Personal Practices That Put Anxiety Out of Business... Always strive to remember that there is neither one thing practical, nor wise, about any state-of-self that punishes you; even when, as in the case of anxiety, it sweetly promises to release you once you've done its bidding. So, regardless of circumstance, know that the following is true: All anxious emotional states are secretly against what are your own True best interests. This means more than may be considered at first glance. Pernicious and pressurized feelings not only compromise your physical health and happiness, but in your unconscious cooperation with their torment and tyranny, these anxious feelings also steal from you what is your God-given inner-potential to be a Real individual possessed with Real will. All self-compromising inner-pressure has its unconscious cause hidden deeply in the secret chambers of our own thought-nature, which we continue to mistake ourselves for. The proof of this finding comes with seeing that anxiety is a latent psychic force within us: it pops out, and upon us, any time some exterior condition permits its painful appearance. It's possible to learn how to use this same
latent inner-tendency -- that now serves to punish you --
to not only put anxiety out of business forever, but to
help you develop Real will and individuality. Allow the
following five practices to show you how to start
reclaiming your own life. Work diligently with them. Use
them until they reveal to you how to stop being used. |
A set of resources provided by Guy F. with
many articles for printing. The link provided here is off site. |