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When You Really Love Someone

Have you ever had the feeling that you were so in love,
you'd do anything just to be with that person.
To be with them from the second you woke up
Until the evening, when you would finally lay in their arms and drift into sleep
Has there ever been someone you cared for so much
That their well being is all you hope for
That the first thing you notice about them is not their looks
but something inside them that makes them unique
You love everything about that person from the inside out
You love the little things about them
You love the way they smile
You love the way they laugh at a joke
The way they take time to make other people happy
The way that they are sometimes really quiet in the morning and loud that afternoon
You take interest in the small things they enjoy
You want to support them in everything they want to do
When you really love someone
You want to be there for them when they are upset
You want to be the one to hold them
You want to be the one to make them smile again
One day you will love someone who will take your breath away
That person will hold your heart, whether they accept that or not
And one day, that person will realize what they've had all along
