Standard disclaimer: The characters and ship are owned by Paramount, that makes them the Great Bird of the Galaxy on anything Trek, however, I'm just playing in their field to have some fun. The story and idea are mine. If you wish to print this or distribute it in any way, please keep this disclaimer and my name attached. Thank you. Who'll Stop the Pain by Karen Fischer It started as a simple away mission. Janeway would beam down with a small team to obtain much needed Polyferranide. It was the one substance Voyager seemed to need constantly. The only reason she had decided to go herself and not send Chakotay, was because she was beginning to get cabin fever. She needed to breath some fresh, not recycled, air. It felt good to walk on an uneven surface, if only for a little while, and to breath air that was clean and not artificial. The other members of the away team included Harry Kim, B'Elanna Torres and Ensign Vorik, since this was mainly an engineering excursion. Since there was a thriving population on the planet, with some degree of technology, Janeway decided that they should be attired in civilian clothing while they tried to make contact with someone who would be able to help them obtain the Polyferranide. They had been lucky enough to contact someone before leaving Voyager, and that's where they were headed. Vorik found where the man had asked them to meet, and the others followed the young Ensign into the building. It appeared to be some sort of shop. The goods that were displayed looked to Janeway like carpets or rugs. Some kind of floor coverings, she thought. Harry Kim seemed to think the same thing when he made a comment. Vorik and Torres approached what looked like a counter and struck a device that let out a ringing noise. Within moments a man came from behind a curtain. "Yes, how may I help you?" He asked, appearing to be very friendly. Janeway immediately went up beside B'Elanna to talk with the man. "We're visitors here, and were told to meet someone called Phrogell." She told the man. "I am Phrogell." He answered. He then leaned over the counter and in a softer voice said: "Are you Captain Janeway of Voyager?" "Yes, I am." She replied. "Good. Come with me." He said and stepped around the counter. He lead the party to a rear doorway with a curtain. Behind the curtain was hidden a door, which Phrogell unlocked with a key. He opened it and the away team stepped inside. "I'm sorry about the secrecy, but it's illegal to sell what you need." He told the Voyager crew. "If it's illegal, why do you sell it?" Vorik asked. 'Leave it to a Vulcan to ask a stupid question.' Torres thought. "Because, many ships pass by our planet, and it is a popular element. Especially for those ships that have Warp capabilities like yours. And I have to admit, I don't mind the profit I gain from selling it." Janeway looked at Vorik with a warning glance that was meant to tell the young Vulcan not to ask any more questions. She was sure he got the message, although when she saw the scowl on B'Elanna's face she wondered if that was Vorik's incentive for staying quiet. "How much do you need?" Phrogell asked. "We need at least 10 kilos." Torres replied. Janeway nodded her agreement, and Phrogell proceeded to fill the container they had brought with them. They exchanged what they had agreed on and were about to leave. Phrogell exited the back room first, then signaled that it was safe for the others to follow. "Please keep that well hidden. If anyone sees you with it, you could be arrested." "Thank you for the warning. We'll be careful." Janeway assured Phrogell. B'Elanna had taken the container and slipped into a sack that would be filled with foodstuffs, so the substance was relatively safe until they could be beamed back to Voyager. The group left the shop and began walking back out of the town. Suddenly, what appeared to be either police or soldiers appeared ahead of them. Weapons were prominently displayed. "Just act like visitors, taking in the sites." Janeway warned her group. They nodded and tried to blend in with the crowd in the street. Vorik and Torres headed in slightly different directions, so Janeway pointed to Harry that he and she should do the same. As Harry began to walk ahead of Janeway, she stopped and pretended she was looking at what appeared to be vegetables at a stand. That's when it happened. The soldiers suddenly went for Harry. Janeway saw Torres and Vorik head toward the end of town. Janeway couldn't let them capture and detain Harry, so she went over to help. She managed to knock the wind out of the soldier who was beginning to tie Harry's hands behind his back. Another began to come to his partner's aid, when she kicked him. Before she was able to turn she felt a heavy dull blow to the back of her head. A moment later her world went back. When B'Elanna and Vorik returned to Voyager, B'Elanna explained to Chakotay what they had seen. "As far as I know, the Captain was trying to get the soldiers off Harry, then get the hell out of there. We didn't see them, I thought maybe the Captain would have contacted the ship by now asking for a transport." "No. There hasn't been any word from either the Captain or Harry." Chakotay told B'Elanna. "I hope their all right." B'Elanna said. "I'll have Tuvok scan the surface to see if we can find them." Chakotay told her. "Meanwhile, get down to Engineering. We need that Polyferranide." "I know. Let me know if you find out anything about the Captain and Harry." She said as she began to walk toward the turbolift. "I will." Chakotay called after her. He then went to the Bridge. Kathryn was maybe in trouble, and he needed to know if she could be rescued. Awareness came slowly. It started with a dull pain in the back of the head. Kathryn struggled to open her eyes, but didn't think she could. She didn't think she could move either. Then there was blackness again. The sensation of someone beside her, and hearing a voice seemed to stir Kathryn to consciousness. Again she felt the dull aching throb in the back of her head. She felt that she was laying on her side, so tried to roll to her back. The wrong thing to do. The pain in her head became sharper and she let out an involuntary moan. "Captain, are you okay?" She heard a voice ask. Kathryn struggled to open her eyes. There was light, and fortunately it was not very bright. Her vision remained blurred for some time, but she was aware of someone sitting beside her on a bed? Cot? something. As her vision began to clear, she saw that the figure beside her was Harry Kim. She put a hand to the back of her head. "What happened? Where are we?" She began to ask. Her voice was raspy, and her mouth felt dry. Harry got up and then came back a moment later with something in his hand. "Here, take a sip of this." He said, holding some kind of cup out to her. She tried to sit up, but the pain in her head began to get worse again. Harry saw that his Captain was in pain, and sat the cup down on the floor beside the cot. He positioned himself so that he could help raise her up then reached down and retrieved the cup. When Janeway was in a semi-upright position, Harry held the cup to her lips and helped her so that she could take a drink. When she was done, he gently lowered her back onto the cot. "Better?" He asked. "I think so." Janeway said, closing her eyes against the pain she was still feeling. "As to your question. You were hit from behind, trying to help me. I have no real idea where we are. It's some kind of prison." "How long was I unconscious?" She asked him. "I can't be sure. It could be a couple of hours. They hit you pretty hard. There's a good size cut, and you've been bleeding quite a bit." He told her. "No wonder my head feels like it does." Then she tried to sit up. Harry reached over and helped her. "Maybe it would be a good idea if you just stayed put, Captain. You've probably got a bad concussion." "I'll be fine. Just give me a little time." She told him as she swung her legs over the edge of the cot. That was when the dizziness hit her. She lowered her head into her hands. "Captain?" Harry asked, concern in his voice. "Just a little dizzy. It'll pass." She told him, trying to be reassuring, but not so sure herself. Aboard Voyager, the scans were not showing any evidence of human life signs. There was also no indication of Harry or Janeway's comm badge signals. "I have a bad feeling about this, Tuvok." Chakotay told the Vulcan. "Perhaps the Captain and Ensign Kim managed to