Just in case, here is a disclaimer so I don't get in trouble. Paramount is the Great Bird of the Galaxy and owns the characters and the ship. I own the story idea, so there.

The Journey Back

by Karen Fischer

It was the middle of the morning. Alpha shift was on duty, but Captain Janeway was noticeably absent from the Bridge. She wasn't in her ready room either. She was in fact in her quarters sound asleep.
It had been a rough two weeks. There had been numerous close calls and a lot for a Starship Captain to sort out. In the last fourteen days, Kathryn Janeway had managed to get a total of ten hours sleep. Most of that was taking quick cat-naps, when she could get them. The rest of the time she ran on coffee and adrenaline.
Now, the emergencies were over, and things had finally quieted down. Janeway was glad that they managed to finally make it through Borg space without being assimilated, although it hadn't been easy once they're escort had left them. Even with a former Borg on board, it was no help, especially since the girl in question had been disconnected from the collective by Janeway herself before the defeat of Species 8472.
Finally, Janeway was at long last getting the sleep she so desperately needed and deserved. Even if she hadn't been so exhausted, and Chakotay and Tuvok hadn't insisted she go to her quarters to get some sleep, she was certain the Doctor would have eventually stepped in and relieved her of duty until she had gone to bed and gotten some sleep.

It was now the middle of the morning, and Janeway had been asleep for four hours. She wasn't going to wake up for a least another five to seven hours if the Doctor's estimates were right. And Chakotay hoped that nothing would warrant having to wake her up any sooner.

From behind him Harry Kim called out; "Commander, sensors are showing a wormhole about two light years from our location."

Chakotay turned in his chair. "Any idea as to the size of the wormhole, Ensign?"

"Negative, Commander."

"I see. Well, I guess we'd better check it out. Who knows, it might prove to be worthwhile."

"I'm transferring coordinates to the helm now, Sir." Harry said as his hands moved over his console.

Paris watched the coordinates upload to helm control. Then he turned in his chair. "I have the coordinates, Commander."

"Very well. Warp one, Engage."

"Aye, Sir, Warp one." Paris repeated.

Voyager smoothly shifted into Warp drive and headed toward the wormhole while Kathryn Janeway slept and dreamed.

By late morning Voyager arrived near the wormhole. "The sensors indicate that the wormhole is stable at this end, Commander." Tuvok told Chakotay.

"Let's send a probe to see where it goes. What else do the sensors tell us?"

Harry looked at his readouts. "The sensors show that the wormhole is large enough for Voyager to pass through."

"Really?" Chakotay asked. "Put it on screen." He ordered.

The view they saw was one of what appeared to be a stable wormhole. How it become activated they didn't yet know.

"Tuvok launch the probe." Chakotay next ordered.

Tuvok did so.

"Cross your fingers people. This might be what we've been searching for." Chakotay said.

No one said anything for quite some time. Tuvok and Kim were busy studying the readouts and telemetry the probe was sending.

After about an hour, Kim had some information. "Sir, according to the coordinates the probe is now in the Alpha Quadrant."

There was a cry of excitement from the Bridge crew.

Chakotay raised his hand in a gesture to silence everyone. "Do you know where in the Alpha Quadrant, Ensign?"

Now it was Tuvok's turn to supply an answer. "It appears to have exited on the edge of Cardassian space."

"Let's see if this thing is stable enough for us to pass through." Chakotay said as he stepped up to Kim's console.

When he saw the information he smiled broadly. Then he turned to Harry. "Ensign, do down to the Captain's quarters and wake her up. She needs to see this."

"Sir?" Harry asked in surprise.

"I want you to go to the Captain's quarters and wake her up. I doubt if calling her over the comm would work. If she doesn't respond to her door chime, use the override command."

"I don't have the override command for the Captain's quarters, Sir." Harry replied.

Chakotay grabbed a Padd, entered something into it and handed it to Harry. "There is the override command. If the Captain doesn't respond to her door chime, go in and wake her up the old fashioned way. That's an order, Ensign."

"Aye, Sir." Harry said, beginning to blush and headed for the turbo lift.

