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My Online Buddies!

This little page is deticated to some of those people who've been there for me and helped me out. They're my online friends, but their just as awesome as my real friends. Some of us have been there for each other through the toughest times, and others I'm still getting to know better. So here ya guys go! (I'll add more people later)


Lindsey's awesome. She's from Texas, and she's got personality. We've been through some rough spots recently, but still managed to work everything out. She's been here for me through one of the hardest times of my life and I thank her for that. She's a tuba player, and real hard core on band (CHOIR'S BETTER!!!) She's been kinda a sister to me. Oh! And I forgot to mention. She's completly boy crazy. I've never heard her say a guy was ugly or even unattractive.


This is a girl I've know for a long time. We've been close for about three or four years now. She's from Maryland. And she's definatly the most real person. She's punk rawk! She's loves Offspring about as much as I do, if not more. We've had our kicks and giggles with a little online game involving Dexter (inside thing) She's also been helping me lately with issues. Oh yeah! and thanks for the firework! Maybe God will listen now, he had to have heard that! :-)


Andrea's kind of my advisor. She's older than me by a lotta years...she's a college student. And she seems to understand what i've been going through. She's been here to listen to me complain about boys, and I've listen to her with her problems too. I've known her for almost a year and half. She lives in New Jersey and she works in a hospital, from which i usually talk to her from, on her shifts. Thanks for being there Andrea!


Her and I just clicked from the moment we started talking. She's from Arizona like me! And we're both like madly in love with Lance from N' Sync cause he's just the coolest. And I hope her and I can find some time to hang out together, cause that'd be kick ass. You rule Nina! Keep up the good work on ur page!


This is Jessy, she's totally wicked! She's a Dom Monaghan fan like I am, and a lot of fun to talk to. She's a great artist and I think she's gonna far with her art, and hopefully her acting. Wouldn't it be cool to act in a movie together? I love ya, Jessy!


This is Frank. He's the one who's full of funny wisdom in my Livejournal. He's a great friend and he's a lot of fun to talk to. He's part of Heather and I's little insomniac night group Hobbit Fanciers Unite. He's a pothead but he's still cool. He beat up Gandalf and he's the fanciest hobbit of them all.


This is Matt #3. (Matt #1 being my friend Matt from drama, Matt #2 being the twin of Clint) He's from NC, which he has labeled "the butthole of the US" Totally fun to talk to and a real sweetie. It's fun to flirt with him