escape and are unable to contact the ship since they could be monitored." Tuvok offered. "Somehow I doubt that. I'm reluctant to get in touch with the authorities on this planet. Who knows why they decided to grab Harry and the Captain." "You are assuming that Ensign Kim and Captain Janeway have been taken prisoners. It could be that they were not." Chakotay looked at Tuvok. "I'm glad you have a positive outlook on this. I sure wish I felt the same way. But I suppose our only alternative is to contact the authorities and find out if Harry and the Captain were taken into custody. I also need to find out how B'Elanna's coming with the repairs to the warp coils. He then contacted B'Elanna. "I've got Vorik and Seven helping me on it, Chakotay. Hopefully the work should be done in about ten hours." "Good. Keep me posted." Now he needed to contact the authorities on the planet. In an effort to help Janeway with her wound, Harry tore the sleeve of his tunic. He tore off the cuff and dipped it in water, then placed it over the wound on Janeway's head. "I don't know if this will help stop the bleeding, but at least the water is cold and it should ease some of the pain your feeling." He told her. "Thank you, Harry." She looked up at the young man. "Harry, if one of us is taken for questioning, whatever you do, don't let on that I'm your Captain." The young man looked surprised. "Sure. But may I ask why?" "Chakotay may be forced to find out if we were captured. It would probably be best if they thought he was in command of Voyager. If they knew that he wasn't, then they might use that against him." "I understand. What should I call you then?" She smiled. "I suppose it would be safe for you to call me Kathryn." Harry's face began to darken slightly. Janeway was sure the young man was blushing. "Okay. But it's gonna take me a little while to get used to the idea." pause, "Kathryn." "That's fine, Harry. I don't suppose it would do any good to deny we're with Voyager, but at least they don't have to know that we're more than plain crewmembers." "You mean, lower deck personnel?" "Exactly. I was thinking that perhaps I'd tell them I was a Lt. Commander." "Sounds good to me." Harry replied, smiling now. "Why don't you lie down a little bit more? At least until your headache eases." "Don't worry, I'll be fine." She began to reassure him. Suddenly there was a noise outside their cell door. The door suddenly swung open, and the room was flooded with bright light. Janeway held her hand to her eyes to shield them from the bright light. The effect made her head ache more. A figure approached and grabbed Janeway by her other arm, forcefully dragging her toward the open door. Harry tried to step in and stop the two men from taking Janeway, but they pushed him to the ground, then slammed the door behind them when they were outside. Harry ran to the door and looked out through the small square to see where they might be taking his Captain. He could only make out one of the guards headed down the corridor to Harry's left, then disappear from view. There was nothing he could do now but wait and hope that these people didn't hurt Janeway. Chakotay was in the process of contacting someone in the government. After one hour he was finally put in touch with the vice Governor of the planet. It had now been two hours since Janeway and Kim had been taken. "How can I help you...?" "I'm Commander Chakotay of the Federation Starship Voyager. Two of my people appear to have been detained by your military or police, I'm not sure which." "Detained? Do you know why?" "No, I don't. They had gone down to obtain supplies. There were two others with them, and they managed to get away." "I see. Were your people involved in any illegal activities?" "Not that I'm aware of. As I said they were sent down to obtain supplies." "What kind of supplies?" "Food, mainly, and any raw materials that might be available." Chakotay was lying. He couldn't tell this man that they had purchased Polyferranide. The transaction had been made, and Janeway and Kim had been taken after the substance was purchased. As far as he knew, the merchant that had sold it to them had not been taken into custody, so he assumed that Janeway and Kim had been taken, just because they were aliens. "If that's the case, I can't understand why your people would have been detained. It could be the militia police. They are fiercely xenophobic and dislike it when Aliens visit to obtain supplies and trade. That might be who took your people. I'll look into the matter and see what I can find out. Can I have the names of your crewmembers that were taken?" "Of course. Harry Kim and Kathryn Janeway." Chakotay didn't want to take a chance of giving away their rank. It might not go well if they discovered they had Voyager's Captain in custody. The transmission ended, and Chakotay sat down heavily in his chair. "Now all we can do is wait." He said. "So it would seem." Tuvok agreed. Kathryn was taken to a small room. There was a metal chair, to which she was seated and restrained. The restraints were placed against her legs and arms, making it impossible for her to move out of the chair. A man came forward, holding something in his hand. As he got closer, Kathryn saw that the something in his hand looked like a syringe. He approached her on the left side and injected the syringe into the area just above her ear. He repeated the process on her right side. The effect was that Kathryn felt discomfort when whatever was in the syringe was injected. It seemed like the man had injected something just under the skin, but Kathryn wasn't sure. When he had completed his job, one of the guards who had brought Kathryn to this place, placed something to each side of her head in the area where she'd received the injections. Then the guard left. The man who had given Janeway the injections turned toward her and began to speak. "I'm hoping that you will cooperate and truthfully answer the questions I put to you. If not, you will feel pain. Do you understand?" "Yes." Janeway answered. "Good. First, please tell me your name." "Kathryn Janeway." She replied, seeing no reason to lie about that. "Are you with the Starship Voyager that is orbiting our planet?" "Yes, I am." The man nodded at Janeway's answer. "What is your rank and what do you do?" Now came the moment of truth, so to speak. Kathryn hoped that whatever had been injected into her didn't cause her to tell the truth. "I'm a Lieutenant Commander, and a science officer." She told the man. At least part of what she said was true. "What can you tell me about your ships weapons systems?" Janeway looked at the man, puzzled. "Weapons systems?" "Yes, that's right. What do you know about them?" Now was the time to feign innocence about anything. "I don't know anything about them. I'm just a science officer, not an engineer." She told the man. Suddenly, without warning she felt a sharp pain sear through the temporal nerves in her head. A feeling like electricity. Once the initial surge subsided, she could still feel the charge coursing back and forth along the nerves. The pain was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Her eyes began to water. She didn't know if it was tears caused by the sudden shock or from the intense sensation of pain, but she couldn't stop them from flowing. The shock also made the pain in the back of her head feel sharper. "Please don't lie to me, Commander Janeway. Every time you do, I'm forced to activate the electrodes." He told her in a soft, almost gentle voice. Kathryn clenched her teeth against the pain and raised her head to look at the man. "I'm telling you the truth." She told him, praying he'd believe her. "I work on the lower decks, in Astronavigation." She lied again. The man gave her a pitying look. "I'm sure you do. Now, just tell me about Voyager's weapons systems and this will be all over." "I told you, I don't know anything about them." She almost screamed it, hoping that somehow the pain she was still feeling would disappear with the loudness of her voice. Again, the electrodes were activated. Janeway felt the pain increase on her temples. It was too much, and she felt herself beginning to black out. She slumped over in the chair and felt herself being immersed in a sea of darkness, with the pain still searing her head. Harry heard noises outside the cell, and got up from the cot where he had been sitting. The door was swung open, and the two guards dragged an apparently semi-conscious