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  Money is a Drug Too...

(1) Any time there is an advance or technological breakthrough, the advance or breakthrough is absorbed by increasing prices. The product gets better, but the Federal Reserve Notes that REPRESENT the product become greater in quantity but less in value. Thus it takes MORE diluted Federal Reserve Notes to purchase greater value. Where does the excess energy go? It goes into the Fed-bank/gov cartel's balance sheet. Thus by slowly and imperceptibly bleeding off all excess productivity, this is another way the 1-Percenters (those complicit in the bank-gov cartel) are able to reposition wealth over the long-term and reduce the average citizen to a treadmill-style, slave-existence where BOTH males AND females are expected to, indeed MUST, work in order to finance what was once a nuclear family sustainable by a sole male.

(2) This is true in part, however as any Polly Associates Real Estate student learns day-one of the course, less than 2% of the world's land mass has been "improved." The next time you are on a night flight across America, look out the window and you will see vast expanses of blackness peppered with splotches of lights. The vast expanses of black are undeveloped real estate. The lights are the 2%.

(3) The fact of the matter is, that house which appraised for $500,000 is only really worth $35,000. When you issue a mortgage to your Fed-member bank in consideration of some fiat money with which to buy the house, you will pay the purchase price of that house 3 times over in the course of amortizing the loan (usually over 360 months). Thus, those who think inflation benefits the borrower are further suckers, because the amortization schedule levied by the Fed-bank (which favors principal payments until payment 277), makes up for all reduced purchasing power caused by Fed-inflicted inflation.

(4) Other than studying this subject for some while, I have first hand experience observing the activities of several people in my family who work, or did work (two are dead now) in the banking business and the investment banking business. The later is a relative related to two cousins who married Rockefellers, the family that founded Standard Oil of New Jersey and later Chase Manhattan Bank.

(5) Another way of wasting the excess productivity of the civilization is through war. (See THE ROTHSCHILD FORMULA codified by G. Edward Griffin at Were too large a percentage of the world's people to become wealthy or less frantic (hence able to THINK CLEARLY), it would pose a threat to the status quo of the 1-Percenters who control the world's CAPITAL (and I include as "capital" not only the traditional elements such as human and natural resources, money, means of production and equipment, but also governments and the Fed banking system). Thus the War System is useful in dissipating any excess productivity and/or creativity of human slaves. Also, the 1-Percenters endeavor to monopolize the industries that destroy AND heal. This is the military/industrial complex AND the medial/pharmaceutical industry, respectively. Case in point is the Rockefeller Group which funded many, if not all, of the mainstream medical colleges across America and thus placed themselves in a position to indoctrinate graduating physicians into the "wisdom" of subscribing pharmaceutical drugs at the conclusion of every health or medical interaction. The Rockefellers then went on to establish Chase Manhattan Bank, which funds war efforts, directly or indirectly. So the financial philosophy is to make money building war machines and make money healing people hurt by the same war machines. For details see WORLD WITHOUT CANCER available at Amazon or Barns & Noble as well as political and economic materials at and

(6) Or goals, plans, programs, projects, products or statistics.

  The article Money is a Drug Too is written by James Jaeger. More information can be found at one of his many websites.


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