Seven Ways
to Make Nothing Out of Fear... Here are seven
separate Higher Facts about the proof and the possibility
of the Fearless Life. Taken alone, each of the following
statements supplies insight into the seemingly
impenetrable darkness that surrounds any fear. Taken
altogether, these Higher Ideas reveal a whole New
Understanding that penetrates fear's protective shell --
dispelling both the feared and the fearful at once. The
Light that remains is Freedom.
1. You can either spend your life struggling to protect
yourself from your fears -- which is the general
existence of the unconscious masses -- or -- You can
learn how to use your life to discover that, in reality,
there is no self to fear -- and that the world perceived
by this shadow-self is but its own unreal shadow.
2. How can something feel so real and yet not be real at
the same time? Consider the child scared of the dark. His
fear is real, but it's based in what isn't.
3. It is possible to know so much about the nature of
fear that, one day, it simply runs out of ways to make
you believe in its shaking.
4. Self-awakening, and the New Freedom that attends it,
begins within seeing through what is not real, just as
freedom from the terror of a nightmare begins with
discovering you've been asleep having a bad dream.
5. No fact is frightening unless it runs into conflict
with what you want. When this happens, the fear is not in
the event -- but in you -- who has decided that in order
to feel secure, life must jump through your hoop. So, the
fear you feel is in your hoop, not the fact that life may
have jumped unexpectedly.
6. It is in your power to discover that who you really
are has nothing to fear, but that you make yourself
fearful each time you look outside of yourself for some
power to make you feel fearless.
7. Your only true enemy is those descending forces which
want to use you, without your knowledge, for their
devolutionary purposes -- a principle one of which is to
keep you in living in the dark; to effectively blind you
to the existence of another set of Ascending Forces which
not only want you to know their Plan, but that want you
to enjoy the Freedom that comes with becoming a conscious
participant in it.