Janeway to the cot on the other side of the cell. They placed her on the cot and left. Slamming the door behind them. Harry rushed over to Janeway, trying to assess any injury she might have suffered. He wasn't able to find anything on the surface except the earlier injury. She had been placed face down on the cot, so Harry gingerly rolled her onto her side. Kathryn gave out an involuntary moan at the feeling of movement. She kept her eyes closed, hoping the pain would eventually subside. It didn't. After some time she slowly opened her eyes. At first she was unable to see anything, but she felt a presence next to her. As her eyes began to get accustomed to the dim light of the cell, she could make out the form of Harry Kim sitting on her cot. Then she felt something on her forehead. It was Harry's hand, holding something there. He realized that her eyes were open and leaned closer. Softly he asked; "How are you?" Kathryn brought a hand to one of her temples. "In pain. It really hurts." She told the young Ensign. "What did they do to you?" "I'm not sure. They injected something into my temples, then attached some sort of electrodes." She told him. Harry's eyes widened at this revelation. "Are you saying they gave you shock treatment?" "I don't know. I only know I want the pain to stop. It's almost unbearable." She hoped she didn't sound like she was whimpering, although that was how she felt. Harry didn't know what to do. The only medical training he'd received at the Academy had to do with basic first aid, and how to use a medikit. But they didn't have a medikit, and his Captain needed a doctor's attention. Of that much he was certain. "Why don't you try and get some sleep. Maybe the pain will subside some after you've had some rest." He tried to comfort Kathryn. "I don't know if I can sleep. The pain is constant, and it hurts so much." She told him, closing her eyes tightly against the pain, to no avail. "Just try. I'll stay right here with you. Okay?" He said. "Okay." Janeway answered, the fatigue in her voice echoing how she must be feeling. She lay on her side, her eyes closed, praying that oblivion would overtake her at some point. Harry shifted gently, but remained on the cot, sitting beside his Captain. There was a blanket, so he pulled it over Janeway. He didn't know how much time had elapsed before Janeway's breathing became deep and regular. He felt that she had finally managed to fall asleep, so he eased himself off the cot and walked to the door, peering out of the hole. Aside from a lit corridor there was nothing to see. He turned, leaning against the door and looked over to Janeway's sleeping form. He hoped that Voyager would find some way of getting the two of them out of this prison before Janeway was taken for more torture. At this point, he didn't know if she'd be able to take any more, given the amount of pain she was in. He hoped when they did return that they'd take him instead. It would be better than having his Captain go through it again. The Vice Governor contacted Voyager three hours after Chakotay had spoken with him. "I have some news for you, Commander." "What is it, Sir?" He asked. "Your people were taken by the militia police. I have my people working to get your crewmembers released." "How long do you think it will take?" Chakotay asked, hopeful now. "I wish I could say. You see, Commander, this group is well known for subjecting their detainees to various forms of torture. If one of your people is undergoing questioning by torture, they won't admit it, but will stall for time until they are finished." Chakotay had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. "By finished, do you mean dead, Vice governor?" "No. But almost so. I promise my people will do their utmost to get your people released as soon as possible." "Thank you." Chakotay answered, sighing. "I'll keep you posted on my people's progress." The Vice governor said then signed off. "Perhaps he was exaggerating." Tuvok said. "That didn't sound like exaggeration to me." Paris chimed in. "I agree with Paris. Let's just hope they decided not to go to hard on Harry and the Captain." What seemed like several hours had passed and suddenly Harry heard Kathryn moan. He went over and bent down next to her cot. She opened her eyes and realized he was there. "How long was I asleep?" She asked him. "I don't know. A long while. You needed the rest. How is you head feeling now?" "It's still hurting. I don't know if the pain is getting better or I'm just getting more used to it. But it doesn't feel as bad as before, I don't think." "That's good. Are you thirsty? Would you like some water?" Harry asked her. "Yes, please." "I'll be right back." He got up and got a cup. Filled it with water and took it back to his Captain. This time, Kathryn was able to swing her legs over the edge of the cot and sit up. Harry sat down next to her and handed her the cup. She took two deep swallows and thanked him. "You wanna lie down some more?" He asked her. "I don't think so. It doesn't seem to matter if I'm lying down or sitting up, the pain in my temples just won't go away." Janeway told him, dropping her head into her hands, her elbows on her knees as she rubbed at her temples. Suddenly they heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Someone, a guard perhaps, entered, placed two bowls on the floor, then stepped back, closed and relocked the door. Harry got up and went over to the bowls. He picked them up and brought them back over to where Janeway still sat on her cot. "Looks like they don't want us to starve." He brought one of the bowls up to his face and sniffed. "Smells okay. Better than some of Neelix's concoctions." He offered. Janeway couldn't help but give a little smile at Harry's joke. "I guess we'll have to use our hands. Doesn't look like they trust us with eating utensils." Harry said. "Here ya go." Harry held out one of the bowls to Janeway. She looked up and reluctantly took the bowl from him. She placed it beside her on the cot. "Not hungry?" Harry asked her. "Not really. My head hurts to much. I think I'll pass on the meal." She told him. Harry got a worried look on his face then. "You feeling nauseous?" He asked her. "Yeah. It's hard to feel hungry when you don't feel well." "I know. But you should try to eat something. Who knows how long we're going to be stuck here?" Janeway looked up at her Operations Ensign. "You're almost as bad as Neelix. Do you know that?" She told him. "Does that mean you'll try and eat a little something?" He asked, seemingly hopeful. "Alright, I'll eat some. But don't push it. I don't really have much of an appetite with this headache." "Sure thing." Harry said, picking up the bowl and handing it back to Janeway. After they had eaten, Janeway lay back down on the cot. Harry pulled the blanket over her. "Try to get some more sleep. Maybe the pain will subside some more." He told her. "I hope you're right, Harry." She said and rolled over. How much time had passed, it was hard to say. Maybe an hour, but the door was unlocked and two guards again entered the cell. The sound of the cell door being unlocked woke Janeway from an almost sound sleep. It also aggravated her headache. Harry stepped over to Janeway's cot, trying to distract the guards. Hoping they'd take him, but they seemed intent on taking Janeway once again. He tried to fight the two men, but they overpowered him easily, then dragged Janeway off the cot and onto her feet. Harry raised himself off the floor and tried to run toward the two guards as they pulled Janeway out the door with them. Harry saw her try to raise her hands to her eyes to block the bright lights from the corridor, but the guards held her arms too tightly to allow her to raise her arms very far. The door was slammed shut in Harry's face, and again he was left alone to ponder his Captain's fate. It was now seven hours since Janeway and Kim had been abducted, and almost another three since Chakotay had heard from the Vice Governor. Suddenly there was a hail from the planet. "On screen." Chakotay ordered. "Commander, Chakotay. We've located where your crew members have been taken." Chakotay gave out a sigh. "Are they all right?" "My sources tell me that the male, Harry Kim is being held in a cell, and that the female, Kathryn Janeway, has been taken for questioning." Chakotay turned and looked at Tuvok. He turned back to the screen. "Are you telling me that Kathryn Janeway is being tortured?" The Vice Governor looked