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This week, on a very special Clone High...

Hey hey! so i'm making a Fan page for the tv show "Clone High." it'll have lots of fun stuff when i have time to make it. for now, here's some of the lyrics to the theme song by Abandoned Pools.

Way way back in the Nineteen-Eighties,
Secret Government employees
dug up famous guys and ladies
and made amusing genetic copies.
Now the clones are sexy teens now
They're gonna make it if they try
loving, learning,
sharing, judging,
time to laugh, to shiver(?), and...cry...
a time to watch...
Clone High
(other stuff...)
who am i?

There's a place that you can go to
and it's never very far
Famous people you can live through
If you don't know who you are
Why, there's so much to live up to
Expectations are so high
I'm not crying, it's my contact,
There must be something in my...eye...
You all must watch...
clone high
inspired and organic?
clone high
plausably dramatic?
clone high
more fun than watching static
clone high
where am i?
clone high

Cleo?: (someone,) i love you! shhhh.
Mr. Butlertron: Where are my bitches?
Joan of Arc: you've changed, abe.
Ghandi: best dudes forever, abe?
Abe: Well i'll just leave you two alone because it looks like you are about to DO IT anyway!
JFK:I'm a kennedy! i'm not accustomed to tragedy!

I'll see you at...clone high
i can't escape my name
clone high
well that's the price of fame
clone high
life is just a game, that's why
clone high
whispered: U.S.A.



All, or maybe just most, students at Clone High have been cloned from famous people, as the theme song explains. But they don't try to BE the person they are cloned from. Many are distictly different from their originals for distinct reasons. Some look to their originals for inspiriation. But mostly, they are their own person.

Abe Lincoln
21st century Abe is very tall and skinny. in fact, he has no shoulders. He also has nice sideburns and a goatee. Abe has been friends with Joan of Arc for a long time, I'm guessing most of their lives. His best guy-friend is Ghandi. But Abe constantly covets over Cleopatra. He has to fight JFK to win her over. His parents are a normal couple.

Joan of Arc
The women on Clone High are very oddly shaped. Joan's butt sticks out a lot, and she has a very skinny waist, and smallish boobs. Apparently she developed these boobs over the summer, before this season started. Her attitude is kind of defensive. She wears combat boots and likes to hit people. by people, i mean Ghandi. She is in love with Abe. After a few eps, she builds up the courage to tell him a few ways. but abe is totally oblivious to this because of his obsession with Cleo. Joan was raised by Toots, a male, blind clarinet player.

Ghandi is a short, crazy party dude and class clown. He became this way because he knew he couldn't live up the real Ghandi's life. Besides wanting to party but not really getting invited to parties, he likes the ladies. he also doesn't get any of those. But he tries. I'm not sure if we know who Ghandi's parents are. When he was younger he gave up one of his kidneys to save Cleo's life, but she totally doesn't care.

The a-typical snobby girl, Cleo knows every guy wants her. She is shaped like Joan, but with bigger boobs that stick out of her white tank top. Her guardian is this drunk old lady. "Cleo's drunk foster mom" and Toots had a secret relationship.

JFK is the a-typical jock, jerk, stupid ladies-man. He fought Abe for cleo. He records a music album for every holiday in his recording studio. His parents are two gay guys, which does not bode well with his misogynistic attitude. (did i spell that right?)

Principal Cinnamon Scudworth
Not an actual clones, Scudworth is the principal of Clone High. He was appointed by the shadowy figures to control the students, i guess. He has some crazy times.

Mr. Butlertron
Butlertron might have been created by Scudworth. He calls everyone "Wesley." Speaks in a robotic voice, since he's a robot and all. But he has a personalility, too. He's scudworth's best friend.

Shadowy Figures
Government officials who give scudworth assignments.

Announcer Guy
This is just the voice who says "tonight, on a very special clone high..." at the beginning of every ep. he says some funny stuff in the recaps of previous and future eps.

Minor Cloned Characters:
George Washington Carver: he has a peanut man.
Jesus: Yep.
Gingis Khan: A very large, stupid oaf. Abe and Ghandi try to use him to buy beer, but he was too stupid to not tell the cashier that he's not 21.
Catherine the Great: Nailed by JFK in an ep. "or should i say...catherine the so-so!"
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Moses: MLK and Moses engaged in a fake argument about Ham and cheese sandwiches.
Marie Curie: a large, kinda deformed woman. she's on the dance team with Ghandi. She wanted to go to prom with him, but she goes with Rock Hudson (who we never see, but hear at the prom he is teaching Oscar Wilde how to play pool. hehe).
I'll think of some more later.


Just a few.

(these are only from a few eps, although i've seen them all now, except 11, which i can't find to download.)

Joan: Ya know Abe, I've been thinking. I want to date a lot more this year.
Abe: uh huh, yeah, i want to date Cleopatra. She's attractive, smart, athletic, good-looking, she's hot, photogenic, she takes pride in her appearance...I guess what i'm trying to say is... I admire her commitment to community service.

JFK: I'm a Kennedy! I'm not accustomed to tragedy!

Abe: Cleo, I have something important to ask you. (Cleo looks all eager, b/c she thinks he is going to ask her to the prom)Cleo, will you do me the honor... of giving Joan a makeover so she can get a prom date?
Cleo: WHAT?!?

Abe: Joan, would you make me the happiest guy on earth, and accompany me to...the mirror so i can give you a makeover so some other guy will go to prom with you?
Joan: Oh Abe, of course I'd--make what now?

Abe: Joan wait! You forgot your sexy vampire teeth!

Abe: I asked Cleo to the prom and she said yes!
Joan: How is that a question?
Abe: Well, Cleo wants to have (whispers) S-E-X, on prom night. But i'm really nervous and i need some information so i can make an imformed decisions. Do girls' parts need some sort of oil, or equipment like cotton balls or wooden dowels?

Abe (at the prom, with date cleo): I'm definitely not worried about sleeping with Joan.
Ghandi: Cleo?
Abe: Who?

Cleo: I'm having such a magical night in the meat locker (the theme of the prom), I can't wait to see the magical meat in your locker...
Abe: Cleo, or lockers are...

Coming soon:

-More Character stuff
-Fun Quotes
-other stuff. i guess.

P.S.: i stole the background from check them out for funnier character discriptions. and do ya like these colors?

Clone High Links

Official Clone High Website
Website from creators, with more behind-the-scenes stuff.
My Home