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This page is from my heart. My thoughts, my writings, my tears. My writings are very personal, but I chose to include these onn my page because of all the things I have seen, Nations losing their identies, their cutlures, their histories & most of all THEIR CHILDREN! The gangs, drugs, alcohol - all curses of the People who invaded this country! My writings were not meant to offend, they are my own feelings & my own tears, they are my experiences. Koda 10/22/99 these writings are not to be copied or rewritten in any form- partially or totally without my expressed written permission

If Our Grandfathers Were Hereİ

If our grandfathers were here,
What would they think?
A culture they died trying to keep,
I'm sure they would weep.

They would cry out seeing you drink
They would cry out because you dont think

If our Grandfathers were here,
What would they think?
To see their grandchildren teaching
their grandchildren to drink.

They would surely weep.
As you are in a drunken sleep.

If our Grandfathers were here,
What would they think?
They wouldnt see you dance....
Nor a shield and a lance.

They would surely cry,
As they watch the old ways die.

If our Grandfathers were here,
What would they think?
The little ones left alone,
While casinos invade the lands that were home!

They would surely cry out!
To see you, when you shout!

If our Grandfathers were here,
What would they think?
The babies born and given away
Such dismay.

They would let their tears fall
If they could see it all

If our Grandfathers were here,
What do you think?

written by: D. Clem
10/22/99 (KODA-WOLF)
this poem has won several poetry awards & is also on file in the Library of Congress,
A cd containing this poem put the music accompaniment to be available sometime in summer of 2001

To Our Warriors & Womenİ

I wandered through life always searching.
Not knowing who I was or what I should do.
What is my purpose here?
Then the answers slowly came.

To give of yourself,
To love,
to learn,
to teach that which is learned.
Helping when possible,
never refusing a request.
Creator put us here,
we are all unique,
all individual.
We are all beautiful.

Why all the suffering & pain to such a beautiful people?
What did they do?
So unfair.
It wasnt Him,
it wasnt His work.
He cried out when his beautiful people were being slaughtered & persecuted.

Now is a time for the grandchildren of those to take a stand,
to change history.
To stop the persecutions,
to stop the slaughtering,
to stop the poisoning.

Now is the time for the New Warriors to come forward,
to stand up!
To learn & to teach their grandchildren!
To bring back Honor & Respect.
To remember that which   has passed,
and bring it back!

Warriors, put down your bottles of poison.
Warriors, take a new lance & a new shield,
paint a new history!
A re-birth!
A time to bring back the old through the new!!

Warriors, paint your shields with your visions!
Gather your strength, gather your power!
Gather your people and dance!
Gather your children & sing out!
Cry out,
let your voices sing out loudly for all the universe to hear!

Warriors, sing your song!
Sing out loud!
Warriors dance your dances!
Dance them proud!
Your Grandfathers are watching & listening.
Warriors, its time to make your grangfathers proud!
It's time to honor them!

Women, you are the life-givers!
Love yourself!
Love all that is around you!
Women, its from you the future comes! Women think!

Women, teach your children!
Women, be strong.
For your powers are great!
Women, sing out!
Women, teach your children the songs!

Women, it is time to stand by your Warriors. The battle is beginning and they need your love,
they need your stregnth.

Women, sing songs for your Warriors!
Pray for your Warriors, and your children!
Women love your Warriors!

Warriors, look at your Women.
They sing for you!
They pray for you!
They stand at your side!
Warriors,   protect your Women!
Honor them.
They give you stregnth when you are weak. They give you their medicine,
oh such a powerful medicine!

Warriors teach your children the ways!
Teach them the dances!
Teach them to sing out!
Teach them to call out to their Grandfathers!

Beautiful People,
come together,
become one Nation!
Become strength,
Become a loud voice!

Beautiful People,
erase the corrupt ways of the ones who made your Grandfathers & Grandmothers weep.
Put down the poison!
Take up Honor instead!

Beautiful People--
Love your people.
Love who you are!
Never forget where you came from!

Beautiful people be proud!

written by Koda 10/23/99

A Message for ALL Women

This ribbon placed here in memory of a special woman.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month...however...this ribbon shall remain on my site.
Please get your regular check-ups, please do breast self-exams, because This KILLER does NOT care if you have family history of it or your AGE or RACE!!!!
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Please take a stand & help make history -
Sign the "pledge card"Click here

please take a minute & go to this link CLICK HERE (click on the pink ribbon today, Yahoo! will donate $1.00 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation)
this link is good until Nov.15,2000

click here for info on Ornament for Breast Cancer

Women's issues & related webpages

Native Health Issues, Clinics & Healing Sites

Native Childrens sites (also adding new page on N.A. Scholarships)


This next list of links I decided was very important to include on my site. Some may condemn or criticize my site for adding this section, but in the days of our Grandfathers & Grandmothers-- the TwoSpirits were held with HIGH RESPECT among their people, in many Native Nations! Condemn me if you wish....its not my place to judge people or what they believe or how they live their life!! ~ KODA ~

~ If you have a 2Spirit site & wish to have it included in my links-- please email me the URL & title of your site KodaWolf ~


Or you can visit ANY of my pages:

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