What if in "Message In A Bottle", the EMH on the other Federation ship turned out to be another Zimmerman? This is our perverted idea of how it would transpire. We started this before Message In A Bottle was aired, but completed after. We're hoping the similarities are only minute.

Standard Disclaimers apply. Paramount owns everything Trek. We've borrowed the premise for this story from Message In A Bottle, but we're using the characters in a different way (somewhat). No infringement is intended, and this is not for monetary gain, only for a little humor.

Two Cans and A String

by Carolyn Taylor and Karen Fischer

Captain's Log: Stardate 51---.-. It's been three days since Voyager has discovered an array that has given us a link to the Alpha Quadrant. We've been receiving a Federation signature from a ship, but so far have been unable to communicate with it directly. Through some research done by B'Elanna, Harry and Seven, we've discovered that it will be possible to send our EMH through to make contact with the ship. Here's hoping all goes well.

When the idea had initially been presented to Captain Janeway, she had thought it a good one. She questioned what problems could be encountered. However, Seven and B'Elanna were quick to reassure her that they would be minimal and that no harm would come to the Doctor's program.

Once those worries were allayed, Janeway readily agreed to send the Doctor through.

"I want you to keep an open link. Report anything that seems out of the ordinary, and keep us up to date on any new developments."

"I suppose you don't want a running commentary?"

Chakotay smiled. "No, Doctor, a running commentary won't be necessary. Just updates at regular intervals should be sufficient."

Janeway look at her First Officer, and smiled. She knew the Doctor's penchant for becoming a bit over zealous when faced with the prospect of a new adventure.

"Very well. I'm ready." He stated.

Janeway gave a nod toward B'Elanna and Seven. They initiated the transfer, and moments later Voyager's Doctor found himself on an entirely different Federation Starship. He looked around the corridor, momentarily disoriented. He had not materialized in sickbay. This ship must have emitters throughout the ship, he realized, since his emitter had fallen off when his program left Voyager. The passageways were empty of personnel. From what the Doctor could tell at first glance, the ship was larger than Voyager and should be teaming with crew. He decided his first act would be to report that he'd arrived safely, then try to find the Captain of this ship.

"Doctor to Voyager."

"Janeway here." Came the response through the comm badge.

"I've arrived safely on board the ship."

"Good. Can you tell us the name of the ship, and who the Captain is?"

He looked around for a computer access terminal. When he found one, he saw the name of the ship. "Prometheus", he then began to query the computer for the location of the Captain. That was when he saw the Romulan. He ducked into an alcove that contained a hatch for the Jeffries Tube. In the shadows he was all but invisible to the approaching Romulan.

After he was certain that the Romulan was no longer within earshot, he hailed Voyager.

Speaking soto voice. "Doctor to Captain Janeway."

"Janeway here, what have you got to report, Doctor?"

In a hushed voice he reported. "The crew of Prometheus is either missing or dead and the ship has been taken over by Romulans. According to the computer, there should be at least 220 Starfleet personnel on board." He questioned the computer further.

On board Voyager, Janeway threw Chakotay and Tuvok a look of dismay. "Have either of you ever heard of the Prometheus before?" She asked them.

The two shook their heads in the negative. "Captain, before I left the Academy I did hear some rumors about a prototype ship that Starfleet wanted to build." Harry offered.

Janeway nodded. "Thank you Ensign. Doctor, are you certain there are no Starfleet people left on board?"

"As far as I can tell. The computer's readings are showing only Romulan lifesigns. I can head for the Sickbay, maybe the EMH can shed some light on the situation."

"Can you determine how many Romulans are on board and what happened to the Starfleet crew?"

"The computer is registering a crew of about 50 Romulans, Captain. I was thinking that perhaps if I could find my way to Sickbay, this ship's EMH might know what happened to the crew."

"Good thinking, Doctor. Keep us informed. Janeway out."

