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Astronomy Camp 2000

Astro camp was fun! Now on to the pictures.
(This background in no way represents what we looked at with the telescopes. Everything we saw looked a lot different from each other. Grasp my sarcasm. And no offense.)

The third or so day of camp. In the lounge of the dorms. by the way, this is Maria, looking oddly subdued. At this time she had yet to discover how much i crack her up.

Blast Off!

We launched rockets, if you have forgotten. Here is Dylan, Chris, Jeff, and John. (the classic butt shot. Not that that is what i was going for...)


Now you see how i brought out the hyperness in Maria. I apologize to her parents. Even the bathrooms excited her. Or something did. Also marvling at Maria are Maria (from Mexico) and Jackie.

You gotta love panoramic. The Tuscon mountains from the rocket launcing/soccer field.

There are many telescopes on Kitt Peak. Try to count them all! (I'm kidding.)

We traveled in 15-passenger vans. These two (Eliza and Maria) look mighty cheery dispite the fact that we all just wanted to leave Kitt Peak and go back to Tuscon. "It's cold! We're tired! We're hungry!" Poor counsilors.

Maria from Mexico was one of my roomies on Mt. Lemmon. She really loves her blanket. And there is nothing wrong with that. Okay?

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