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My SpongeBob SquarePants Page!

SpongeBob is the coolest sponge in all these parts! Never seen it? Well you'll have to! Updated showings: MOnday through Friday, 5 pm/4 central; new eps friday night at 8/7 pm through 10/19; and Saturday and sunday mornings at noon/11.

New interesting Link: The Church of Spongebob. It's quite extensive, with hyms and scriptures and stuff. i haven't read much of it. also it was featured in teh July 12, 2002, issue of Entertainment Weekely, also on Sarah's xanga.

My birthday was in March, and my friends surprised me by decorating my room--with spongebob stuff! streamers and plates and one of those things that say "Happy Birthday!" it's still all festive.

Words to SpongeBob's theme song!
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? (SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!)
Absorbant and yellow and poreous is he! (SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!)
If nautical nonsense is something you wish, (SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!)
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! (SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!)

Isn't that a great song? I thought you'd like it. You can download SpongeBob's song at his website. Be sure to listen to it so many times that your whole family will know the words!

Just a note:
I'm in college now, and i've seen lots of support for Spongebob around here. I bought one of the little boys' Spongebob shirts from target, and it's cool. and i bought my dad one (in men's sizes) for his birthday! He might get some funny looks wearing that. Also, Spongebob has a CD! wow! he's really hit the big time.
Josh has a cool SpongeBob website. it has lots of links to more sites. Josh's SpongeBob SquarePants site. You'll notice from the URL he fancies himself SpongeJosh.
Also, i've started a weblog for spongebob at We need more people to join! and you can check out my weblog at shelly327's xanga site.
Sarah's great SpongeBob Page!

SpongeBob's home page: I got the pictures from there. This is the current site!
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