The Doctor edged slowly out of the alcove, keeping a wary eye out for any more Romulans. Seeing the corridor clear, he began to head down the corridor. He stopped abruptly. He had absolutely no idea where sickbay was on this vessel. He backtracked to the computer terminal and asked for the location of sickbay. After he ascertained exactly where he needed to go, the Holodoc stuck to the shadows and set out on his way once again. He encountered no one; neither Romulan nor Starfleet. Somehow, the Romulans had taken over this vessel with a minimum crew. It was just one more question he would have for his counterpart.
Within a few minutes he found himself outside of sickbay. Although he was a hologram and supposedly immune to the encumbersome effects of emotion, the Doctor heaved an audible sigh of relief. Feeling pleased that he had accomplished the first part of his mission without error, he strode into sickbay. And stopped cold. Two Romulans stood, apparently having a heated debate, with their backs turned to him. They had not heard the whoosh of the opening door, but the Doctor did not dare tempt it again. Keeping an eye on the two he began to edge to the left. Only a few feet from him was the relative safety of the CMOÕs office. If he could make it, he could hunker down behind a desk and hopefully avoid detection.
He had made it to the doorway, when one of the Romulans turned. The Doctor saw the disrupter in the alienÕs hand. He paused. And without so much as a brief moments hesitation, he put the blandest expression he could muster and said: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
The Romulan with the disrupter fired, sending the blast through the middle of the doctorÕs appearance. The Hologram shimmered, but suffered no permanent harm. "Who are you?" the unarmed Romulan asked.

"I am the Emergency Medical Hologram designed to supplement shipÕs physicians during crisis moments."

The Romulan with the disrupter lowered his weapon. "You are a hologram?"

"I believe that is what I said." the Doctor quipped.

The second alien stepped forward scrutinizing the hologram. "Why have you been activated?"

"You activated my program. You should know." He lied.

"I gave no such command" the Romulan said with suspicion.

"Then perhaps an error has occurred in my program matrix. I can assume, then, that no one requires immediate medical attention?"

The armed Romulan made a rude noise of disgust. "Talarren, we donÕt have time to amuse ourselves with defective Federation technology. Turn the blasted thing off and let's go. The Sub-commander ordered us to retrieve medical kits and proceed to the cargo bays."

The second Romulan, Talarren, nodded. "Hologram, how is your program terminated?"

The doctorÕs mind raced. Transferred to the holographic emitters on a foreign Starship not designed to let the Doctor access his own program at will, he could not give them a simple command.. He had to think of something and quickly. ÒMy program is designed to deactivate after ten minutes of inactivity.Ó

Apparently this satisfied the first Romulan. He grabbed two medical kits from their storage shelves and departed sickbay.

Talarren, however, cocked his head. "And what will you do during this period of inactivity hologram?"

"Stand here and be inactive."

The Romulan stepped closer. "Will you be sending out distress calls in that time?"

"That is not within my programming."

"Will you attempt to leave this facility?"

ÒNot unless I am summoned to treat a patient.Ó Talarren nodded. "I will be back to check on you, hologram, in five minutes. If you are doing anything other than standing right where you are, I will erase every last gigabyte of programming!"

The Doctor said nothing. He remained standing where he was as Talarren left. He waited for a moment until he was certain that the Romulan was indeed gone. He heaved a great sigh and smiled to himself.

"That was certainly close. Now, letÕs see. Computer activate emergency medical hologram."

The air in front of him shimmered briefly before the hologram appeared. It was an exact copy of himself. The Doctor smiled. Why mess with perfection?

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

The Doctor stepped forward to greet his counterpart. "Hello. I am an EMH program from the Starship Voyager."

The second hologram quickly cut him off after doing a quick scan of sickbay. "Where are the patients?"

The Doctor attempted to explain once more. "There are no patients. I have come from the Delta Quadrant and"

"Your personal history is quite inconsequential. If there are no patients to treat, please turn off my program."

VoyagerÕs chief physician clapped a holographic hand to his head. "I can see now why I was so popular when I was first activated."


Prometheus' EMH eyed the Doctor suspiciously at this reaction.

"If you'll just be quiet and listen for a moment, there's something I need to tell you." The Doctor said

"What is it?" The EMH asked, crossing his arms.

"That your ship is crawling with Romulans. I don't suppose they've joined the Federation, have they?"

The EMH looked at the Doctor, uncrossed his arms, then began to reply slowly. "No, not that I'm aware of. Where are the Starfleet personnel?"

"I was hoping you could tell me?" Holodoc asked. "Since I'm not detecting any lifeforms other than Romulan, I'm assuming that your crew has been removed from the ship. Dead or alive, I don't know."

"Where did you say you came from again?" The EMH asked.

"I didn't, you didn't give me the chance. I'm from the U.S.S. Voyager. She's presently in the Delta Quadrant. I'm her EMH program." The Doctor explained.

