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KODA Speaks Out

About this page

I decided to add this page to voice my opinion on a web site that was emailed to me. I will place the link below & request that EVERYONE PLEASE LOOK AT THIS SITE! It is an OUTRAGE!!!!! The 2nd link is about the site and how many supporters of the site they estimate & contains the email address.
~~ I would like to ask everyone who reads this page to take a few minutes & respond to this page with their opinion. This type of racism is a slap in the face to all of us NATIVE PEOPLES!!! ~~
OK, I dont care if this is a PARODY! Its still perpetuating racism!
My words here may seem harsh, but no worse than those by Landover
So, why don't you voice your opinion on this HORRIBLE WEBSITE described to be just a PARODY!!!
Send your comments to their webmaster
If you read the entries in their guestbook,
you will see a lot of white supremist entries and lots & lots of HATE towards people of color!
And they claim it a parody?


Here it is --- BE PREPARED TO GET UPSET ---


Native People Speak Out!!!

I hope that this site will motivate you to voice your opinion! To SPEAK OUT!!! To let everyone know how you feel about being the subject of such a degrading site!!!! We are about to reach the year 2000, and this trash is still allowed to conitue, in various forms---- professional sports teams, and National holidays like COLUMBUS DAY, THANKSGIVING & 4th of July (UN-independence day!!) the hollywood stereotypical cowboys-n-indians movies, just to name a few.

My Letter to the webmaster of Landover Baptist Church


How I See It

I see Thanksgiving as America's 1st form of WELFARE & the recipients were the pilgrams!!! Our ancestors really should have let them starve!!!

who ever made the statement-- MY HEROS HAVE ALWAYS KILLED COWBOYS!! -- yep, I Like that one...lets make it a bumper sticker!!

Columbus Day-- They beginning of slavery & genocide of the true CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....begun by someone who was lost, had no clue as to where he had even landed!And yet, our GOVERNMENT honored this greedy, bigot & slave trader by making a national holiday!!

Why don't we have Crazy Horse Day, Geronimo, SittingBull, Chief Joseph, Sequoya,or any other GREAT NATIVES honnored by a National Holiday?


A Little Native Justice!!!!! (perhaps we need to do more of this!!)


Native Sites Against Racism & Injustices


Something Else To Speak Out about






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Education Of Little Tree- written by a White Supremist

Here are 2 articles I would like for everyone to read, about the author of the children's book- Education of Little Tree.
What is Known About Forrest Carter?


My guest book- you may also put comments here

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