grim. "I'm afraid so, Commander. However, we will work very hard to get them out. Harry Kim should not be a problem. I don't know what kind of information they are trying to obtain from the woman, but I assure you she will be rescued." "Thank you, Vice Governor." Chakotay said. "Is there anything any of my people can do?" "I'm afraid not. As I said these people are extremely xenophobic about aliens. Seeing your people might only make the situation worse." "Very well. Please let me know when you've gotten my people out." "Of course, Commander." The screen went blank. Paris turned to Chakotay. "Sir, what do you think they're doing to the Captain?" "I don't know, Paris. I just hope she'll be able to recover from it emotionally as well as physically." Kathryn was again taken to the small room she'd been in before. As before she was seated in the metal chair and restrained. This time the electrodes were placed on her temples without the injections preceding it. "Hello again, Lt. Commander Janeway." The interrogator said. "I hope you're feeling more cooperative than you were before." "What do you want from me?" She asked him. "As I told you before. All I want is for you to tell me what kind of weapons system your ship has and how strong they are." "I told you before, I don't know anything about my ships weapons systems. I'm a Science Officer in Astronavigation. Ask me about charting space and I'll be glad to tell you anything you want." She kept up the pretense and the lie, hoping they'd relent, but that wasn't the case. "I'm sorry you won't be more cooperative." The interrogator said. Then Kathryn felt the pain surge through her head as it had before. She wasn't sure when the actual power was turned off because the continual pain coursing through her temporal nerves went on and on. It wouldn't abate, and she didn't know if she could take much more of it before she told this man exactly what he wanted to know, or passed out. She hoped for the latter. She was so distracted by her pain and misery that she didn't hear when the door opened and a shot was fired. Kathryn was only vaguely aware that the electrodes were being removed from her temples and her restraints were being released. The men who picked her up, did so gently, unlike the guards who had brought her back to this place. She felt herself being carried in someone's strong arms. It was then that she allowed herself to fall into the abyss of oblivion, away from the nightmare of pain she was experiencing. The first thing Kathryn became aware of was a warm, comforting sensation. She felt comfortable, although still in pain. She allowed herself to lay quietly for some time before attempting to open her eyes. When she did she was greeted by the blurry visage of Voyager's holographic Doctor, standing over her. "I'm glad to see your awake, Captain. How are you feeling?" His voice was soft. Not the harshness she was used to. A sudden thought came to her that B'Elanna must have been working on his personality program. Blinking her eyes, she stared at the Doctor for some time before she was able to clear her head. What he had said to her began to make some sense and so she tried to answer. "Fuzzy. Head hurts." Was all she was able to mumble, before closing her eyes again, against the pain in her temples. She then felt something against her neck and heard a hissing noise. A moment later, the pain in her head didn't seem as severe. She opened her eyes again. "Is that better?" The Doctor asked. "I think so." She replied. That was when she heard another voice. One that was familiar, but that in her present state of confusion she was unable to identify. Chakotay had stepped up behind the Doctor. "How is she doing?" He asked, sotto voice. "There appears to be some injury to her temporal nerves. They're inflamed, and sending pain messages to her brain. Unfortunately it's the one area that I can't desensitize, so we're just going to have to see what happens." "What do you mean?" "I mean, that there is no way to reduce the inflammation. Only time can do that. I can give her medication to reduce the amount of pain she feels, but the only things I can give her, sedate her." "I see. Can I talk to her?" "Keep it brief, Commander. I don't know how much she'll understand at this point." "Fine." Chakotay answered then stepped up to Kathryn's bedside. "How are you?" He asked in a soothing voice. Kathryn opened her eyes, and looked up at her First Officer. "Chakotay?" She asked. "Yes. It's me." He answered. "Am I back on Voyager?" She asked, blinking her eyes against the pain and sudden overwhelming desire to sleep. "Yes, you are. You're in Sickbay. The Doctor said that your temporal nerves are inflamed. You're not going to feel to well for a few days." "Okay." She said, almost sighing the word. She turned her head away from him. Her eyes closed, she seemed to drift off to sleep. Chakotay looked over at the Doctor, who was running a tricorder over Janeway. The Doctor must have read the question in Chakotay's eyes. "She's drifted off to sleep, Commander. Right now, it's what she needs." "Understood. Keep me posted on her condition." "I will." The Doctor replied as he watched the retreating form of the First Officer. When he returned to the Bridge, he saw Harry Kim, standing by Tuvok's station. "Tuvok said that you wanted to speak with me, Commander." The young man said. Chakotay looked up at Tuvok. The Vulcan nodded. Then Chakotay brought his attention back to Kim. "Yes. Why don't we go into the Captain's Ready Room?" He said, and led the way. "Tuvok you have the Bridge." He ordered before exiting the Bridge. Once inside, Chakotay consciously avoided going to Janeway's desk, and instead headed for the upper level. He sat down on the long couch that lined the windows. Harry stood erect in front of him. "Relax, Harry. I just need to ask you what happened to you down there, and what you know about the kind of torture the Captain underwent." Harry visibly sagged. Chakotay pointed to the couch. "Have a seat, Harry." "Thank you, Sir." He said, taking a seat to Chakotay's right. "I'm not really sure where to begin, Commander." "How about from when you were first attacked in the street?" Chakotay prompted. "Well, Sir, these uniformed men came up to me and just started telling me I was under arrest. I couldn't make out exactly what they were charging me with. Just as they were starting to tie my hands behind my back, the Captain came up and hit a couple of them. She was just about to untie my hands when another of the men came up and hit the Captain on the head. They sort of dragged her and pushed me to some kind of compound towards the east part of the town. They took us into some kind of citadel and locked us in a sort of cell." "They had you together?" "Yes, Sir. They laid the Captain on a cot and untied my hands then closed the door, locking it, and left." "What happened then?" Chakotay asked. "Nothing much. The Captain was unconscious for quite a while after they left us. I discovered that there were two cups and some fresh water. When the Captain began to moan, I knew she was coming around, so I got her some water and checked her head. They had hit her pretty hard, and she was bleeding some. I think they might have given her a concussion, since she was out for a long time." Chakotay nodded his head, indicating that Harry should continue with his story. He didn't want to interrupt Harry's train of thought in his recount of the events that had occurred to him and Janeway. "I managed to stop the bleeding on the Captain's head. Then, just when she was beginning to start feeling better, a couple of those goons came into the cell. They headed straight for the Captain. I tried to fight them, but they overpowered me like I was a fly. They pulled the Captain out with them, and closed the door. I tried to see where they were taking her, but I could only see one of the guards before they disappeared down the corridor. The cell door only had a small square opening in it. I don't know how long they had the Captain, but when they brought her back, she was semi-conscious. After they laid her on the cot and left, I tried to examine her. There weren't any marks on her, but it was obvious that something had been done to her. When she managed to become cognizant enough to know who I was and where she was, she told me that some man had injected something just under the skin at her temporal lobes. Then had attached something like electrodes and activated them when she