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Footprints In My Heart

I thought my world would end when he brought me down
Then I met you, and your jokes got rid of my frown
I went to your choir concert, and you blew me away
I knew you were special, I realized it that day
There was something about you I knew I could trust
The more I got to know you, the more I understood it wasn’t lust
We talked on the phone every now and again
I knew I’d found a really good friend
When someone close to me had his life cut short
I had no one to turn to, no last resort
You held me close and told me things would be okay
I really didn’t know what to say, but I thank you to this day
When I blurted out and told you “I love you” in haste
I still remember the warm smile that was on your face
At last years graduation, when we watched the fireworks together and before I went home, when we held each other
I knew it was another memory I’d always remember
When I make a huge mistake, and put our friendship on the line
It all worked out, and you forgave me in due time
We have something special, even if you can’t see
Just how much your friendship means to me
I’ll never love anyone, the way I love you
You are my first love, and I know my love is real and true
I’ll wait forever and do whatever it may take
Because God has shown me that you are my soul mate
If we were together, nothing could tear us apart
Because of all the footprints you’ve left in my heart
