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The classroom is filled
With all sorts of people
Like the boy with the big ego
Brought up to be spoiled
His matching pair
The thin twit with blond hair
The football players
Although they score bad
Just the smallest thing makes them mad
The class clowns
Yes they're there
The one who likes sheep
The other who eats bugs
And the tall one that cracks jokes about women's "Jugs"
They all make the school interesting
Amusing in a way
Knowing that they'll be the same each and every day
But what about that quiet one that sits in the back
She nothing like the jocks, preps, gangsters and geeks
She hangs out with her group, the school freaks
She is the smart one
Being unique
Though to us, her future seems very bleak
She has hope, she doesn't see
How it could be
Her motto is "Life sucks"
But she could be successful
In one way or another
Or she might become
A fucked up mother