didn't give an answer they wanted." Harry seemed finished with most of his story. "The Vice Governor told us that when his people rescued you both that they had found the Captain in a room with electrodes attached to her head, and that apparently they were giving her another round of torture." Chakotay told Harry. The young man shook his head in the affirmative. "Yes, Sir. They had taken the Captain maybe 15 minutes to a half hour before I was rescued. I wasn't sure if she could take much more. She was in an awful lot of pain from the first round." "I know. The Doctor's monitoring her very carefully, and I'm sure she'll be fine, soon." "Is there anything else, Commander?" Harry asked. "No. Has the Doctor checked you out yet, Ensign?" "Yes, Sir. I've got a clean bill of health. If you don't mind sir, I'd like to report back to duty." Chakotay stood, and nodded. "Of course. Go ahead." "Thank you, Sir." Harry said and quickly exited Janeway's ready room. Chakotay Followed Harry out a minute later. It was just then that a message came in from the Vice Governor. Chakotay stood in front of the Command chairs. "Yes Vice Governor, what can I do for you?" He asked. "I wanted to inquire as to how your crewmembers are doing." "One of them is fine. Unfortunately the other is in our Sickbay, recovering from some kind of torture that was inflicted upon her." "I had heard from my people that one of your crew was found in a torture room. I am sorry we were unable to retrieve your people sooner. I hope that your crew member makes a full recovery." "So do I, Vice Governor. Thank you for your sentiment." "Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you." "Thank you." Chakotay replied. The transmission ended, and Chakotay sat in his chair. He wondered how long it would take for Janeway to recover from her ordeal on the planet, and hoped that the Doctor could help her make a quick recovery. There was no news of Janeway's condition from the Doctor any more that day. The next morning, when Chakotay rose, he went to the mess hall and began his normal routine. Only it wasn't so normal without the Captain on duty. She was still in sickbay. Chakotay finished his breakfast and went to the Bridge. As much as he wanted to hail the Doctor to ask about Janeway's condition, he forced himself to wait until the Doctor contacted him. He didn't want to appear over anxious to the Bridge crew. In Sickbay, Kathryn began to wake from her drug induced sleep. As consciousness began to return to her, she began to realize that she felt warm and safe, although she had no real idea of where she was. She then began to open her eyes, slowly, experimentally, at first. The lights that assaulted her eyes made her shut them tight against it's glare. A moment later she heard a man's voice. "How are you feeling, Captain?" It asked. She didn't recognize it, then tried opening her eyes again. She turned her head to the side hoping the glare of the light would be reduced by this action. What she saw was a blurry image of someone wearing something black, with blue around the shoulders. She wasn't able to identify the face of the man. The figure leaned in a little closer, and again in a soft voice spoke to her. "Captain, can you hear me? How do you feel?" Captain, had he said the word Captain? Her mind couldn't seem to focus on what the man was saying. She blinked her eyes again, hoping the blurriness would subside. As she struggled to regain her faculties, the figure moved away, then it came closer again. Janeway felt something press against her neck and heard a hissing noise. A moment later her vision seemed to clear, and she was able to make out the face of Voyager's Holographic Doctor. "Does that help, Captain?" He asked her. Kathryn swallowed. "I think so." She answered. Her speech was slurred. She wasn't sure what was wrong, then became aware of the pain still throbbing in her temples. "My head hurts." She told the Doctor. "I know it does, Captain. I'm doing everything I can to help you, but your temporal nerves have suffered great trauma, and I'm afraid I don't have anything to reduce the swelling and inflammation. Only time will do that, and I can't tell you how long it will take." Kathryn couldn't concentrate very much on what he was saying, and after the second sentence lost track of what he was telling her. She could only seem to focus on the pain she was feeling. She didn't know how it started, nor did she care. She only wanted it to end. Kathryn then looked at the Doctor. "The light hurts my eyes." She told him. The Doctor stood and called to the air, "Computer, dim lights to half illumination." Then bending over to Janeway asked, "Is that any better, Captain?" Kathryn opened her eyes. It didn't hurt as much to look around with the lighting reduced. "Yes, much better. I just want something for this pain." She begged. "I'm afraid the only thing I can do for you right now is to give you a strong medication that will sedate you. Do you want me to give you that?" "Anything that will stop this pain in my head." She begged. "Very well, Captain." He said. Kathryn then felt a pressure against her neck again, and heard the hissing noise. She opened her eyes as the Doctor pulled his hand away. In it was a hypo-spray. Kathryn recognized it, but then began to feel the effects of the drug taking effect almost immediately. She began to feel very light headed and sleepy. She closed her eyes and within moments was again asleep. The Doctor contacted Chakotay and told him what had happened. "To be honest, Commander, I don't think the Captain is going to be fit for some time. She's still very sick with this." "Are you telling me, there is absolutely nothing you can do to reduce the swelling of her temporal nerves?" "I'm afraid not, Commander. Judging from the amount of abuse she was subjected to, and the amount of drug used on her to induce the pain, I would say that at this rate it may take about a week to two weeks for her to feel halfway normal again. Until then the best I can do is keep her heavily medicated, which sedates her." "I understand. You'll be keeping her in Sickbay then?" "I was thinking it might be better to transfer her to her quarters, but only if someone could stay with her in case she woke up and needed something." "You mean, a nurse?" "Yes, Commander." "Why do you think the Captain would be better off in her quarters?" "Because the lighting in Sickbay is too bright for her at this time, and at least things could be kept dim in her quarters. It would also afford her more quiet than here with people coming in and out all the time." "Understood. Let me know when you transfer her." "Aye, Commander." The Doctor replied. Chakotay knew that Tuvok had heard the conversation, with the exceptional hearing that Vulcan's have. He looked over at the Security/Tactical officer. "Tuvok, I need you here." Chakotay said, pointing to his chair on the command platform. "I gather that Captain Janeway will not be returning to duty for some time." Tuvok stated as he stepped up on the command platform. "That's right. The Doctor thinks it could take as long as two weeks or more for her to recover." "I am sorry to hear that. I had hoped the Captain would be able to return to duty much sooner." "Unless the Doctor can come up with some kind of miracle cure, you and I will have command of Voyager for the time being." "Of course, Commander." Tuvok said. Two hours after his conversation with Chakotay, the Doctor hailed the Commander. "I wanted to inform you that I have transferred the Captain to her quarters, Commander." "Thank you, Doctor. Who will be attending to her?" "I've asked Ensign Froma San to stay with Captain Janeway. Surprisingly, she has some medical training, which I was unaware of." Chakotay couldn't help but smile. Froma San was one of his Maquis people. She had done whatever was needed, including acting as a medic when anyone was injured. He was glad she was staying with Janeway. If anyone would take good care of Kathryn is was San. "Is the Captain awake?" He asked. "Yes, although I should tell you she's still very groggy from the sedation I've given her. I'm reluctant to administer a stimulant. I don't know if it might exacerbate the pain to her temporal nerves." "I understand. May I visit the Captain?" "If you wish to do so, Commander, you'd better do it now." "I'm on my way." He told the Doctor, in the next breath he said, "Tuvok you have the Bridge." As he strode toward the turbo- lift doors. When Chakotay arrived at