Paris heard Chakotay's order to Harry. He couldn't help but comment. "Commander, you should never send a boy to do a man's job."

"What's that supposed to mean, Paris?"

"Only that Harry is so innocent, if anything he'll be embarrassed as hell." It caused the Commander to grin at the thought.

Harry arrived on Deck Three. The senior officers quarters deck. He headed for Janeway's quarters with trepidation. He wasn't looking forward to waking his exhausted Captain. He also didn't know how she was going to take to being woken from a sound sleep, even if it was the middle of the day.
He arrived at her door and sounded the chime. There was no response, so he sounded it again. This time he called out. "Captain Janeway? Captain Janeway, it's Ensign Kim." He hoped she would hear him and the chime and answer her door.

She didn't.

Again there was still no response. He looked down at the Padd Chakotay had handed him and entered the override command codes to open the door to Janeway's quarters.

The door slid open an Harry was greeted to a semi-dark room. he hesitantly stepped in, an the door shut behind him. He realized that the little light that was in the room was coming from the stars outside the ship.

He'd never been in Janeway's quarters before and began to realize how large the area was. He didn't want to go any further without more illumination so he called for the computer.

"Computer, lights, low illumination."

The lights came up only slightly in the main area. Off to the left of the doors there was another room, which was still dark. That must be the Captain's bedroom, Harry thought.

He swallowed hard. How was he going to do this. He had to go into the Captain's bedroom and wake her up. What if she slept in the nude, without blankets, he thought. He steeled himself and slowly walked towards the bedroom.

When he got to the doorway he was able to make out the sleeping form of his Captain, lying under the covers, and apparently wearing some sort of night garment. He walked over to the bed and bent down. "Captain." He said softly.

<"Captain Janeway?" He repeated.

She didn't move. Judging by her breathing she was still soundly asleep. Harry tried again.


"Captain Janeway, wake up please." He began to implore. He prayed she would open her eyes, but she didn't.

He didn't want to have to touch her, but it looked like that was what he was going to have to do. But he thought he'd try something else first. It was something they taught at the Academy.

He leaned a little closer to the bed an placed his hands on the end. He then began to bounce the bed gently. "Captain Janeway."

She moved and moaned, shifting position, till she was now on her back. She wasn't quite awake yet.


"Captain?" Harry called her.

Still she didn't respond. 'Oh no,' Harry thought. 'I'm going to have to shake her.'

He reached for her shoulder, and began to gently shake her.

"Captain Janeway, please wake up."

That did the trick. Janeway slowly opened her eyes, and stared several seconds before she realized that Harry was standing over her.

Her vision was still blurred from sleep and groggily she spoke. "Ensign, what are you doing here?" She managed to ask him.

"I'm sorry to wake you, Captain, but Commander Chakotay ordered me to. He told me that you're needed on the Bridge."

"Why? Is it an emergency?" She asked, her voice still deep with fatigue.

"We've found a wormhole, Captain. It leads to the Alpha Quadrant."

This brought Janeway to fuller attention. "How long ago?" She asked, seeming more awake now, and raising herself on her elbows.

"We found it about four hours ago. We sent a probe through about an hour ago, and just got the information back. The Commander sent me to wake you."

It suddenly dawned on Janeway that Harry didn't have the command codes needed to override her door lock. "Ensign, how did you get into my quarters?" She asked him, now sitting up in the bed and pulling the covers up with her as she did so.
Harry began to feel the warmth creep up his face and knew he was blushing. He was grateful that the Captain's bedroom was still semi-dark, without any artificial light. "Uh, the Commander gave me the codes, Captain." He explained.

"I see." She said. Then she asked, "What time is it, Ensign?"

"It's fourteen hundred hours, Captain." He answered, grateful that she didn't seem angry at his intrusion or use of Chakotay's override codes.

She shook her head. She was still feeling groggy, although she didn't want to admit that to Harry Kim. "Tell Commander Chakotay that I'll be on the Bridge in 45 minutes."

"Aye, Captain." Harry said and beat a hasty retreat from the Captain's inner sanctum.