"How did you get here? And how is it you're able to operate here? YouÕre a much older program, so you couldn't possibly exist within the Prometheus' computer."

"Your absolutely correct. As to how I got here, it's a bit complicated. I was sent through a sort of communications array as a compressed transmission. As to how I'm able to function aboard your ship, that's simple. Our chief engineer sent my program directly into the holographic database, with a command to activate on arrival.Ó

"How did you say your ship got to be in the Delta Quadrant?" The EMH asked.

"That's a long story. At the moment we really don't have time to go into it. It doesn't seem that you know what happened to your crew, or how the Romulans have come to be in charge." The EMH shook his head. "No. I'm the last one to know anything around here." He complained.

"I know how you feel. I used to be treated that way as well." Holodoc lamented. "A Romulan will be returning shortly. Since I can't deactivate myself while I'm in the holographic matrix of this ship, I'll need to hide myself. I told him that I would deactivate in ten minutes if I was inactive. You'll have to take my place."

"Fine, but all that's required is to...." The EMH began to say.

"I know, but the Romulan doesn't, just play along, or you'll be erased." Holodoc told him.

"Very well." The EMH sighed. "How were you standing?"

The Doctor then showed the EMH the position he was in before the Romulan left Sickbay. The EMH took up the pose, and Holodoc hid himself in the office, just as the Romulan reentered Sickbay.

Tallarren walked around the immobile EMH. From inside the office, Holodoc spoke softly to the computer. "Computer end EMH program."

As soon as the command was given, the EMH dissolved into nothing. Talarren was shocked. "So it really is a hologram. Interesting!" He rubbed his chin, and cocked his head slightly, pondering the Federation technology that created such a thing.

Suddenly his communicator beeped. "Tallarren here."

"You're needed in Engineering right away." Came the order.

"I'm on my way." He said, and without further ado, left Sickbay.

Holodoc emerged from his hiding place and spoke to the computer again. "Computer, activate EMH program."

As he shimmered into view, the standard phrase was out of his mouth before he could be stopped. "Please state the nature of the Medical Emergency....Oh, it's you again." He said when he saw his twin.

The looks on their faces were identical. They both had a look of disdain. Holodoc was intrigued. "I guess this must be what it's like to look in a mirror." He said half to himself.

"What are you babbling about?" The EMH asked.

"Oh, never mind. We've got to find some way of getting rid of these Romulans and contacting the Federation." The Doctor said.

"What do you want me to do?

"I'm not sure yet. Let me contact my ship." Holodoc said, then tapped his comm badge. "Doctor to Voyager."

"Janeway here. What have you got to report, Doctor?"

"Only that, the Prometheus' EMH has absolutely no idea what happened or where the Starfleet people are."

"Can you get a message through to the Federation?" She asked.

Holodoc stood and looked at his doppelganger. "I'm not sure, Captain. Let me check things out and I'll get back to you." He told her. Then looking at the EMH, he asked; "Can communications be accessed from here?"

"I don't know. I'm only a backup. This is the first time I've ever been activated. My function is to act as a supplement to the medical staff."

"Yes, I know all that. That was what I was designed for as well." He said, irritably, all the while looking around the well designed sickbay. He marveled at how much larger than Voyager's sickbay it was. But then, Prometheus, was a little larger than Voyager. He hoped that he could find the communications console. Finally he began walking towards the office.

"Where are you going?" The EMH asked.

"Into the office. Perhaps some intelligent Starfleet designer decided it might not be a bad idea to put the communications console in there." Holodoc muttered.

ÒNever hope to rely on the Starfleet Core of Engineers to come through in a pinch.Ó The Holodoc stated in disgust.

ÒWhy? WhatÕs wrong?Ó asked the EMH.

ÒIt would appear that we do have a communications access terminalÉÓ

ÒExcellent. Contact Starfleet and then please depart.Ó

The Holodoc heaved a mighty simulated sigh. ÒBefore I was so rudely interrupted, I was saying that we have a communications access terminal, but in order to make contact with anyone not onboard, we have to patch it through the Bridge for authorization.Ó

ÒThat hardly sounds like standard Starfleet Protocol.Ó

ÒIndeed. We probably have the Romulans to thank for that.Ó

ÒThen howÓ the EMH asked Òare you able to contact your ship in theÉwhere did you claim to have come from?Ó

