Buddha Quotes Two...
than a thousand pointless words is one saying to the
point on hearing
which one finds peace. - Gautama Buddha"
"Though one were to live a hundred years without
wisdom and with a mind
unstilled by meditation, the life of a single day is
better if one is wise and
practises meditation. - Gautama Buddha"
"Be urgent in good; hold your thoughts off evil.
When one is slack in doing good
the mind delights in evil. - Gautama Buddha"
"Do not think lightly of evil that not the least
consequence will come of it. A
whole waterpot will fill up from dripping drops of water.
A fool fills himself
with evil, just a little at a time. - Gautama Buddha"
"One should avoid evil like a merchant with much
goods and only a small escort
avoids a dangerous road, and like a man who loves life
avoids poison. - Gautama
"If there is no wound on one's hand, one can handle
poison. Poison has no effect
where there is no wound. There is no evil for the non-doer.
- Gautama Buddha"
"All fear violence, all are afraid of death. Seeing
the similarity to oneself,
one should not use violence or have it used. - Gautama
"If you don't disturb yourself, like a broken gong
does not vibrate, then you
have achieved nirvana. Irritability no longer exists for
you. - Gautama Buddha"
"Like a cowherd driving cows off to the fields, so
old age and death take away
the years from the living. - Gautama Buddha"
"Neither naked asceticism, matted hair, dirt,
fasting, sleeping on the ground,
dust and mud, nor prolonged sitting on one's heels can
purify a man who is not
free of doubts. - Gautama Buddha"
"What is this laughter, what is this delight,
forever burning (with desires) as
you are? Enveloped in darkness as you are, will you not
look for a lamp? -
Gautama Buddha"
"Look at the decorated puppet, a mass of wounds and
of composite parts, full of
disease and always in need of attention. It has no
enduring stability. - Gautama
"An ignorant man ages like an ox. His flesh may
increase, but not his
understanding. - Gautama Buddha"
"Those who have not lived the holy life, and have
not acquired wealth in their
youth, grow old like withered cranes beside a fishless
pool. - Gautama Buddha"