Janeway couldn't help smiling to herself at Harry's obvious embarrassment at seeing his Captain in bed and wearing a negligee. She rose from the bed and staggered momentarily when she stood. It was hard being woken up from a sound sleep, then having to get up and get dressed.
She went into the bathroom and decided that maybe a quick shower might help rejuvenate her. She'd given herself enough time. After a quick sonic shower, she dressed and brushed out her hair, then began to put it up, leaving the ponytail dangling. It was easier just leaving that last piece of her hair down. It didn't take as long to fix her hair this way.
When she was done, she headed out of her quarters. She squinted at the bright lights in the passageway, having kept the lighting in her quarters low. It made her realize just how tired she still felt. As she approached the turbo lift, her fatigue was hard to ignore. She was longing for some coffee to give her the added stimulus she knew she needed. She tapped her comm badge as she waited for the turbo lift to arrive.

"Janeway to Neelix."

"Neelix here, Captain." The cheery Telaxian replied.

"Neelix, I wonder if you could bring a very large pot of coffee to my ready room."

"Of course, Captain. When would you like it?"

"As soon as possible, Neelix."

"I'll have it for you shortly, Captain. Neelix out."

Janeway smiled to herself as the turbo lift doors opened. She entered and ordered "Bridge!". Moments later she stepped out onto the brightly lit Bridge. Despite the fact that she was dead tired, and her body made her feel as if it should have been night, the Bridge was brightly lit for daytime operation. This didn't make her feel any better.

She stepped down to the command platform. "Commander, report!" She said.

Chakotay had been waiting for her arrival. "I'm sure Harry has filled you in somewhat. We found a wormhole. It appears stable, and our probe shows that it exits in the Alpha Quadrant, at the edge of Cardassian space."

Janeway sat down as Chakotay gave her the particulars.

"Does this wormhole look safe enough for Voyager to pass through?"

Now Chakotay looked up at Harry, who responded. "Yes it does, Captain. It took the probe about an hour to go through, and there was no indication that it was a rough passage."

"Very well. Commander, Tuvok, I'd like to see you both in my ready room. Mr. Paris, you have the Bridge." She ordered as she headed toward her ready room doors.

She heard Paris acknowledge and the swish of the turbo lift doors at the same time. Neelix entered the Bridge, carrying a tray with a large pot that Janeway hoped was the coffee she'd asked for.

"Here's your coffee, Captain." The little Telaxian said as he scurried toward the three senior officers.

Tuvok, being the closest to Neelix, reached out and took the tray from him. "Thank you, Mr. Neelix. That will be all." Tuvok dismissed Neelix.

"Your welcome Mr. Vulcan." He said and turned to leave.

Tuvok then followed Janeway and Chakotay into the ready room. When the doors closed behind him, Tuvok took the tray over to Janeway's desk and set it down. Then he sat down in one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

Chakotay looked at the pot. "You must really be desperate for a pick-up." He said to Janeway, who nodded as she yawned. She rubbed her eyes, which she knew were bloodshot from lack of sleep and felt like she had an entire sandy beach in them. "I am. If I didn't have coffee, I'd probably drop off shortly."

"I'm sorry I had to get you up, Captain, I know how tired you are." Chakotay began.

Janeway was pouring herself a cup of coffee as Chakotay spoke. She waved a had at him, and yawned again as she said, "That's all right, Commander. I know you wouldn't have gotten me up if it hadn't been important. And I must admit, finding a wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant that looks promising, is important."

"I thought you might agree." Chakotay answered.

Then it was Tuvok's turn to enter the conversation. "Captain, perhaps the Doctor could give you a stimulant to help you for a time." He suggested.

Janeway nodded. "No. I'll see if the coffee doesn't keep me going. If it gets too bad, then I'll ask the Doctor for help." Then she got down to business. "Now, gentlemen, I need your recommendations as to what we're going to do. I need some time to look over the reports and get up to speed, but I also would like your views on the situation." She told them as she sipped her coffee, feeling the warmth penetrate, and the caffeine jolt she craved.

Tuvok spoke first. "From all the information the probe has sent so far, it looks very promising. The wormhole seems stable, and large enough to accommodate Voyager without any trouble. However, since it does come out at the edge of Cardassian space, I do have some concerns."

