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  Money is a Drug Too...

When the cost of products is gently rising, as some on this forum suggest is "normal" and even good, it does not ultimately benefit anyone except those who create the money supply or those who get use of the products before everyone else. In essence, the people that create the money supply (the bankers, lead by the Federal Reserve and its private owners), are the only ones that benefit in the long-term (100- to 500-year term). The reason they benefit is because they are in a position to literally print money. When they print this money, they use it to buy the products you and I produce. Thus they are "purchasing" real assets (products created by slave labor) with bogus money (money created out of nothing and backed by nothing). In doing this they are bleeding off (stealing) the productivity of civilization for their personal gain.

Were it not for these Fed-bankers and their fiat scheme of monetizing debt, you would see all prices eventually stop rising because the purchasing power of money would cease its decline and economies of scale of the world's industries would eventually catch up with the needs of the world's population (which is already reducing in slop).

Money is no different than heroin or any other addictive drug. The global banking regime has addicted everyone to money, a bogus substitute for real value. Money is the drug the Fed-banks, including the IMF/World Bank, poison and control societies with. Because people don't feel "secure" unless they are making "more" money each year, or getting "higher" wages, they lose site of the fact that each of those Federal Reserve Notes (money) is worth less. They get more of less. But psychologically they think they're getting more. This gentle inflation of the money supply, and its insidious long-term dilution (which apologists for the system say is good), is actually a compounding, negative phenomena. Even though the inflation rate is "small" each year, the cumulative effect over the long-term (100- to 500-years) is devastating. It's a house of cards that spans generations and that only families who have Dynasty Trusts or Foundations benefit from. These are the 1-Percenters that are stealing from you through the hidden tax known as "inflation."

Thus, in summary: The only people that benefit from the current sys are the bank/gov cartel members that a) create the fiat money and b) get to spend it first. These people are a) the Federal Reserve Bankers (along with their private owners) and b) and the people that work for the companies that are financed by the government that issues the debt which the Federal Reserve Banks monetize.

Thus, as the hard-working, and basically ethical people of the world do their day-to-day chores, creating more/better products and capital (means of production), the leeches in a) and b) of above slowly, almost imperceptibly, bleed off this productivity by purchasing (and repossessing) REAL assets, especially real estate.(1)


  The article Money is a Drug Too is written by James Jaeger. More information can be found at one of his many websites.

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