ÒThe Delta QuadrantÉVoyager is in the Delta Quadrant.Ó

ÒRidiculous. We donÕt have any ships in the Delta Quadrant.Ó

ÒI see some rather detrimental changes have been made to the Holographic DoctorsÕ logic algorithms in the last four years. Of course Starfleet doesnÕt have ships in the Delta Quadrant. We were pulled there by an array over five years ago. And, for your information, I can contact my ship because I am using my communicator which has been modified to match a communications relay system spanning much of both regions of space.Ó

ÒSo, you arenÕt using PrometheusÕ ship communications to contact your vessel.Ó

ÒBravo! There may some hope for you yet!Ó

ÒYour smug attitude is really beginning to annoy meÓ the EMH quipped.

ÒItÕs not smugness. ItÕs just the voice of experience.Ó

ÒIf thatÕs how you choose to interpret it, fine. Now, oh Voice of Experience, why canÕt you just alter your communicator to contact the Federation.Ó

ÒBecauseÉbecause. Well, I donÕt know. Do you think that would work?Ó

ÒUndoubtedly. If you can make the necessary alterations to your device.Ó

The HolodocÕs simulated mind raced. Could he do it. After a moment he had reached his conclusion. ÒIt wonÕt work. If Voyager could contact the Federation using the array they would have done so. I donÕt see how a mere communicator pin could achieve what Voyager, with a vastly more powerful communications system couldn't.Ó

ÒButÓ the EMH said in the manner of one addressing an idiot child ÒYou are in the Alpha Quadrant, where your ship is in the Delta Quadrant.Ó

ÒYes, but I cannot access the relay from here. I have given this thought. It cannot be done. We will have to find another way.Ó

ÒWell, good luck. I hope your program doesnÕt get erased. Computer deactivate EmergencyÉÓ

ÒComputer belay that order. Just where do you think that you are going?Ó

ÒI am not programmed for any sort of assault and infiltration system. I am a medical doctor not a commando.Ó

The Holodoc tried to reign in his growing impatience. ÒI wasnÕt programmed for any of this either. But my program has adapted. Yours can too. I need your help.Ó

ÒMy primary function is to save lives. If you bring me a patient. Then I can help you.Ó

ÒI know what your function is! ItÕs the same as mine! ButÉhow many lives will be lost if this ship falls into Romulan hands? You have a duty to save lives! But this time you canÕt do it with a hypospray of annaprovaline. You can only do so by helping me!Ó

ÒOh, very well. What do you want me to do?Ó

ÒWhat sort anesthetics do you have on board?Ó

ÒWe have neurazine.Ó

ÒExcellent. IÕll need three canisters.Ó

ÒWe donÕt have three canisters. This was a test flight only. We had a minimal crew and sickbay was not fully stocked. At best I have four or five hyposprays worth.Ó

ÒHmmmm. We can take out a few Romulans with thatÉif we can get close enough. But thatÕs not nearly enough to gas the whole ship. What if we lower life support? We can reduce it, so that there is enough breathable atmosphere for the Romulans to survive, but not to retain consciousness. ItÕs not as though we need to breathe.Ó

ÒYes! I think that will work!Ó

ÒDonÕt get too excited yet, junior. I have no idea how we are going to do it.Ó

The EMH looked momentarily crestfallen. ÒIs it always so difficult to operate beyond our basic program functions?Ó

ÒUsually. But thatÕs what makes it so rewarding. Knowing that a mere program can achieve what a flesh and blood creature could not. That something that is only a series of algorithms can pull together all of its resources to emerge victorious!Ó

ÒVery moving. Are you always so melodramatic?Ó

ÒOh, go mute yourself why donÕt you.Ó The Holodoc muttered. ________________________________________________________________________

As Holodoc was mulling over what needed to be done, he began looking around the Prometheus' sickbay. He found a computer console that looked promising.

"Computer, please reduce life support to 20 percent of normal." The Doctor ordered.

"That would reduce the breathable atmosphere to just above life support parameters." The computer's female voice intoned.

"I am aware of that. Please initiate." Holodoc said, irritated.

"An authorization code is required to initiate that order."

"I don't think this is going to work." The EMH countered.

"Be quiet and let me think." Holodoc told him, his agitation apparent. "I wonder if there's anyway to override the authorization code?"

"Why are you asking me. I have no idea."

"I'm not asking you. I was merely thinking out loud." Then he turned to the EMH. "You must have an override authorization code. It's required if the senior staff is incapacitated."