Janeway nodded.

Then Chakotay jumped in. "I agree with Tuvok about concern over the Cardassians. When we were torn from the Alpha Quadrant, my people were being hunted by the Cardassians as criminals and terrorists."

"I'm aware of that, Commander." Janeway said.

"The thing that worries me the most, is, what will happen if they discover that not all of Voyager's crew are Starfleet personnel. That some of the people serving on board are former Maquis." Chakotay continued.

"My feeling is that without telling them, they may never know the difference. Since we all wear the same uniform." Tuvok interjected.

"Maybe from a distance. But what if they get up close?" Chakotay asked.

Janeway seemed to be nodding off. Her eyes were closed and she was leaning heavily on her elbowed hands.

Chakotay and Tuvok seemed to suddenly notice their Captain's lack of input.

"Captain?" Chakotay said, softly.

Janeway opened her eyes, then sat up with a start. "I'm sorry. You were saying...?" She asked.

"The Commander and I were expressing our concerns about the Cardassians. It is true that they are allies, of a sort with the Federation. However, it is difficult to say how they would react if they discovered that some of Voyager's crew were former Maquis."

"This is a valid concern, gentlemen. I think that, unless something happens to cause it to become an issue, our best course of action would be not to volunteer any information. Unless they recognize Chakotay or someone else on the Bridge crew who were former Maquis, I don't think there should be any real problem. If we encounter a Cardassian ship, we'll just tell them what happened. They should know that Voyager was sent to find the Maquis ship that disappeared in the badlands. If they ask, I'll just tell them the ship was destroyed. I wouldn't be lying." She said, a glint of humor showing in her eyes, despite her almost overwhelming fatigue.

Chakotay and Tuvok looked at each other. Then Chakotay spoke. "As far as I know, my picture hadn't been spread through the Cardassian Empire, so I think we'll be safe in that area."

"Good. So should we go through the wormhole?" Janeway asked.

"Yes, Captain." Chakotay said heartily.

"I concur." Tuvok said.

Janeway had managed to drink a second cup of coffee while they discussed the possible Cardassian problem. The caffeine seemed to have finally taken effect, she was feeling more awake than before, although her body still felt tired.

The three officers left the ready room, Janeway had refilled her coffee cup and took it with her onto the Bridge. It was something she usually never did, but she was desperate for the eye opening brew. "Mr. Paris. Take us through the wormhole." She ordered.

"Aye, Captain." Paris answered, smiling, and turned to his console.

Voyager's momentum was felt, and they neared the mouth of the wormhole.

Within a short span of time, the Intrepid Class Starship had entered the wormhole. A few minutes more than an hour later, the ship emerged in the Alpha Quadrant.

Chakotay made a shipwide announcement and the Bridge crew cheered. Except Janeway, who remained subdued. Her quiet demeanor worried Chakotay when he looked over at her. Everyone else, except of course, Tuvok, was smiling and happy. The Captain seemed almost listless.

"Are you all right?" He asked her.

She gave him a half smile. "Fine. I guess I need to get a stimulant from the Doctor after all. I'm really feeling out of it."

"I can handle things while you go down to Sickbay." He told her.

She nodded. "Not yet."

The ride through the wormhole had been fairly smooth, with only some rough spots. Those spots were not severe enough to cause any major damage to the ship, and so the damage reports that Janeway received were only

ne page long on her Padd. "This wormhole must be as stable as the one leading to the Gamma Quadrant. It's a wonder the Cardassians haven't discovered it or made use of it."

"It does not appear to be as stable from this Quadrant as from the Delta Quadrant." Tuvok answered Janeway.

Just then, Harry Kim spoke up from his position. "Captain. There are four Cardassian warships and ten Jem'Hadar ships approaching our position."

Janeway stood.

Tuvok had another announcement. "Their weapons are charged."

"Red Alert. Shields up, maximum." Janeway ordered. She was studying the ships on the screen in front of her through a haze of fatigue.

"Shields at maximum." Harry repeated.

"Tuvok, arm all weapons."

"Do you wish for me to arm the photon torpedoes as well, Captain?" He asked her.

