn began thinking what she was going to say to Seven.

I wonder if I can remember what my mother told me when I was nearing puberty. I never dreamed I'd be having this kind of a mother/daughter chat with a member of my crew.

When she had the clean suit for Seven, Kathryn took it into her bedroom and placed it on the bed. A moment later, Seven exited the bathroom, wearing a robe that Kathryn had had hanging on the door. Her soiled clothing was draped over one arm.

"I hope you do not mind that I put your robe on, Captain."

Kathryn smiled. "No, that's fine, Seven. Give me the soiled clothes and I'll place them in the replicator for recycling. Here is a clean suit." She said, pointing to it.

"Thank you."

Kathryn exited the bedroom, to allow Seven privacy to dress, and placed the soiled suit in the replicator.

By the time she'd completed the task, Seven had finished dressing and was exiting the bedroom.

"Thank you for your assistance, Captain."

"You're welcome. You know, you could have asked Samantha Wildman to help you. You didn't really need to call for me."

Seven appeared pensive for a moment. "I did not feel that I could comfortably discuss this matter with Ensign Wildman."

"I see. But you feel comfortable enough discussing it with me?"


"Why do you think that is?" Kathryn asked, sitting down. She motioned Seven to follow.

"I am uncertain."

Kathryn knew that Seven wouldn't sit down. She was used to standing, and Kathryn wasn't about to push it. "You're uncertain as to why you felt that you could discuss such a private and personal matter with me, your Captain, and not Samantha Wildman, who's closer to you in age?"

"Yes." Seven answered, simply.

"Okay. I'm assuming that you have a lot of questions. Go ahead and ask them." Kathryn said, waving her hand.

Seven stared at her. "I do not know what to ask." She said finally.

"I assume you'd like to know more about this biological function."

"I am aware of it's significance."

Janeway smiled. "I know you are. It's just that, you admitted that you've never experienced it before. I thought you might have some questions about it."

"Very well. You explained earlier that the cramping sensation is not an uncommon occurrence."

"That's right."

"Is heavy bleeding common?"

"It depends on the individual. Some women have heavy flows, some medium and some light. Since this is your first menstruation, it's hard to say if you'll continue to have heavy bleeding."

"I see. These cycles are regular?"

"They should be, but some women do experience irregular cycles."

"Would that not be a detriment to procreation?"

"Not necessarily. As long as a woman is ovulating, despite an irregular menses, she can still conceive a child."

"I was not aware of that."

"Really? And I thought the Borg had collected all our data. I guess this piece of biology was left out somehow." Janeway said, with a slight grin.

"Perhaps." Seven replied. "While this bleeding is occurring, would this be an optimum time to procreate?"

"No. You have to be ovulating. That usually happens somewhere between your periods, depending on the length."

"I am not certain I understand."

Kathryn realized that this conversation was absolutely nothing like the one she'd had with her mother those many years ago when she was almost 12 years old. She knew that it hadn't gone like this with her sister, Phoebe, either. Kathryn was becoming more painfully aware of the obsurdity of it.

She tried to explain further. "Let's say that you have your periods about every 30 days. That would mean that somewhere in between that time you would ovulate. At that time if you were to...uh...copulate with a man...his sperm would have time to reach the egg and fertilize it. Then conception would have occurred."

"The ovulation does not occur when there is bleeding?"

"No. The bleeding is a result of not having conceived."

Seven nodded her head. "Thank you, Captain Janeway. I understand. I will be experiencing this 'bleeding' on a monthly basis indefinitely then?"

"Only until you reach Menopause...and that's something I'd rather you asked the Doctor about."

"For how long a time?"

"You're in your mid 20's now. You'll probably continue to menstruate until your about 50 to 55 years old, I should think. That's how long it goes on the average for most women. Somewhere around 4 decades. In your case 3 decades."

"Then during this time, I will be able to procreate with a single cell?"

Again Janeway found herself smiling slightly. "Yes, Seven, if you wish to."

"Thank you. This conversation has been very enlightening."

"Glad I could help."

Seven turned and was about to walk out of Janeway's quarters. Suddenly she stopped just before the door and turned to her Captain.

"Perhaps because you have become like a second mother to me." She said.

"What?" Kathryn asked, perplexed.

"You asked me why I felt more comfortable discussing this matter with you."

"Oh! Thank you, Seven. That's quite a compliment coming from you."

"You are welcome, Captain." And she walked out of the door, leaving Kathryn with a bewildered look and half smile on her face, as she sat on her couch wondering.

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