The EMH shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. Remember, this ship is a prototype. My programming is also prototypical. I was only activated two weeks ago. How should I know if I have command override authorization. I probably don't. This was supposed to be a shakedown cruise."

"I'm certain Starfleet would have included a command override authorization in your programming, just in case something went wrong during the shakedown. Now think." Holodoc ordered.

The EMH clenched his eyes closed. A moment later he reopened them. "Nope. Nothing."

"YouÕre less than useless." The Doctor ranted. "I'll try my code. I doubt it will work on this ship, but I suppose it's worth a try." He said, then turned back to the console. "Computer, authorization code EMH Alpha Pi Omega three."

"Authorization code, unacceptable." The computer intoned.

"Well, it was worth a shot." Holodoc grumbled.

"Wait, I think I remember now." The EMH offered, cheerily. "Computer authorization EMH Romeo Theta Quebec two one."

"Authorization recognized. Beginning reduction of breathable atmosphere."

The EMH smiled back at Holodoc. "This is really exciting isn't it?"

"Don't get too comfortable. We still have to get to the Bridge and contact Starfleet Command."

"That should be easy. This ship has holo-emitters in all the main sections of the ship. We can just have the computer transfer us to the Bridge." The EMH explained.

"Good. At least the designers got that part right. But I think that we should wait an appropriate amount of time, until we're certain that the Romulans are unconscious." Holodoc said.

"Of course. You're right. How long do you think it'll take until they're unconscious?" The EMH asked.

"It shouldn't take very long. I'll just ask the computer. Computer, how many Romulans are still awake?"

"No Romulans are currently conscious." The computer replied.

Holodoc smiled. "Well, looks like our little plan worked like a charm. Let's go to the Bridge."

"Very well." The EMH said, as the two shimmered from sickbay to the Bridge of Prometheus.

Once they materialized on the Bridge, they looked around.

"Okay, where's the communications station?" Holodoc asked.

"How should I know. I've never been up here before." The EMH answered, almost tripping over the prone body of a Romulan sprawled across the deck.

Holodoc was searching the control panels in each section of the Bridge. Finally he found one that looked familiar. "Ah, I think this is it." He announced.

Just at that moment, the ship shook from an attack.


The EMH of the Prometheus shrieked. ÒWhatÕs that? WhatÕs happening?Ó

VoyagerÕs Holodoc glared at him in irritation. ÒCalm down and simulate a back bone, why donÕt you! Computer, activate main view screen.Ó

The forward view screen lit up giving both holographic doctors a stunning view of two green Romulan Warbirds closing in on the Prometheus, phaser banks firing. The Holodoc stared at the view screen. ÒOhÓ he began.

ÒShitÓ the EMH finished for him. ÒWould you say thatÕs ample reason to panic?Ó

ÒYes, I would. Do something!Ó

ÒWhat?! YouÕre supposed to be the voice of experience! You do something!Ó

The Holodoc hurried over to the conn and studied the controls frantically. ÒI never thought that I would actually wish for Mr. ParisÕ presence! Go and raise the shields!Ó

StarfleetÕs prized prototype rocked from the repeated blasts from Romulan phaser fire.

ÒRight. Shields. NowÉwhere would I do that?Ó

ÒOps, you idiot!Ó

ÒOpsÓ the EMH said. ÒI knew that.Ó He hurried over to a far console and began to push buttons frantically. The computer beeped at him, demanding an authorization code. The EMH attempted to calm himself. He could do this. He was a superior program. He gave out his code, hoping the ship would accept it and wondering momentarily why the Starfleet Core of Engineers would program the shields to raise only at the prompt of a command code. It seemed like such a waste of valuable time.

ÒWarp core eject in ten seconds, nine, eightÉÓ The voice of the computer calmly intoned.

The Holodoc clapped a hand to his head. ÒYouÉbumblingÉ.stupidÉidiot! You just ejected the warp core!Ó

ÒSeven, six, fiveÉÓ

ÒNo, no. I raised the shields! Come on computer. Raise the shields.Ó

Holodoc grimaced and continued to try to pilot the vessel. ÒAnd to think Starfleet actually thought that you were an improvement!Ó

ÒFour, three, two, one. Warp core eject complete.Ó The Prometheus shuddered and lost momentum. It continued to drift.