"Yes, I do. We're in the Alpha Quadrant now. We can get replacement torpedoes if we have to."

"Aye, Captain. All weapons are armed." Tuvok intoned.

"Hold course, Mr. Paris." Janeway ordered her helmsman.

Chakotay walked up beside her. "Why would the Cardassians arm their weapons? Could something have happened between them and the Federation during our absence?"

"That's a very good question, Chakotay." Janeway told him.

Her fatigue seemed to have disappeared. She was running on adrenaline, now. Once the excitement was over, she knew she'd be almost ready to collapse. But for now, she needed to keep a clear head, and defend her crew from what looked like a possible attack.

Turning again to Harry Kim, she ordered; "Harry, send out a distress beacon to any Federation ships that might be in the area. Tell them what's going on."

"Yes, ma'am." The young Ensign replied.

Tuvok reported the distance and time of intercept of the Cardassian/Jem'Hadar fleet. Janeway nodded her acknowledgment to him.

Now Chakotay spoke up. "Captain. I have to wonder what the Jem'Hadar are doing with the Cardassians?"

Janeway looked at her First Officer. "That's a very good question, Commander. I don't know if we'll get the chance to get some answers, but let's hope we survive long enough to do so."

"Are you going to attack?" He asked her.

She shook her head. "No. Let them make the first move. There's no way I want them to say we provoked an attack. We'll only fire in self-defense. I'm hoping we can out run them. I know those Jem'Hadar ships can be fast, but maybe with some luck we might be able to keep just ahead of them."

"Should I check with B'Elanna on Engineering's status?"

"It couldn't hurt. And warn the Doctor to expect casualties, while you're at it, Commander." She told him.

Chakotay gave Janeway a sick grin. "Aye, Captain." He answered before tapping his comm badge.

Walking up behind her pilot, Janeway spoke to the young man; "Tom, at the first sign that any of those ships look like they're going to fire on us, I want you to use whatever evasive maneuver you think best to get us out of here. I plan to run like Hell from these demons."

"Gotcha, Captain. You can count on me." Tom said, looking up at her.

Janeway placed a hand on Tom's shoulder. "I know I can, Lieutenant. I know I can." She told him.

She returned to her chair and waited.

On the other side of Cardassian space, waiting, was a fleet of Starfleet, Klingon and Romulan ships. Together they had mounted an armada to fight the Cardassians and the Dominion. Because of his strategic knowledge, Captain Benjamin Sisko was in command of that group that would make the initial assault on Terek Nor/ Deep Space 9. Since there were already spies on board, those being Kira, Cadet Nog, Rom, Odo, and yes, even Quark, he knew that updated information on what Gul Dukat was up to would be coming in frequently.

What Sisko didn't expect was a Federation distress call from the opposite side of Cardassian space.

"Repeat that message." He ordered Chief Miles O'Brian.

"Aye, Sir." O'Brian replied as his hands played over the controls.

A feminine voice said: "To any Federation ship receiving this message. This is the U.S.S. Voyager. We are being pursued by Cardassian and Jem'Hadar forces. We are alone with limited resources. Please send aid."

By this time, Worf and Dax were standing next to their Captain.

"Voyager was lost nearly four years ago, Benjamin." Jadzia Dax told Sisko.

"Yes, she was." He said quietly. "She was pursuing a Maquis ship. Janeway's tactical officer was with them. He had been involved in a covert operation, and when the Maquis ship he was on disappeared into the Badlands, Janeway was ordered by Starfleet to go after it."

"What happened to Voyager and crew, Sir?" Worf asked.

"No one knows. Like the Maquis ship, she just disappeared. It was assumed the ship was destroyed with all hands on board." Sisko answered.

"I'm not sure that the Tactical Officer's wife would agree with Starfleet on that assumption." Dax said.

"Why not?" Asked Worf of his amour.

"Because, he was Vulcan. And Vulcan's mate for life. If he were dead, his wife would have felt his death. They have a mind link with each other throughout their lives." Dax explained.

Sisko raised his eyebrows. "I didn't know that, Old Man." He said to Dax.

