A Way to
Become Aware... The more
aware we become, the more intuition develops for us. The
more we can access our intuition, the faster we grow and
change. The key is to understand the language of
intuition. How can you tell if the 'inner voice' is
God's, other beings, other people's projections or your
own judgmental thoughts? The tips below will help you
discriminate and discern the TRUTH.
Read the list over often and get a strong sense of how to
discern higher guidance. Expand your inventory of how you
sense the higher or lower information that comes into
your physical and non-physical senses.
obedience or surrender ----- suggest, advise - you make
your own decisions
conflict with one's personal ethics ----- no conflict
with personal ethics
create fear, negativity ----- create love, inspiration,
are generalities, long winded ----- are relevant, short,
intelligent, unique
are conditional ----- are unconditional, appropriate and
natural to you
appeal to curiosity, ego ----- appeal to goodwill,
beauty, unity
from confusing, competing voices ----- from still, single
knowing voice
affirm ultimate authority for itself ----- counsel
surrender to higher power
require no personal effort ----- need personal effort
from subconscious ----- guidance from the Soul
emotional desires, glamour ----- higher spiritual
benefit the receiver ----- benefit the good of the whole
fixed interpretations ----- many levels of interpretation
create dependencies ----- create interdependence
promote separation ----- reflect oneness, wholeness,
are self conscious ----- are other conscious
affirm mediocrity ----- promote making a difference
reflect a part of the whole ----- reflect the whole
emotional, mental ----- are intuitive
focus on things ----- focus on essence and values
result in loss of self ----- result in self discovery
focus on desires, wants ----- focus on soul needs
address individual ----- address community
deal with form ----- deal with symbols, truths
concerned with self will ----- reflect divine will
create victims ----- require accountability
are sporadic ----- are disciplined
stress ----- create peace of mind
are personal ----- are impersonal
are restrictive ----- are expansive
are particular ----- are universal
are controlling ----- are allowing
focus on self ----- focus on others or Soul
focus on destination ----- focus on process
are exclusive ----- are inclusive
are judging ----- are accepting
scattered ----- are focused
are limited ----- are unlimited
focus on material ----- focus on spiritual
are reactive ----- are proactive
are concrete ----- are abstract
focus on past, future ----- focus on now
deal with personality ----- concern Soul
produce inertia ----- generate growth
stuff in ----- draw out
focus on
quantity ----- focus on quality
are selfish ----- are altruistic
are superficial ----- are deep
create resistance ----- create flow
focus on lack ----- focus on abundance
are static ----- are dynamic
focus on me ----- focus on humanity
create illusion ----- reveal truth
focus on work ----- focus on service
focus on
mine ----- focus on God's
use force ----- use power
focus on effect ----- focus on cause
take ----- give
produce fear ----- experience love
emphasize doing ----- emphasize being
The Initiation
program will
significantly enhance your ability to use intuition
effectively. Imagine the confidence, self trust,
creativity and power that can be