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Keystone 2002

Okay! I finally got around to doing this! i scanned these over spring break, but since i didn't get anything done that week, including this, i've left it up till now. now being an afternoon i don't want to do my homework. hehe. these first three pics are from tracy; she took them with her digital camera. the rest so far are mine, that i took with a disposible camera b/c i alwyas lose or break my camera. i've gone through many in my life. So, Keystone! not the best conditions this year, or housing. we were a bit cramped.

My cousin jessica, in our van.

Tracy all ready to ski! or all done for the day.

Tracy's mom Penny.

the day we went to copper, i think, holly got very cold so we went inside and her toes were black and purple. i warmed them up for her. you can't tell from this how bad they actually were.

Tracy and holly at the Chinese restaurant we ate at for holly's birthday.

Tracy, me, and Jessica.

HOlly the birthday girl displaying all her gifts.

Next Up: Jen, how long have you skied?