Princess Kakyuu (Kakyuu means "Fireball") is the princess of the planet Kinmoku (Kinmoku comes from Kinmokusei which means "Sweet Olive") and is protected by the Sailor Starlights. She is a very wise and very powerful Princess and the Starlights care for her a lot. When Kinmoku was destroyed by Galaxia, Princess Kakyuu fled to Earth in search of the "Light of Hope" to stop Galaxia. The Starlights followed her to Earth where they searched for her. It turns out that Princess Kakyuu was hiding inside ChibiChibi's censer so Galaxia couldn't find her. When she was let out, the Starlights wanted Princess Kakyuu to rebuild Kinmoku with her power. But she told them that they must find the Light of Hope first. When Galaxia comes to Earth, she protects the Starlights against Galaxia's attacks. Galaxia eventually overpowers her and she takes her star seed. As she dies, she whispers to the Starlights to "come together". When Chaos is defeated and leaves Galaxia's body, Princess Kakyuu comes back to life and departs with the Starlights back to Kinmoku.