Kathryn's quarters he was reluctant to ring the chime, but decided he'd go ahead. He rang it and a moment later he was greeted by Froma San standing in the open doorway. "Hi, Chakotay." She greeted him soft-voiced. "Try to keep your voice down. Noise seems to make her pain worse." She warned. "Okay." He almost whispered. He walked quietly into Kathryn's bedroom. She was laying in the bed, her hair tousled, and her eyes closed. She was wearing some sort of pajama. It didn't look like the gown she'd had on in Sickbay. He gently sat on the edge of the bed, near her waist and softly called her name. "Kathryn." After he spoke her name a second time, she opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling of her semi-dark room. Chakotay called her again. "Kathryn. How are you?" This time she turned her head in the direction of his voice. He could see that she was indeed groggy as the Doctor had said she would be. She didn't seem to be able to completely focus her vision. "Chakotay?" She asked, her speech slurred by the drug. "Yes." "Where am I?" She asked him now. "You're in your quarters on board Voyager. How are you doing?" She closed her eyes, licked her lips and swallowed. She brought a hand up to one side of her head, over the temporal area. "I don't know. It really hurts. I just want it to stop hurting so much." "I know." He said, softly as he reached up and brushed a stray lock of her hair away from her face. As he did so, he realized that she felt warm. He gently placed the top of his hand on her forehead. "You feeling hot?" He asked her. "Uh, huh." She said, again blinking her eyes. "I'm really thirsty too." she told him. Froma San was not far away, and had heard what Janeway told Chakotay. A moment later, she handed Chakotay a cold glass of water, which he took. "Do you think you could sit up for a moment. I've got some water here for you." He told Kathryn. "I don't know. It hurts to move my head." She told him. He turned and looked imploringly at San. San moved to the opposite side of Janeway's bed. "Why don't we just try to sit you up a little, Captain." she said to Janeway, as she eased her arm under Janeway's neck and back. Chakotay did the same from his side. When Kathryn was in a semi-sitting position, he held the glass of water up to her lips. "Here, try to drink." He told her. Kathryn did as he said. She sipped the cold water, and relished in it's coolness and moisture. "Thank you." She managed. The two then slowly and gently lowered her back down. Kathryn again closed her eyes. As Chakotay began to rise from the bed, Kathryn's hand went to his. "Can you stay awhile?" She asked him. "Do you want me to?" He asked back. "I'd like it very much. You seem to know how to make the pain more bearable. I don't know how." Chakotay gingerly sat back down on the bed. "Okay. If it helps you, I'll stay." He looked up questioningly at Froma San. The woman nodded. She handed Chakotay a dampened cloth. It felt cold, and Chakotay placed it over Kathryn's forehead. "It's okay, Commander. I need to get a few things from the Doctor anyway. It's best she not be alone right now." "Okay." Then addressing Kathryn. "I need to let Tuvok know where I am, and that I'll be delayed." "Sure." She said, moving now to place her head on his thigh. As she lay there, Chakotay tapped his comm badge. In a soft voice he hailed Tuvok. "Chakotay to Tuvok." "Tuvok here." Came the reply. "I'm going to be with the Captain for a while. You have the bridge." "Understood, Commander." Then the link was cut. Chakotay looked down at the dozing form of Kathryn. Her hair was again strewn across her face, and Chakotay reached over to push it back. As he did so, Kathryn gave an appreciative moan. "Would you like me to give you a back rub?" He asked her. She opened her eyes. Through the pain, there was a spark of mischief in those blue eyes. "Yes I would, if you wouldn't mind." "I'd be glad to. Roll over." He instructed her. Kathryn did as she was asked. Chakotay removed the pillows, so that she could lay flat on the bed. He then pulled away the straps of her nightgown. Helping him, Kathryn slid her arms out of the straps of the nightgown. Chakotay then slid the rest of the garment down to her waist, which was covered by the blankets on her bed. He then repositioned himself so that he could better reach her neck and shoulders. Then he began the massage that she had once begun to enjoy on New Earth. Here, in her bedroom, in her quarters on board Voyager, for some reason, she felt very comfortable and at ease while Chakotay gently massaged her neck, shoulders and back. The sensation was relaxing and the pain in her head seemed to be diminished as a result. 'Amazing', she thought. The Doctor had been unable to give her any kind of medication that would ease the constant barrage of pain that Kathryn had been feeling. Now, with just the gentle stroke of his hands on her neck, back and shoulders, Chakotay had managed to quell the pain in her temples. It wasn't completely gone, but it was greatly diminished in it's intensity, and Kathryn began to feel herself drifting off to a natural and peaceful sleep. Chakotay watched Kathryn's reactions to his ministrations, and was pleased when she would at times give out a soft, muffled, satisfied moan. After some time, her moans stopped altogether. He leaned forward to give her neck another pass, and studied her face. She lay, with her face towards him. Her eyes were closed and he listened to her steady breathing. It was then that he realized she had actually fallen asleep without the aid of a sedative. That was when Froma San returned with a hypo-spray among other things that she had collected from Sickbay. Chakotay didn't want to disturb Kathryn, so he pulled the covers over her shoulders. San walked in just as he was doing so. Chakotay stood up and looked at San, who had a smile on her face. He walked around Kathryn's bed and was at the doorway when San spoke to him in a whisper. "I guess your healing touch did the trick, huh?" She asked. Chakotay shrugged his shoulders, and pushed himself passed her. She turned and followed him into the other room. "Don't try to deny it, Chakotay. You have deep feelings for our Captain, don't you?" Chakotay turned and looked at San. "What if I do? I'm not ashamed to admit it." "Nor should you be. You've been very worried about her ever since she was returned to Voyager. I can't blame you. Everyone on board has been worried." "Really? Even the Maquis?" "For what it's worth, Chakotay, we've all come to realize and accept our situation. It could have been much worse, under a more difficult Captain. Janeway is a fair person, and she's proven that time and again. She's also shown that she feels that what were your people are also her people, and she'll go to bat for them. Does she know how you feel about her?" Chakotay hung his head. "Yes." he said, so softly, San wasn't sure that he'd said it. "I gather she doesn't feel the same way about you?" "I don't know. I'm not sure. Sometimes I think she does, then other times, maybe not. I know that she's concerned about how a relationship with her First Officer might affect this crew." "Maybe she just needs somebody to tell her that the crew isn't going to sit in judgment of her just because she happens to be in love with her First Officer." "I suppose. But who do you think would tell her that?" Chakotay asked. San smiled. "What about Tuvok?" Chakotay stared at Froma San. "Tuvok? What makes you think that he would tell her something like that?" "Because, he's known her longer than anyone else on board this ship. They've been friends for many years. I know that he's aware of both of your feelings for each other, and your attempts to conceal them from one another as well." Chakotay began to feel embarrassed. He didn't know why. San had known him for some time, but her keen observations always seemed to make him feel exposed somehow. The next morning Chakotay decided maybe he would take Froma San's suggestion and talk to Tuvok. The Vulcan was at his usual seat in the Mess hall for breakfast. It was a ritual that he had begun when Neelix had commandeered Janeway's personal dinning room to make a galley. Normally Janeway would join Tuvok for breakfast, but since being returned to Voyager, her illness had kept her confined to her quarters and her bed. Tuvok ate alone. Chakotay headed for the table as soon as he had gotten a tray of food from Neelix. "Mind if I join you this morning, Tuvok?" He asked. Tuvok