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Computer Stuff Light

Useful Links for Homepages
Where to get e-mail-addies

Where to get an account for a Homepage
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

Where to get GuestBooks
GuestWorld - it is free

Where to get Counters

Here You can get your OWN Chatroom to place it on your HP
Have your web-page checked. The basic tests are free
Have your wep-page registered on 16 search engines

General Collections for Homepages, HTML-Stuff, Graphics, Tools etc.
Doubleclick - it is simply great
Follow the subtopics 'Web Stuff' and 'HTML Stuff'
you'll find nearly everything and get lost in the links, it's amazing where it can lead you to
Lin's Collection Lin did not only a great job with her collection - she did a beautiful job too. You'll love it

"NCSA (at UIUC) Beginner's Guide to HTML."
HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen (german language)
HTML for Beginners (The server is often down)
RGB-Color Tabels I and more links
RGB-Color Tabels II

Graphic- and Icon-Collections

Useful Links for Surfing in the net
Internet-Acronyms I What does that abbr. mean? (english and german)
Internet-Acronyms II Abbr. and smileys (english and german)
Internet-Acronyms III -What does that abbr. mean? (english and german)
Map of the World Time Zones (Standard Time - no daylight time!)
Local Times around the World
More about TIME - a real big collection
Die verschiedenen Kalender (german language)
Maps - around the World, especially USA

Computer goes smiling
Sometimes you may feel like this about your comp
Did you ever think about the gender of your computer?
Did you never feel this about your computer?

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