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The Wall Between You and Me

There is a brick wall between you and me
There's nothing left I can do
I've done everything I can to be there for you
You care only for yourself and you don't see
So now there is a brick wall that's between you and me

I've shed so many tears, so many nights
I've given up friends and so much
I've tried to earn your love and to show you I care
But you don't even see that I'm there
All that can be
Is that stupid brick wall that's between you and me

I'll continue to wait and be patience for you
I'll wait an eternity if it'll prove that it's true
I've already given up two years of my life
what's two more, I know it's not right
I shouldn't be waiting, I should try and move on
I wish there was a tree
For me to climb that wall that's between you and me

My fingers bleed from clawing at the cold stone
Words are written up on it, words of my love
It's tall and grey, impossible to see
over that wall that's between you and me

There is but a single door, made out of the finest metals
Along it line vines and soft rose petals
Only one thing can open it
Thats the key to your heart
The one thing I wish to own, the thing that's tearing me apart
You hold that key
to the door in the wall that's between you and me

I pray nightly for a change, that this is just a phase
That one day when you're older, you'll come back
Our time is running out, you're leaving so soon
I'll miss you and be here, in case you change your mind
The only one that knows is God and his perfect time
Hopefully he'll be merciful and agree
That the wall shouldn't be there, the one between you and me
