He starts walking and opens a door, and gestures for you to enter. You do, and notice a huge blue dragon sleeping on a dragon couch. "The One and Only Zadoth," G'rin whispers. You exit, and he does so also, closing the door gently. "I used to be a real pain," he admits to you. "But then I Impressed Zadoth, and he had a few ideas of his own!" You grin and he nods. "Zadoth told me that I was being rude to everyone except him and everyone should be equal, and he finally broke through my stubburn head. I Impressed at Seascape Weyr, by the way. Used to be friends with Jordin, but he's a real brat now, 'specially since what he did to his sister Kailin. Didja hear she tried to kill him?" Your eyes go wide and he nods. "So I stopped hanging around with him. My parents were born in Nerat, in case ya want to know, but moved to Seascape when I was young." He sighs. "I never expected to be Searched, so I was real haughty and confident I'd get bronze." He rolls his eyes. "I guess Impressing Zadoth brought me down to Pern, huh?" He shrugs. "Well, I made a new friend. He's a bluerider, and his name's K'rin." He grins at you mischeviously.
"There's nothing to see here other than Zad, so I guess you can leave if ya want." You shrug and decide to, noticing on your way out a green flit sleeping on a cushion.