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Commonly Used Words

Anime: a common abbreviation of the Japanese term for animation.

Arigatou: Thank you

Baka: stupid, fool, idiot

Bishoujo: a beautiful or pretty girl

Chibi: a short person or kid

Demo: but

Doko(ni): where?

Domo: very much

Ecchi: mildly perverted

Eigo: English

Fuku: clothes, uniform EX--> Sailor Fuku

Gomen: sorry

Hai: yes

Henshin: transformation

Hentai: extremely perverted

Hiragana: one of the Japanese phonetic alphabets, used for native words.

Iie: no

Ja ne: bye

Kanji: Chinese characters as used in Japanese, with different meanings/pronunciations

Katakana: one of the Japanese phonetic alphabets, mainly used for borrowed words.

Kawaii: cute

Konnichiwa: good day, hello

Kowai: scared, afraid, scary

Kudasai: Please

Manga: Japanese comics

Minna: everyone

Nani: what?

Nasai: sorry

Ne: added to the end of a sentence to say "isn't it?" or "am I right?"

Ohayo: Good morning (or Ohayo gozaimasu to be polite)

Onegai: Please

Otou-san: father

Owari: the end

Piku: to shake or tremble

Romaji: The English alphabet, when used to transliterate the original Japanese words.

Senpai: elder or upperclassman, can be used to honor someone. EX--> Higashi-senpai

Senshi: warrior or soldier

Seiyuu: A voice actor or actress

Sayonara: good bye

Sugoi: cool!

Sumimasen: Excuse me, as in inturupting someone, not as in bumping into them.

Tomodachi: friend


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