More Truth... Everything
on this earth has purpose or meaning in life. Most people
have some sort of idea floating around in their heads of
needing to do something, but how does a person actually
do this "something" whatever it is? IT can be
rather vague. There are those who take this inner urge
and work to become a business or social success and yet
may find it is empty. There are those who use religion to
further their means and get lost in the process of trying
to save something or someone. As Lewis pointed out in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, "...the patriotic Archbishop of Canterbuty, found it advisable -" " Found what?" said the Duck. " Found IT," the Mouse replied rather crossly, "of course you know what IT means." " I know what 'IT' means well enough, when I find a thing," said the Duck, " IT's generally a frog or a worm. The question is...what did the archbishop find? " So what is this IT that so many use to further themselves at the expense of others and themselves. There are those who use violence or war to fill the void of IT. The military is one of the biggest contributors to the never ending search for IT and causes many soul injuries. The other is the government. (And actually, if you stop to think about it...they are joined at the hip.) There are those who hurt others in an effort to get ahead and use the end result or "gain" to justify the means. Hmm...large corporations and Wall Street may fit the bill here. Many people buy stocks never realizing just how and where that dividend is produced. My personal choices here for that award includes Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Ted Turner and Kathy Lee and numerous Martha Stewart, Enron and World Com have been added on. All of the above ways are really a very poor second to the reason for living. Success in this life is to live unto others as you would have them do unto you and be a beacon of Hope and Light to this world. (Or at least a candle sized flame.) Let the real beauty of your spirit be a beacon of light for others in this world of duality that mankind has created. Show others by your actions and speech how to live. Be a positive role model for others. Don't preach or try to convert. Just do.... Force does not work. Again, actions speak louder than words. If they don't get it, that is their choice. And not your problem. There's an old saying " can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink..." Remember that. Besides...there are many paths...and many lessons... Choose joy and embrace what we have been given. Show a passion for living. Keep it simple. Love life and all that it is and you make your own "heaven". Light your candle for all to see. Ignite the flame of your heart. You will find it can change your path and bring you that much closer to the truth. Reach outward and grab hold of life...then find that which is within and join them together. Join that link between All That Is and yourself. For you are within All That Is and All That Is is within you. There is no separation. None at all. Live and actualize this never ending circle that was forged from the beginning and that will endure forever. By doing this... your spirit will soar... unreasonable fear will vanish...and life becomes a path back home. The path will not always be easy. There will still be day to day problems. It will get rocky at times.... you may still fall or get sidetracked...but it will make more sense and become easier to get through those times as you gather courage and awareness. Let love and truth enter your spirit and shine in it's presence... For Love is the Law and you are one of the keys. The choice is yours. |