10 Small
Steps To Real Self Knowledge... Volunteer
for deliberate spiritual growth by daring to venture into
the unknown. It may surprise you to discover that the
circumstances necessary just for you, and for your
continuing inner development are much closer than you
think! For instance, start with the following 10 Small
Steps To Real Self Knowledge. Agree to step into these
unknown moments and then step back. And watch how new
confidence, unshakable courage, and higher intuition make
their way into your life changing it and you, forever.
You Venture Into The Unknown Each Time You Agree To:
1. Be alone when you don't feel comfortable being with,
or by, yourself.
2. Stay quiet without any distractions of one kind or
3. Get up in the morning when you wake up, even when
there's "nothing to do".
4. Leave the dining table while still feeling a little
5. Refuse to run pleasing mental movies about a hoped-for
brighter future when facing those boring reruns of your
present life.
6. Ask nothing of God but for Himself.
7. Dare not to tell someone else how he or she failed to
live up to your expectations.
8. Leave at least 24 hours between your wish to correct
someone who has angered you and that moment when you
decide to confront him or her.
9. Agree to assume more responsibility than you think
it's possible for you to handle.
10. Answer the moment the way you really want to. Without
explaining to anyone why you answered it in the way that
you did.
* For additional spiritual benefit you're encouraged to
work with the following exercise *
Each day, at a point and time designated by you, go on a
one hour retreat with nothing. Find a place where you can
be by yourself and meet the hour alone and unknown. Spend
this personal time without bringing anything known into
it with you. Just be you, whatever that brings with it.
And it bears mentioning that you can't fail at this
exercise. To attempt it is to venture into the unknown.
If you'll do this much, the Truth will take care of the