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Speaks Out2

This page will be a page I am sure will offend many out there! However, it will also be the page to seperate the WANNABE'S & NEW AGERS from the SKINS

This is the page where all the relatives of the Cherokee Princess Grandma's will hop off!!! This is the page that will flood my email box with angry words!


Please don't tell me all about how your Grandma was a Cherokee Princess!! (One more & I think I will gag!) There was NO SUCH THING AS A PRINCESS!

Please Don't call me anything other than my name! AND ...By the way....MY NAME ISNT POCAHONTAS, Squaw or any other name you think is funny!

Please don't tell me how wrong MY people were & I won't tell you how wrong YOUR people were who immigrated here!

Don't tell me that my kids & I are going to burn eternally because we surely don't know your Christ! My ancestors never killed in the name of Creator! My ancestors NEVER tried to take away all that your ancestors believed, but were punished & killed for not giving up who they were by BIRTH! and conforming to the beliefs of the immigrants!

Please don't ask me about getting an Indian card, unless you will help me get a WHITE CARD!

Please don't tell me that this country stands for FREEDOM & EQUALITY, cause if you believe that, then you never been on a REZ!

Please don't tell me that you went to a pow wow and that you are Indian now and wanna go on a spiritual quest! And please don't ask me to tell you about sacred ceremonies! And I don't want to know what New-Age book you read and learned all there is to know about Native Spirituality now!

And dog-gone-it....take those dyed blue & red & green chicken feathers out of your hair when you are asking me where my feathers are!

Ok, how many are still here?

My words seem harsh? Just trying to get a point across.

Don't tell me all about how good us Indians have things! Not til you been spit on, or jumped by 2 or more just because of the color of your skin or because you have long hair.

Don't ask me to "break out the peace pipe" and lets smoke one!

When you have went to the store & a stranger tells you that you "need to get rid of that Indian baby, cause, sure they are cute when they are that age, its when they are old enough to steal hub caps, is when they stop being cute", then you can tell me what it's like to be Indian. (I will refrain from using the word-for-word quote that I was told)

Don't tell me what it is like being NDN unless you have been called numerous names at your place of employement -

EXAMPLE- Has your boss every handed you data entry work & said "here redskin, give this to the white girl 'cause she can read & write" (pardon me, I maintained a 4.0 gpa 3 out of 4 terms in college)


"We kicked your red #sses once, we will do it again"

or how about this one.......

"You know, in my book NDN's are lower than blacks" (these are direct quotes heard daily by supervisors!)

or how about this from fellow employees:

"How could you be proud to be from a people who did nothing but rape, steal & kill!"

Until you have felt what it is like to be singled out, put down, humiliated all because of the color of your skin, or your heratige: I don't wanna hear you tell me how good us NDN's have things!

Until you have lived on a rez and experienced 1st hand the real life experience of being NDN today...don't try to tell me what it is like to be NDN

And until someone has made comments to you about your children, Don't tell me how good NDN's have it today!

Links of Truth

and more links...........

Image by KodaWolf

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