looked up. "Not at all, Commander." "Thanks." he said as he sat down his tray then seated himself across from the Vulcan. "There's something I need to ask you." He began. "Yes, Commander?" Tuvok asked, raising an eyebrow. Chakotay leaned in so he could speak softly. "I'm sure that you're aware of my feelings for the captain." he began. "Yes." "It's just that, I know she cares about me, only she seems determined to keep me at arm's length. Under the circumstances I think that allowances could be made, don't you?" "If by that, you mean that you and Captain Janeway should pursue a relationship, I must tell you that, although Starfleet does not interfere with personal relationships, it could prove awkward for both you and Captain Janeway if you were to become emotionally and intimately involved." Chakotay leaned back. "Are you saying that you would disapprove of the Captain and I being involved?" "Not at all, Commander. Under other circumstances. However, the situation is a difficult one. While I think I understand the emotional need that humans have, I fail to see the logic of it. Has Captain Janeway expressed a desire to become involved with you?" Now Chakotay smiled. "That's kind of hard to answer. Before she was tortured, she always made it a point to keep me at arms length, but since she's been ill, her attitude is different. I don't know if it's because she's needy or because she's feeling more uninhibited because of the medication the Doctor has her on for her pain." "Why? What has happened?" "Yesterday afternoon I stopped into her quarters to see how she was feeling. I was about to leave when she asked me to stay. She began rubbing her neck so I offered to give her a massage. She was...I guess the best term would be...uninhibited. She didn't object when I moved her nightgown off her shoulders and down to her waist so I could give her a better massage of her neck, shoulders and back." "I see." Tuvok replied dryly. "It was only a back rub." Chakotay said, defensively. "I understand that, Commander. However, knowing the Captain as well as I do, I do not think she allowed what happened without intent. Despite the fact that she is unwell and on medication, it is my belief that Captain Janeway knew exactly what she was doing and asking of you." Chakotay grinned. "Thanks, Tuvok. That's just what I wanted to hear. Now if there were only some way to uncomplicate things." Tuvok raised an eyebrow. "If you and Captain Janeway do decide to pursue a relationship, I should caution you that it would be wise to move slowly. If you were not the most senior officers on board it would not make so much of a difference. However, because of your positions it would be best if you allowed the crew time to become accustomed to having it's senior officers involved personally as well as professionally." "Thank you, Tuvok, I'll take that into consideration, and if things should progress I'll discuss them with Kathryn. I'm wondering if she'll need some convincing to go ahead with a relationship, though?" "You do not think that once the Captain is recovered that she will want to become involved with you? "Exactly. I was hoping maybe you could convince her otherwise." "Do you feel that the Captain will need convincing?" "Yes, I do. Maybe not at this moment. Right now she's ill and I suppose she was reaching out for some comfort and relief." "That is quite possible. However, when she has recovered sufficiently, I will broach the matter with her." Thank you, Tuvok. I'd really appreciate that." "You are welcome, Commander. I will see you on the Bridge." He said, as he got up and left Chakotay sitting at the table grinning. On his way to the Bridge, Chakotay ran into Froma San. "So, Chakotay. What did Tuvok have to say?" She asked him. " He said he'd talk to her, then that he thought we should take it slow, just to give the crew time to get used to the idea, if things do progress." "Now that seems to be sound advice." "How did she sleep last night?" He asked. "She slept very well. I didn't have to give her a sedative at all. Your back rub seems to have done the trick for her. This morning she's even feeling better." "Really?" He asked, surprised. San smiled. "It seems, Chakotay, you have the magic touch when it comes to our ailing Captain." "Maybe I'll drop in on her later. Is she feeling well enough to be out of bed?" "No. She's still weak, but she's able to sit up, and actually ate breakfast this morning. Not bad, considering she's been too sick to eat for the last three days." "I guess this means she's on the mend. This is turning into a pretty good day, San, thanks." "Your welcome, Chakotay." She said as she watched her Commander and friend bound down the passageway to the turbo-lift. It was late morning. Around 10:30 hours. Kathryn had felt well enough to eat a light breakfast that Neelix had brought for her, when she had mentioned to her "nurse" that she was feeling hungry earlier that morning. Now she was resting, since the pain in her head seemed to be increasing slightly. She wasn't flat on her back, but propped up to afford her some elevation, but not in an upright position. She was dozing when she heard her door chime sound. At first she wasn't certain that she had heard it. A second time she knew she had. "Who is it?" She called out. "Chakotay." Came the response. Kathryn smiled at his name. He'd given her a wonderful back and neck rub the previous afternoon, and she had slept better than she had since before she'd been captured and tortured. "Come in." She responded. A moment later Chakotay entered her bedroom, a wide grin on his face. "San told me you were feeling better? From where I stand, you look better than you have in days." He told her. She tried to pull herself up into more of a sitting position. As she did, Chakotay came over and pulled her pillows up. He placed them so that her back could rest against them and afford her more comfort. She smiled at him. "Thank you. I am feeling better this morning. Although the headache isn't completely gone." "I'm sure it won't be much longer before your feeling yourself again." He told her. "The crew misses you on the Bridge." "Do they?" her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "To be honest, everyone's been worried about you. It isn't common for Kathryn Janeway to be forced to remain off duty for more than a day, and you've been sick for almost a week now." He said, his serious demeanor taking over. Kathryn held out her hand and placed it on Chakotay's arm. "Tell everyone I appreciate their concern and well-wishes, and that I hope to be able to return to duty soon." "I will. Has the Doctor been here yet?" "No, I think he's due any minute though. Hopefully he'll have some news as to whether or not I'll be able to get out of bed in the next couple of days." "Do you think you feel well enough to get up?" She sighed. "I don't know. To be honest I'm still having some dizziness along with the headache." Then she gave him a mischievous smile. "Maybe I need another one of your backrubs, Commander." "Is the headache very bad?" He asked, his eyes smiling. "No, but it is making it's presence known." She told him. "I'd like to oblige, but..." Chakotay was interrupted by the sound of the door chime. "Yes, who is it?" Janeway asked with a sigh. "It's the Doctor, Captain." Came the reply. Kathryn rolled her eyes. "He has the worst timing." Chakotay got up from where he had been seated on the side of her bed. "I'll go let him in." He said. He then walked into the outer room. A moment later he returned with the Doctor behind him. "Sorry I'm late, Captain, but Ensign Vorik in Engineering managed to burn his hand on a damaged conduit." The Doctor explained, as he walked over to her bed, medical tricorder in hand and open. "That's quite alright, Doctor." She said. "I'd better get back to the Bridge before Tuvok sends out a security team to find me." Chakotay said. "Talk to you later." "Thank you for coming by, Chakotay." Kathryn called after him. She then turned her attention to the Doctor. He had finished his scan and was preparing a hypo-spray. "I'm assuming that you still have some degree of a headache?" "Yes, Doctor." Janeway answered. "And some dizziness as well." "I'm changing the medication I've been giving you. This should help reduce the headache and eliminate the dizziness." As he spoke he injected the hypo-spray into Janeway's neck. She brought her hand up and rubbed the area where she'd just received the injection. "How long