Dax smiled at him. "Now you do." And walked back to her station.

"What shall we do about the distress call, Captain?" O'Brian asked.

"Send two Federation, four Klingon and Four Romulan ships to the sector that message was received from to investigate. I'll explain to Starfleet Command later. Tell the Federation ships to trail a good distance behind the Klingons and Romulans. They can cloak their ships, and head off interference from the Cardassians. Hopefully they'll be able to discover if the message is a hoax to trap us."

"Aye, Sir." O'Brian answered as he proceeded to carry out the orders.

When the Cardassian and Jem'Hadar ships were within firing range of Voyager, Harry Kim informed Captain Janeway that they were being hailed.

"On screen." She ordered, dryly.

What greeted her was a Cardassian Gul, flanked by a Jem'Hadar warrior and a member of the Vorta, another Gamma Quadrant slimebucket.

"May I ask who I am addressing?" The Cardassian asked, politely, it seemed.

Janeway stood and placed her hands on her hips. "I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager." She saw no reason to change her introduction for these Alpha/Gamma Quadrant parasites from what she had used to introduce her ship to those in the Delta Quadrant.

"I see. May I ask what you are doing so far into Cardassian space, Captain?"

Without missing a beat, Janeway told him. "We entered here through a wormhole."

The Cardassian consulted with the Vorta for a moment. "There is no presence of a wormhole here, Captain. You're lying." He said.

"If you check your sensors, you'll see that they may have picked up evidence of recent wormhole activity, Gul." Janeway replied, politely, with ice in her voice.

The Vorta left camera range briefly and when he returned he spoke. "It seems you're telling us the truth, Captain. I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell us where the wormhole you came from leads to?"

Janeway gave an almost evil smile. "No. Not really."

"I didn't think so." The Gul said. "Captain you trespassing in Cardassian space. Since the Federation did not sign a non-aggression pact with the Cardassian government, I must ask that you prepare to be boarded."


"Mr. Paris!" She said.

"Hold on, Captain. Here we go." Paris said as Voyager moved swiftly away from the enemy fleet.

As she retreated, they began to pursue and fired on the small Intrepid Class ship.

"That's our cue. Tuvok fire weapons at will." She ordered/

"Aye, Captain." He said, concentrating on doing as much damage as he could to inhibit the pursuing ships.

"Captain, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make this a rough ride to tray and avoid their weapons." Paris announced.

"Do what you have to, Tom." She said, holding on to a rail as another phaser blast rocked Voyager.

"Captain, shields are down to 70 percent." Kim called from the Ops position.

Tapping her comm badge, Janeway hailed Engineering. Any previous sign of fatigue Janeway had suffered seemed to have vanished with this emergency. "B'Elanna, is there any way to maximize power to the shields?"

"I'm doing everything I can, Captain. But our shields are just no match for the Jem'Hadar weapons."

"Keep trying, B'Elanna." She said. "Tom, how fast are we going?" She addressed her pilot again.

"We're traveling at Warp 6.8 at the moment, Captain."

"Can we go to Warp 9?"

"Not if I'm going to maintain evasive maneuvers."

"Then forget about evasive maneuvers. Takes us to Warp 9, and let's see if we can't get the hell out of here." She told him.

"Will do, Captain." He answered as his hands danced across the console.

Just then Chakotay came up alongside Janeway. "Do you think we can really out run them?" He asked her.

"I don't know, Chakotay. Pray we can."

He nodded.

Just then, Kim's voice rang out with another announcement. "Captain, shields are no down to 20 percent. At this rate, our shields will be gone with the next hit."

"I guess B'Elanna's efforts didn't work." Chakotay said.

"Got any other ideas, Commander?" Janeway asked.

Just then the ship was rocked by another attack. During the confusion, Seven of Nine had come to the Bridge. She had stood out of the way. After this last attack she approached Janeway. Kim's voice announced the bad news. "Shields are down. Someone is beaming to the Bridge."

Seven of Nine grabbed a phaser rifle. The other Bridge crew grabbed their hand phasers.

