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Holidays with the Fam

For Thanksgiving, my family drove from home to MInneapolis to pick me up, then drove to the Black Hills--all in one day, with the dog in the car! i don't think we will be attempting that again. But at least we were with family.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Mom, Dad, Aunt Donna, Holly, and Jessica.

Jessica: Man i'm tired. i think i'll flop right here.
Holly: Yum, knitting.

Christmas 2001

This christmas, once again, we were all alone. Last year Grandma and grandpa and Donna and jessica came to our house for christmas. so this year, nope. I got lots of presents, more clothes that usual. I got the mp3 player i wanted; it's pretty!

Dad and i both got new office chairs for christmas. we assembled them soon, of course. His is green velvet and a Lazy boy. mine's purple and doesn't have arms. but it's comfy and wheely! And as usual, holly looks stoned.

"I'm a cow, can't you see, that i live in the country, moo moo, I'm a cow..."
I got this cow mask thing (I like cows), so i posed for a picture. It's almost too embarrassing, though.

Ginger: Look what I got for Christmas--a yummy boot!

I'd been trying to get a picture of ginger, but she just won't stay still and look cute. so i have to look cute with her.

The "Post"-Christmas Party

On the 26th we had a party at Jessica's house and had a gift exchange and dinner. Laura and I spent the night, then the next morning my family came and we headed for skiing.

susie, Missy, shanda, laura, Jessica, Lacey, in the "sitting room"--there's no TV!

Same people, plus me. and the spinning wheel! Lacey and I were getting warm sitting in front of the fire.

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