![]() ::waves:: Hi! My name's Tenteki Yuugyo Seirei, but you can just call me Ten, okay? I'm 14 years old, and am from a lake somewhere near one of your oceans--what? Oh, yeah, my skin. ::blushes:: Well, I'm a water elf, and in order to camaflauge, we need to have skin like this. If someone looks up at us from below, we blend in with the sky! ...or, at least, we used to. My clan evolved a bit, so it's harder for us. ::shrugs:: But we're strong. Oh, my clan was found out by Chibi Ningyo. You can visit her to meet elves like me, or a mermaid or princess or lots of other things. My parents are over there somewhere, too. And then there's my best friend, Miranda, who's a mermaid. ::frowns:: I don't think the fairies over there like me much. They say I talk too much. I don't talk too much. Do you think I talk too much? I don't. As I said, I'm a water elf, so I looooove the water! I can swim for hours on end, and sometimes I sleep in the water. I don't like salt water as much as fresh water, but water is water. I can't stand the deserts to the south and east. That's way too hot, and they don't have enough water. What's wrong with those desert elves? They actually live there! ::scratches head:: Oh well, their loss. Hm, what else can I tell you? Oh yeah! If you go to Chibi Ningyo's place, you can read about a school called Dragonflight Academy. It's really cool. Mom said that she'll let me go there when I get older. I can't wait. Oh, DA is filled with mages--it's a total mage-only school. What magic do I have? ::grins:: Water, of course! I can make it appear at whim and splash people and stuff, but Mom says I need to work on my control. Dad says that I'll probably get everyone in my dorm wet at night. I don't think so. Oh, yeah--my magic is a lot stronger around water. If I'm in the ocean, for example, I can call a tsunami and wreck a town! I think that's why Mom and Dad live far away from the ocean. ::laughs:: Soooooo... um, there's not much else to tell you... oh yeah! I used to be one of the clan hunters. Water elves eat a lot of fish, and since fish are kinda small, we have to catch a lot. ::beams:: I caught a lot. But then Mom sent me over closer to DA so when I'm 15, I can go there. I can't wait! Oh, I said that already. Hmm. Well, since I'll just be repeating myself from now on, why don't you just leave? Nice talking to you! Bye! ::waves:: Name: Tenteki Yuugyo Seirei Chibi Ningyo's Anime Page |