Within a moment there were two Jem'Hadar warriors standing on Voyager's Bridge, brandishing weapons. Chakotay and Tuvok didn't hesitate a moment. They had set their phasers on kill and hit one of the Jem'Hadar. The second one managed to get off a shot behind his partner, before Kim and Seven of Nine's shots killed him.

Tuvok returned his attention to his weapons, and Kim to Ops control. Chakotay looked around and wondered what had happened to Janeway. Then he saw Seven of Nine crouched over someone. Sprawled out on the deck in a heap was Janeway. Blood was pouring from somewhere, and she appeared to be unconscious. He went quickly to her side after he grabbed the medikit.

He opened the kit, and lay it down beside Janeway. He removed the tricorder and began to scan her. Seven of Nine didn't move. She held Janeway's left hand and watched Chakotay, not saying a word. Janeway was breathing, and her pulse was weak but regular. The tricorder showed that she had suffered a wound to the left side of her chest, not far from her shoulder.

Carefully, with Seven of Nine's help, Chakotay moved Janeway full onto her back. There he could see blood moving quickly down her arm and chest from her wound. He pulled out the dermal regenerator, and held it over the wound for several minutes. It didn't seem to be helping. He tore her uniform and shirt so that he had clear access to the wound. "Seven of Nine, tear her uniform a little wider so that I can get to the wound better." He instructed. She did so, and Chakotay placed several pieces of gauze over Janeway's wound, and taped it to her. Then he tapped his comm badge.

"Chakotay to the Doctor. We have a medical emergency. The Captain has been hurt and needs immediate attention. Can you beam her to Sickbay?"

Kes' voice came back. "I'm sorry, Commander, the internal transporters are off line. How bad is she?"

"She's losing a lot of blood, and the dermal regenerator doesn't seem to be helping. I've bandaged the wound to try and slow the bleeding, but she's not doing well."

Next the Doctor spoke. "As soon as I've uploaded myself to the portable emitter, I'll be there as quickly as possible."

"Hurry, Doctor. She really doesn't look good."

At this point, Seven of Nine spoke. "Commander, I'll stay with the Captain until the Doctor arrives."

He looked up at her, and realized that someone had to be in command, since it was obvious it wasn't going to be Janeway. "Thank you Seven of Nine." He said, as he rose up and went to the command chair.

Tuvok announced that the Jem'Hadar were firing up weapons once again. Chakotay knew that Voyager couldn't survive to much longer. That last hit had managed to knock the engines and half the systems off line. They were lucky to have life support on the major decks, and attitude control as well as communications. And thankfully the Doctor was still on-line.

In barely contained excitement Kim announced; "Sir, there are four Klingon and four Romulan ships decloaking behind the Cardassian/ Jem'Hadar fleet."

"They are firing on the Cardassian's and Jem'Hadar." Tuvok announced in that calm Vulcan tone of his. It was a counterpoint to Kim's excited report.

The screen showed just what Tuvok and Kim had told Chakotay. Despite what his eyes told him and what his ears had heard, he still didn't believe what was happening.

From his right he heard a faint moan. It was Janeway, she was beginning to regain consciousness. Seven of Nine still bent over her, trying to keep her from moving so that her bleeding would not increase. Then Chakotay heard the hiss of the turbo-lift doors opening, and the Doctor emerged. He saw at once where Janeway was lying and went straight to her.

As she tried to clear her head and comprehend what had happened and what was happening, the Doctor pressed a hypo into her neck. The throbbing she had felt in her chest stopped. She then realized that the Doctor was beside her. He administered another hypo-spray to her and within seconds Janeway was no longer aware of anything. She was heavily sedated.

Chakotay took his eyes off the screen and went over to where the Doctor was still tending to Janeway.

"How's she doing, Doc?" He asked, the concern evident in his voice, and his eyes.

The Doctor turned to look up at Chakotay. "I really can't say at this moment, Commander. It's obvious she has lost, and is still losing, a great deal of blood. I need to get her to Sickbay and stop the bleeding. Once I do that, she will most probably need a transfusion, along with a lot of rest."

Chakotay half expected that answer, but it still scared him. Looking at Janeway, he saw that her pallor had become more and more pale. Her normal pink glow was gone, replaced by an almost milky coloring. He knew that was not good.