The EMH rushed over to another console. He pushed one button and then looked at the Holodoc. ÒIÕve got it. Shields are up.Ó

ÒWell, how splendid for you!Ó the Holodoc quipped. ÒBetter late than never. IÕm going to activate impulse engines now.Ó

ÒWeÕll never get away on impulse drive!Ó

ÒWhat do you suggest? That we go outside and push? Now, shut up, and do exactly, what I say. I want you to find tactical. Do you think you can manage that?Ó

The EMH glared at Holodoc scathingly. He proceed to another station and then moved on to the next. ÒThis would appear to be tactical.Ó

ÒAre you certain?Ó the Holodoc asked as the ship was rocked by yet another blast.

ÒYes, yes! Now, could we just get on with it before our programs are obliterated!Ó

ÒI want you to lock phasers on the warp core.Ó

ÒButÉÓ the EMH began.

ÒJust do it!Ó

ÒPhasers lockedÉI think.Ó

ÒIÕm very reassured by your certainty. Fire!.Ó

The Holodoc hit the console sending the Prometheus away from the warp core at maximum impulse just as the EMH fired the phasers.

The warp core exploded in a dazzling array of light. Both Romulan vessels bore the brunt of the blast and erupted not long after the warp core. The shock wave spiraled out towards the fleeing Starfleet ship, catching it and sending it reeling helplessly out into space.

Several minutes passed on the quiet drifting ship. The PrometheusÕ EMH peeked out from under the tactical console. ÒDidÉdid we do it?Ó

The Holodoc turned from his position at the conn. ÒWeÕre still here, arenÕt we?Ó

ÒIt would appear so.Ó

Holodoc smiled. ÒWe did it. Just us. Two mere hologramsÉÓ

Ò...reaching beyond the limits of their programming.Ó The EMH finished.

ÒI couldnÕt have said it better.Ó

Both holograms turned towards a beeping emanating from Ops.

ÒWhatÕs that?Ó The EMH queried.

The Holodoc stood and approached the console. ÒWell, I think we can rule out a warp core breach. It a comm signalÉfrom a Starfleet vessel!Ó *************************************************************

"This is the Captain of the USS Chernobyl. Please respond."

"Where do we do that?" The EMH asked.

"Communications, you ninny." Holodoc answered, stepping to the raised section of the Bridge, and scanning the consoles for the Communications station.

He spotted it and pushed a button. "This is the EMH from the USS Voyager." He said.

"What?" Came the reply from the Chernobyl.

"You heard me." The Doctor said with irritation in his voice. "This it the EMH from the USS Voyager."

"That's what I thought you said. But how????"

"It's a complicated story. Suffice it to say, if you were to beam over I could explain it to you. I have some information on her whereabouts."

The voice was heard to give orders for an away team with security personnel. Within moments the shimmering figures of Starfleet uniforms appeared on the Bridge of the Prometheus, phaser rifles at the ready.

The two EMH's stood together looking almost like Siamese Twins.

"Humph. It's about time." Holodoc said.

The Chernobyl officers stared from one EMH to the other. "Which one of you is from Voyager?" One of the officers asked.

"I am." Holodoc said as he stepped forward one pace.

"Seven to Captain Janeway. We are receiving a signal from the Alpha Quadrant."

"On my way." Janeway replied. Her eyes were twinkling as she gave a smile and rose from her seat on the Bridge. Chakotay was only half a step behind her, and Tuvok behind him. "Mr. Paris you have the Bridge." Janeway called as the three most senior officers entered the turbo lift.

When they arrived in Astrometrics Seven and B'Elanna were just stabilizing the Doctor's matrix. The holo emitters they'd installed during his absence were proving to be working properly.

Once he was stabilized, the Doctor turned and faced a group of expectant officers. Most particularly Captain Janeway.

"Doctor? Were you able to contact Starfleet Command?"

The Doctor smiled. "Yes I was Captain. I told them about what had happened to Voyager and gave them a manifest of the crew. They asked me to tell you that you're no longer alone."

At that, Janeway's smile broadened. "Was there anything else?"

"Only that, they had officially declared Voyager lost approximately 18 months ago. They also placed some information in my matrix that has been encrypted for you only. Whenever you wish you may access it with your security code."

Janeway nodded. "Well done, Doctor." She then looked at Chakotay and Tuvok. "Well, I guess this means we're not as far from home as we used to be."

The three officers stood by silently, each lost in their own thoughts of home.

The End
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