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Page Dedicated to the Great Sioux Nations

This page I have added 02/07/2000
I am adding to this page only sites that speak of the REAL History
The REAL TRUTHS & Injustices!
This site was not meant to offend, but to bring about awareness!!
There are no "flashy"graphics here....just the links!

Some History Links

Wounded Knee pages

Our culture & our beliefs are not for sale! Ours are thousands of years old! ~ Fight exploitation of our culture by New Agers & Wannabe~NDN's ~
None of them care to live on our reservations, none of them care to take on our problems, they only want the "romanticized" side of Native culture! NOT THE REALITY

AIM, Camp Justice, Oyate pages

In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse

A Few Leonard Peltier sites

Misc. Sioux Nation Related Web Sites

Tribal Sites

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Image by KodaWolf

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the midi playing is "Unforgiven" by: Metallica

Thank You messege From KODA-WOLF

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