before I can get out of bed?" "I want you to continue resting. Tomorrow let's see how you're feeling. If the headache is at a minimum and there is no more dizziness, then you can get out of bed." "Doctor?" Kathryn began to ask. "Yes, Captain? What is it?" "I was just wondering... it's just that...through yesterday...I was feeling pretty God awful. Chakotay gave me a backrub. Could that in some way have helped to relieve some of the pain I was feeling?" The Doctor looked at her. "A backrub you say?" "Yes." "To be honest, Captain, I don't really know. You've been pretty heavily medicated for the past several days." "I know. You kept me insensible for the most part to help ease my discomfort. I just wondered if a backrub could have had any significant effect in easing the pain I was having?" "It is known that massage can be a stress reducer, and at times is used in physical therapy. I suppose it is possible that the relaxing effects of a back massage coupled with the medication you were on may have been beneficial." "So you don't think the backrub by itself is responsible for my feeling better?" "By itself, no. You're body has had several days in which to recover from the trauma it suffered. Along with that you were medicated to help relieve your discomfort. I believe that together these things are what has brought you to this state of recovery." "Oh." She answered. "Was there anything else, Captain?" "No. I guess not. Thank you, Doctor." She said. "You may continue resting, Captain. I'll see you tomorrow." "Yes." She said, nodding. The next morning, Kathryn woke early, and was impatiently waiting for the Doctor's arrival. She desperately wanted to get out of bed, but wasn't going to be allowed to by her Bajoran nurse, Froma San, until the Doctor gave his okay. She endured breakfast in bed, compliments of Neelix. He'd been kind enough to include a cup of coffee, since that was what the Doctor had restricted her to, instead of a whole pot, which she would have preferred. By 0900 hours, she was ready to get up without the Doctor's approval and against Froma San's wishes. At 0901 her door chime sounded. "Come in." She called before nurse Froma had a chance to respond. The Doctor entered. "Hummm. You seem restless this morning, Captain. How are you feeling?" "Much better. I'll be feeling even better when you tell me I can get out of this bed." "How is the headache?" "Better." "Just better? Is it a dull ache, a throb, how does it feel?" Janeway was becoming impatient at his questioning. "I don't know, a dull throb I guess." She barked at him. In response he ran his medical scanner over her. "There is still some inflammation of the temporal nerves. Would you say the pain is tolerable?" "Yes it's tolerable. Can I get out of bed?" "Are you experiencing any dizziness?" "No. Can I get up now?" The Doctor gave a big audible sigh. "Very well, Captain. You may get out of bed, but please do so slowly. You must remember that you haven't been out of bed for four days. If you get up too fast you might faint." "Fine. I'll take it slow." She said, pulling back the covers and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Froma had gotten her robe from her closet and handed it to Janeway, who put it on and tied it around her waist. Then, slowly she pushed herself off the bed with both hands and stood. The Doctor stood directly in front of her, perhaps in anticipation of her falling. She didn't fall, but she did feel a wave of lightheadedness. It didn't go unnoticed by the Doctor. "Captain, are you alright?" Kathryn quickly regained her composure. "Yes. I'm fine. Can I go into the other room?" The Doctor threw a glance at Froma San. "Alright, but please allow one of us to escort you." "Fine. But I can manage." "Just humor me, Captain." The Doctor told her. He stayed almost next to her elbow, even through the doorway as she entered her living area. She headed for the nearest chair and sat down. Trying not to appear too tired. "Congratulations, Captain." "Thank you, Doctor, Ensign Froma." She acknowledged. "Is it alright if I stay up for a while?" "Of course. Just don't tire yourself out too much, Captain. Remember, you're not completely well yet." The EMH rebuffed her. Janeway gave him a slight smile. "I know. I'll go back to bed in a little bit. It's just that it feels so good to be out of that bedroom, and up and about..." "I understand, Captain." Then the EMH turned his attention to Janeway's "nurse". "Please see to that the Captain gets some more rest. She's still restricted from duty, and I don't want her looking at a Padd or a computer terminal. Is that understood?" "Yes, Doctor. I'll see that she rests." "I'll see you tomorrow, Captain." The Doctor said, then left. Janeway turned in her chair to look at Froma. "Was he serious? I mean about me not being allowed to read a Padd or look at a computer terminal?" "What do you think, Captain?" Froma asked. "I think he was serious. Would you really tell on me if I disobeyed him?" "Under the circumstances, yes I would. You've been very ill, Captain, and I don't want to see you have a relapse or become worse because you disobeyed the Doctor's orders." She told Janeway. "Is that all?" "No. Chakotay would have my hide if I allowed you to do anything that might jeopardize your recovery." "Oh." Kathryn said, the light dawning. "You're more afraid of what Chakotay would do, than the Doctor." "Yes I am. Now I think you've been up long enough. You need to get back to bed and get some more rest." "I'm tired of resting." "Are you trying to tell me you don't feel just a bit tired after your walk?" Kathryn wanted to lie to Ensign Froma, but she didn't think she'd get away with it. "You seem to see right through me. No, I guess I can't deny that I do feel tired. I'll go back to bed." "Good." Froma said as she helped Janeway to her feet and held her Captain's elbow as they slowly walked back to Janeway's bedroom. By the middle of the next week, the Doctor had finally given Janeway a clean bill of health and had declared her fit to return to duty. As she sat in her ready-room pouring over reports, and absent-mindedly sipping a cup of coffee, the door chime rang. "Enter." She called without looking up. Someone approached, but said nothing. Kathryn looked up to see Chakotay standing in front of her desk. "Yes, Commander. What can I do for you?" She smiled up at him. He was standing with his hands behind his back. He brought them out in front. In his right hand were two pink roses. He handed them to her. "Oh, Chakotay. What are these for?" She asked as she rose to accept the flowers. "Well, one is for your survival when that alien entity had taken over your cerebral cortex and you almost died, and the other is because you managed to recover from what could have been a potentially fatal form of torture." "I see. So now, every time something happens where I'm near death, I'm going to receive an additional rose?" "I'm hoping that we can keep this to a minimum of two." "Oh." She said as she came around the desk. She stood in front of Chakotay and placed her hand on his chest. "I never had a chance to thank you properly for that backrub you gave me when I was sick." "You're entirely welcome." Chakotay answered. "Uh, huh. I had an interesting conversation with Tuvok a couple of days ago." She began. "Oh?" the response didn't sound like surprise. Chakotay knew about the conversation with Tuvok. "I gather from your reaction that you already know what it was about." "I'm not sure. Do you want to enlighten me?" Janeway smiled. "He said that if I felt the need to enter into a personal relationship with a member of my crew that I should do so, bearing in mind that things go slow enough to allow the crew a chance to get used to the idea. What do you think?" Chakotay grinned now. "I think it's sound advice. Were you considering such a relationship?" "As a matter of fact, I am. Oh, Chakotay." She sighed as she leaned in against him. Instinctively he put his arms around her, then he bent down to kiss her on the lips. She didn't resist. She responded in kind. When they parted she kept her head on his chest. "I don't suppose I could get another back rub out you to ease the pain and soreness in my neck?" She asked. "You want me to stop the pain?" He asked her. "Uh huh." She replied. "Glad to oblige." He said, and they strolled over to her couch. He laid his healing hands on her shoulders and began to meticulously massage her.
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