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Buffy Links

updated 3/6/05

General Show Sites:

Buffy Guide
Recaps all episodes of Buffy and Angel. Lots of other great resources like pictures and links and forums.

Recaps almost every ep, include link to transcripts, collages, memorable quotes; also story arcs.

Television Without Pity--Buffy

Boils and Blinding Torment

Buffy World

Site dedicated to the musical episode of buffy, "Once more, with feeling."

Buffy News

My Favorite Fan Fiction:

Single Authors:

Moon Madness

The Pepperverse
Her LJ
Mr. William Series

Willing Slave
Jodyorjen's fanfics.

Fool For Love
Fanfiction and more by Shoshanna.

Shadow Saberkitten's Buffy Fanfics
Nothing new in a while

Forbidden Love
Fanfiction by Kantayra. Regularly updated.

PaganBaby's Smuttacular Fanfics

Love's Last Glimpse
Stories by Eurydice.

Echidna's Pen
Mostly AUs by Echidna.

Kallysten's Fics.

Beautiful Freak--Xionin
Beautiful Freak--Pattyanne

Blonde and Dangerous
Fanfiction by Seablue.

Every Night I Save You

Moxie Fic

When Buffy Smiles
Mrs. Muir's Fanfiction

Authors hosted at Bring on the Bloodshed:

Eternal Rendezvous
Jypzrose's Fanfiction

Dancing Lessons
Cousin Jean's Fanfiction

Heart and Soul
Tiana's Fanfiction

Archives and Award Sites

Spuffy Awards Shades of Grey Awards

Spuffy Archives

Buffy/Spike Central

Buffy & Spike Diaries

Blondie Bear

What's New at The Crypt

Nocturnal Light

All About Spike

Non-buffy authors

Eon at

Monkey Lady monkey lady's blog
