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Mountain Applets


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Let others cheer the winning man,
There is one I hold worth while;
Tis he who does the best he can,
Then loses with a smile.
Beaten he is, but not to stay
Down with the rank and file;
That man will win some other day,
Who loses with a smile.

author unknown

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This great photo was given to me by Joan, thank you! I have done 2 different applets because it is such a great photo. I had to crop it some to get it to look right for these applets.

This site is Anfy Enhanced<

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Click here to go to Rosemary's Homepage
Click here to go to Lake Applet Page
Click here to go to Tunnel Applet Page
Click here to go to Snow Applet Page
Click here to go to Bookflip Applet Page
Click here to go to Snow Page 2
Click here to go to Lake Page

My Favorite things about Angelfire.