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Oh My Goddess!!

Ninja Master Miss Keiichi

Ninja Master

Miss Keiichi

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[Ah My Goddess Soundtracks]

[Ah My Goddess Anime]

Keiichi, our hero is a good looking but unfortunately short guy and he attributes his inablity to find a girlfriend to his lack of height. One day, when he was forced to watch the house by his seniors he called for pizza delivery service and ended calling Heaven instead. After which, he got visit from Angel Belladandy who asked him to make a wish. Keiichi, thinking that it was all a joke, wished that Belladandy would stay with him forever, imagine Keiichi's surprise when his wish was granted!

And the story goes on with Belladandy fitting into Keiichi's life and school, out pops two of Belladandy's sister. One determined to separate Keiichi and Belladandy and the other trying her best to get them to express their feelings for each other.

Later in the story, one would realised that Belladandy and Keiichi's meeting is not so incidental after all as everyone assumes and there's quite a touching story behind it! All in all, a fantastic manga suitable for all ages!

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[I want to write an online review about this book!]

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