"Ensign Kim, how long will it take to get the internal transporters back on line?" He snapped.

Kim looked at his console. "Approximately two hours, sir." The young man replied.

"The Captain needs to be taken to Sickbay now, Commander." the Doctor ordered.

"Can she be moved?"

"I would prefer she be transported, I suppose we could use a stretcher, however, I'm concerned that the movement could start her bleeding heavier again, and I really don't want to take that risk."

Then Kim got Chakotay's attention by announcing; "Sir, we're being hailed by one of the Klingon vessels."

Chakotay had been distracted by his concern for Janeway and the almost hopelessness of the situation of getting her quickly to Sickbay.

Chakotay half turned, "On screen, Ensign." He ordered.

Filling the screen was the figure of an older Klingon. He wore a patch over one eye, and had several scars. It was obvious this particular Klingon had fought many battles.

"I'm general K'Vada. We received your distress call. Who is the Captain of you vessel?"

"At present I'm the acting Captain. Commander Chakotay."

"I see. Is your Captain dead, then?"

"No. She's alive, but in urgent need of medical attention. Our transporters are off line, and our Doctor informs me that she can't be moved without bleeding to death."

"I see. May I know your Captain's name, Commander."

"Janeway. Kathryn Janeway." He answered.

As he was speaking, he saw the General lean slightly in his seat and speak to one of his officers. Chakotay turned his head just in time to see Janeway, Seven of Nine and the Doctor shimmer out of sight.

"I've had my transporter operator transport Captain Janeway an the others to your sickbay. There are two Federation ships joining us in about one hour. We were sent ahead to investigate your distress call and to lend assistance if needed, since we have cloaking technology."

"I understand. Thank you, General. Your timing couldn't have been better."

With that, the General gave a hearty laugh. "You must know Klingons, Commander." He said.

Chakotay couldn't help himself, he gave a slight smile. "I've known a few in my time." He replied, thinking about B'Elanna.

"As soon as Captain Janeway is feeling better, I'd like to talk with her. I assume it was her idea to try to outrun the Jem'Hadar?"

"Yes, it was."

"Smart move. Your ship is fast. Too fast for the Cardassian's, and only slightly faster than the Jem'Hadar. We definitely need to work on improving our weapons, though, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, General, I would." Chakotay told him.

Next they were hailed by one of the Romulan vessels, and the Romulan Captain offered whatever assistance Voyager might need.

This turn of events surprised everyone, including Tuvok. "I wonder when the Federation and the Klingons allied with the Romulans? I know that there had been attempts to convince the Romulan government to break off hostilities and ally with the Federation." His comment went almost unnoticed.

"I guess a lot has happened in the years we were lost in the Delta Quadrant." Paris said.

"So it would seem, Lieutenant." Tuvok needed to get in the last word.

Damage crews were able to repair the worst of the damage suffered by Voyager, and within a few hours she was being escorted back to Federation space by the fleet of Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships.

The Captain of the Franklin D. Roosevelt had beamed over to Voyager and filled Chakotay in on the status of the Maquis. Or rather what little of it was left. He had checked his files when General K'Vada had told him that Chakotay was acting Captain of Voyager.

"I'm afraid, that the Maquis have been almost completely wiped out by the Jem'hadar. The few remaining survivors are holed up on Federation planets and stations. They're no longer perceived as outlaws to the Federation. Now they've become victims of the Dominion threat. And since there are so few, they're not even a threat to the Cardassians any more. However, if any were caught by the Cardassians they would probably be tortured before being executed." Captain Singh told Chakotay.

"What about my people, here on Voyager?"

"As long as they're in Starfleet uniforms, Commander, they will be treated like Starfleet personnel."

"Thank you for that, Captain."

"I should tell you, Commander, that I was told by Starfleet Command, that, that would be their policy as far as your people are concerned. Right now, we need all the manpower we can get. Your people are now familiar with how a Federation Starship runs an operates. That makes them invaluable Starfleet personnel."

Just then Chakotay's comm badge chirped. "Doctor to Commander Chakotay."

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