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School Violence

They force the work to battle emotions
Their methods are unfair and cruel
People are favored for their social status
Students are killing
Peers are dieing
Eyes turn to the media as the culprit
Why do they do this?
The longer it takes
More teens can't wait
Bloodshed is drawn
Something is wrong
If only administration would pay attention
School violence is caused
By the teasing and cruel taunting
Parents call it bullshit "It happened when I was in school too."
Yeah, but tell us, how easy was it for kids to get a hold of firearms
They've done harm, to sound the alarm
Teen terrorists have smarts
Scientific tests have proven it
Maybe soon this country will open its eyes
Notice that the media crap is lies
When kids come home crying
Month after month, year after year
Until they can no longer shed a tear
They want revenge and they want it now
Rid them the pain with a deadly blood stain
Killing them seems to be the only method how
What can you do with a teen gone mad?
Look at how bright the future could have been
But lost in the lunchroom, one dreadful day
The student comes back to make his enemies pay
One shot of a gun, the battle has begun
Only because another kid thought making fun would cause no harm

