Self Honesty... The only way
to dissolve past experiences, which are deeply imprinted
on your conscious or unconscious mind and to free
yourself of the mind's limiting and erroneous structures,
is to become aware of them, look at them, and understand
them in their full scope and depth. This can be done only
if you are truly willing to face yourself in absolute
candor, and dispense with any hankering after what you
should be, as opposed to what you are. Again and again I
have to repeat that this cannot be done if you moralize
with yourself. Constant self-moralizing, which often
happens in subtle, devious, hidden ways, keeps you from
understanding that which causes misery in your life. The
misery is always self-produced; it never comes from
outside, no matter how much it may appear so on the
surface. |
Your Life... So often man
says that life is difficult, and painful; that life is an
ordeal, confusing and puzzling, that there is no meaning
to it. In this attitude and belief he pretends that he
and life were two separate factors. They are not.!
Whatever life is for you, that you are yourself. Whatever
your life appears to you is an exact facsimile of how you
experience yourself. Your personal life, as it manifests
for you, is a conglomeration of all your attitudes and
traits. It is the greatest error possible, and one of the
most fundamental ones, to believe that you are one thing
and the life you are put into is another. This is not so.