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  Money is a Drug Too...

Make the media that refuses to discuss this, and other vital topics, THE number one issue and replace that media with responsible people. (See book called IT'S THE MEDIA, STUPID)

Reorganize the presidential debate committee so that it is NOT under the auspices of the TV networks. (See Ralph' Nader's new book, CRASHING THE PARTY)

Encourage scientists and more responsible people to enter Congress and other positions of power.

Decentralize the corporate media so that facts and news can be presented to all with a peer review that INCLUDES potentially all.

Handle all irreversible and extinction-level threats to the world, such as asteroid/comet impacts, global warming.

Phase out the Federal Reserve System and the IMF/World Bank. (See the details of the seven reasons this needs to be done and how it can be done without crashing the U.S. and world economy in THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND

Fund and develop plasma fusion so we have an infinite clean source of energy and are no longer in need of oil. (See ENTERTING SPACE by Robert Zubrin)

Re-establish (global) industries so they utilize plasma energy and create capital formation through the increased productivity cheaper energy will provide and no debt service will allow.

Use capital formation in lieu of bank loans for further exploration, expansion, efficiency and civilization. (See ON GLOBALIZATION by George Soros)

Explore and Colonize Mars to provide additional land (and intelligence) for the population spawned on Earth. (See CASE FOR MARS by Robert Zubrin)

Explore and colonize the rest of the Solar System which will give birth to the Singularity. (See ENTERING SPACE)

Any economic philosophy(6) that does not cause us to move in the above direction is less than desirable (if not dangerous), and/or benefits the few at the expense of the many.

James Jaeger


  The article Money is a Drug Too is written by James Jaeger. More information can be found at one of his many websites.

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