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undefined Legion Of Darkness Page
"To Uphold The Spirit Of The Furre And To Defeat Injustices Large Or Small."

Hey there. I suppose from coming here you are wondinerg about Legions Of Darkness. Well we have some stuff posted but it's not alot, so keep coming back. Members, come back frequently to see what has been posted concerning you here or on the main page. It's a small guild right now anyways so remember to come back, OK? Until then, go back by clicking here. But . . . since I guess this page would be REALLY boring without it, I'll show you whose all in this guild.


Leaders Council/Members Branch
Lim-Dul Guild Founder 999 pts.
Shaaku Guild Founder 999 pts.
Ignacius Member 26 pts.
Mayara Member 10 pts.
Ice Monk Student N/A
Lucia Bane Troop 12 pts.
Clotho D'Saeris Member 5 pts.
Evyssa Member 5 pts.
Decka Not Specified ? pts.
Kaerkish Member 5 pts.
Taeya Member 5 pts.
Sadey Member 5 pts.
Please don't mind the mess. I am learning here and I can only pray for your patience as I get this all clean and tidy. And remember, this is just a beginning guild. We still have to get a lot more members. The ranking system is up and everything you need is in Legion.Zip (I need to learn to post downloads). Oh, and if you are wondering anything about events, contact Lucia for any info. Thanks a bunch.



My dear friend Mia Ow has begun a guild called Nemesis for mercenaries, theives and spies. Anyone coming to this page is deeply urged into joining. It is a great guild with a great leader. It's new and needs members. Mail Mia Ow for info.

Ranking System

Well, we cleaned up our act concerning the way we rank our members and that is with a point system. The deal with this is that people who come don't take a high rank because they were here first. However, people who are TRULY advanced fighters can make points quickly and therefor get high up. So don't worry, it's OKAY. I know it's hard to be a great fighter and be stuck with a shitty rank. I've been through that and I am going throuhg it right now. I also feel your pain when you are forced to spar with someone who doesn't know what they are doing. We try to match our furres evenly. Blandish, if you are listening, take some classes on how to fight before you criticize me because your words won't be taken lightly.

Members! If someone is getting in your hair about whatever reason, let us know, because that is part of what this guild is about, watching out for our members.

Next Priorities
  • Furcadia Friends, Allies
  • Ranking System
Got anything to say? E mail me!